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About happo

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  1. Why not allow spawn point selection. Its all about player killing anyway it seems. Why not let players choose the point to spawn, so they dont have to die to zombies to respawn. Running around is just waste of time, compared to running abit and then letting zombies kill you.. And respawn, hopefully closer to where ever players want to go.
  2. happo


    Lulz some lil hacker at work.. prolly between the hours his stepdad takes a dive in his ass
  3. happo

    Why is a helicopter an ambient sound?

    ya that sound sucks beanz
  4. happo

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I agree with many gentle creatures here. Put a price tag big enough, and perma ban hackers, I would imagine it hard whining to parents to buy the same 80$ game cause the lil sweetheart hacked some.. pretty please?
  5. I can trade it for a bullet between the eyes. pm for details.
  6. happo


    How bout some rifles could have a point where to install a bayonet? A hunting knife of sorts, but with a right weapon with a slot on it, you could install it. http://www.google.fi/imgres?imgurl=http://storiesbywilliams.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/m9_bayonet.jpg&imgrefurl=http://storiesbywilliams.com/2012/06/08/zombie-weapons-addendum/&h=318&w=800&sz=96&tbnid=Xfzda-bo6viNhM:&tbnh=48&tbnw=120&zoom=1&usg=__WE3ECcbxxA7AZmz7AmWrZZs-KA8=&docid=xkmO3BHi1jKORM&hl=fi&sa=X&ei=wesgUIZQoeLhBM7fgegL&ved=0CF4Q9QEwAQ&dur=23
  7. happo

    Making forests scary at night.

    Sounds should always have a source, no background noise or some screams coming from nowhere..
  8. happo

    Bleeding forever...

    I used bandages and was still bleeding when I moved during bandaging. stay still till the bandaging is done and it should work and stop the bleeding
  9. yesterday, started spamming in the left corner"CEASE FIRE" in light blue , repeatedly. Do players put out these texts? I've seen global green text, direct text white, but these i wonder? Someone enlighten me?
  10. happo

    Why? lololol

    maybe he hops, to suit his play style..?
  11. happo

    New Enemy - Z D

    we need poodles! Hungry zombie OP poodles!
  12. Would be aaawsome to strap the water bottle in the belt. Seen loads of em in various netstores.. Or maybe get anotherkind of bottle that would go in the belt?
  13. happo

    Forrest on Fire

    Run Forrest, run..! Seen a few helis too, not sure they are legit
  14. happo

    stuck at the loading screen (again)

    I got the same problem, , sometime I can play just fine, sometimes i get the infinite loading screen try after try.. cant figure it out ==(
  15. happo

    Fire starting sources

    Been playing alot lately, and only once found matches.. I mean, most houses have matches or somekind of way to make fire. Seems a bit too rare of a drop ? Think of all the smokers, and the potheads =) We need fire!