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Everything posted by dallebull

  1. dallebull

    Loading Chernarus+ in A3?

    Trying got get the 0.60 map to work in A3, Since i cant get into a server and want to see all the changes.... Which of the files aren't supposed to get included? I had it working before (<0.50?) but only replacing the same files in the /addons folder doesn't seem to work, when i load A3 with C+ (and no other mods) i get an CTD when trying to load it in the 2D or 3D editor. I Redid it from scratch but the old tutorials doesn't seem to work either. I haven't tried it since the A3 update with the new loader and editors, might be broken now. I allways used this way to check out map changes before (it's a hell of a lot nicer from the air), And i hope i'm doing something wrong at my end. Any help is greatly appreciated!.
  2. dallebull

    Loading Chernarus+ in A3?

    https://gyazo.com/9f126c79b03507ca9813b3da88a96ce1 Soooo?... You probably need assets for the new buildings/stationary vehicles as well, The weapons/UI might be unnecessary but as i said i followed an old guide that only excluded some of the files and moving everything else from 0.6/addons doesn't seem to do the trick. PS. Those files were hard to fit in one sceen. even in 2560. xD
  3. Im mad as hell atm... Died 4 times in about 2 hours of the new patch, and i can't even sign up to report it in the bugtracker.... APPLICATION ERROR #2800Invalid form security token. This could be caused by a session timeout, or accidentally submitting the form twice.First i Died from a single zombie punch with Energized/Hydrated/Healthy Status, fully geared at NWAF. Then i Ran from three valleys to Rify* , Changed shoes and fell trough the deck, died instantly. Thirdly, i tried to change shoes in the electro Firestation, just to test, same thing happened, the character fell to his death. And just now after spending another hour getting north from three valleys and checking out Svetlo and the new Town North of NEAF, i insta died for no reason when i ran into one of the garages behind the firehouse (SE 0-1 HC if someone wants the gear..) I do know that's its an alpha and i'm playing on experimental, but these kind of bullshit bugs did not exist before the latest patch.... *Yes i spelled that wrong, happy?
  4. dallebull

    Instadeath! +Bugtracker problems...

    Specs: Amd 3570k 7950 Dc2 7950 Wf3 8 Gb ram Win 8.1 64 Bit AMD 14.2 Beta V1.3 Thanks for the help. That boat.. Went back there, and up on a ladder, when i wanted to get down there was some motors in the way that i had to vault over, the same time a saw that i could reach the ladder from there, pressed the scrollwheel and space at nearly the same time and my char lauches himself into the water, just broke a leg tough, today isnt my day... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rN2kBJp6t4 (OBS Suck.. Choppy vid)
  5. dallebull

    Instadeath! +Bugtracker problems...

    Yeah, that would be perfect, just paste the form and i'll fill it in. Tried to replicate the shoe bug when recording but that time it didn't work. :/ The time i instadied when running into the garage i got "legPainAche" in red as i died. Same thing when i died from falling trough the boat/firestation, but then i at least fell.
  6. dallebull

    Instadeath! +Bugtracker problems...

    Read the post, i posted the error from the bugtracker when trying to create the account. "Please..."
  7. dallebull

    Instadeath! +Bugtracker problems...

    Lols, you got me there. Rify*
  8. dallebull

    Negative mouse acceleration

    Yeah, but Mouse Smoothing isn't Negative mouse accel... Mouse smoothig makes the mouse fell "sluggish". Negative mouse accel is when you pull the mouse for a full turn, but you do it too fast so you move less than you should, perhaps a 1/4 instead of 1/2 turn. This creates huge problems when aiming fast. cuz you can't predict how the crosshair will move and you have to SEE when you shoot instead of doing it on feel, like in BF4. This mainly affects high sens players, that wanna snap aim, but still, it shouldn't be present at all.
  9. dallebull

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Who wanna get chased by fat zombies anyway? :(
  10. Does anyone know of a way to set a button to either on or of? Like W... press the macro key once to autorun and again to toggle it off. Other macros are no problem, but i cant seem to find an toggle button option :S Having a saltshaker on the spacebar sucks :/
  11. dallebull

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    if you think that an older version is better, feel free to rollback with Dayz Commander... And stop the bitching..