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About zionburns

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  1. Im looking for a high pop whitelisted server to play on. Not BMRF, dayzRP or balotabuddies, i already know of these.
  2. this, i love BB but the US servers are too low on pop to keep me interested atm
  3. I know about balota buddies and BMRF as well as dayzrp. Apart from these what are the good populated competative whitelisted communities? preferably with good forum side stuff like scoreboards etc.
  4. Snipers removed because we cant deal with them QQ < basically. Snipers are OP...lets add grenade launchers coz theyre not...
  5. I just noticed that the balota buddies official forums already after 1 week have an official bounty on USS players, so if you're looking for an exceptionally effective group to cause havoc with you should look no further. The real question is...can you handle this much action?
  6. zionburns

    Experienced player LF large active clan

    to all those who replied, thankyou but i have settled in well with USS.
  7. recently joined these guys, definately the group to be with!
  8. zionburns

    Experienced player LF large active clan

    Thanks but im looking for a clan that operates on hive servers, perferably chenarus.
  9. Hey, I am an experienced long term player, previously solo up until now. I'm looking for an EU/mixed clan with an active dayZ community to do more large scale operations with. I'm very bored of playing on my own, having to run for hours only to get sniped while trying to find some good gear, was killed by a hacker a few days ago and find almost everything is camped by snipers these days, its dayz, its expected and i love that, but id quite like to be able to gear up and join the fight rather than be trying to take on 5 guys in camo with snipers and machine guns using a winchester -.- P.S. I am also a youtube caster, so would be more than happy to film our operations to make some cool videos with for my subscribers.
  10. Hi, basically i stopped playing dayz after the public hack got released because every game i went in id be doing well, finding nice stuff and then id just get ported, death matched, killed by invincible people etc. Im assuming the hacking is still a major problem so im looking for a well populated private community/open community server to play on.
  11. zionburns

    Looking for clan

    Hi, I would say im a semi-experienced player looking for a clan, I have been alive for a few weeks now and finding the game a little lacking on my own, too afraid to tackle bandit heavy areas on my own (atleast on populated servers) and finding no challenge in small towns. Play style - mid to long range Weaponry - both military (not saying on forums) Player condition 7000ish blood Well stocked Play style Passive, i wont avoid combat if it comes to me but i prefer to let other survivors live provided i dont feel threatened or they are not after what i want. Notes: Open to banditry if the clan is good. Will not join unorganised clans that do not have websites - i am not going to just "meet you" to die to your sniper buddy. After another gillie suit after losing mine after the recent patch =[
  12. zionburns

    Stuck on creating character ! Help

    im still getting this problem on most if not all servers.