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Everything posted by JustThatEpic

  1. JustThatEpic

    New Chopper Spot

    "Bow to me, mortals."
  2. JustThatEpic

    ip adress

    I want to see that mustache in the standalone...
  3. JustThatEpic

    sniper damage

    That's 12 people with a high powered sniper rifle. For an average server (usually 30 players), nearly half of them would have a high powered sniper rifle? I'd say at least 4 or 5, no more than 6.
  4. JustThatEpic

    Satchel charges - stay or go?

    Do you even know what you just said?
  5. JustThatEpic

    Melee is now Pointless

    Alright then, that's your decision. It's not really something worthy of "I'M GOING TO STOP PLAYING". You only spend maybe 3% of your player's life using a melee weapon, and then you get a gun and keep progressing.
  6. JustThatEpic

    Melee is now Pointless

    The only thing you have to do now with melee is be careful. In a zombie apocalypse, you wouldn't be running around a city recklessly and not expect to be eaten. The game is getting harder, and that's a fact we all have to accept.
  7. JustThatEpic


    What a waste of camo clothing...
  8. Wait... you mean we'll have to ACTUALLY SCAVENGE?
  9. JustThatEpic

    The Server Count is Too Damn High!

  10. I agree (1.7.7). Just reading some of the devblog comments kinda pisses me off, but what do you expect from the Youtube comment section. I think most people who play the mod have their own variations of what they want the standalone to be, and when you have all these ideas and arguments and critique it gets annoying. Ideas are great, but let rocket breathe.
  11. I think that's a personal preference. I personally like the motion blur and the way it looks on the horizon. some people do have a budget.
  12. \ I hate it the most when the community "gives advice" to rocket and how they critique him. It's good to have player insight, and no player insight would most likely lead to a disaster, but they like to play "pretend game developer." "I would've done this this way." "That doesn't look right... Try this." "Oh my god why aren't you working on this?????"
  13. JustThatEpic

    Anyone interested in making a new DayZ map?

    aye aye cap'n (i don't actually want to build a map, i just couldn't resist)
  14. JustThatEpic

    The Server Count is Too Damn High!

    Summer 2012: WE NEED MORE SERVERS! Summer 2013: STOP MAKING SERVERS!
  15. JustThatEpic

    DayZ 1.7.8 "Choose Spawn", Thoughts?

    I love the gear menu. It's much better than the dull and boring one that Rocket's showcasing for the standalone.
  16. JustThatEpic

    One thing about -SA-

    Well that just sucks to be that person then. If you let that one little percent in, people will take advantage of it.
  17. People who anticipating it this much (while everyone is excited for it), need to take a step back. The development team for DayZ is not nearly as large as the development team for Arma 3. The day it comes out will be a good day, but it's not going to be in the very near future.
  18. JustThatEpic

    MLG In dayz? (silly thought)

    I'm sorry but I really didn't understand what you just said.
  19. JustThatEpic

    MLG In dayz? (silly thought)

    No doubt having an MLG match or game would bring over a lot of mouth breathers to DayZ, and just add to the cesspool of morons that the DayZ fanbase has to offer.
  20. JustThatEpic

    sniper damage

    It's my understanding that the dev team wants to decrease the amount of KoSing going on in the game. The AS50 is one shot kill. The mentality of some of the playbase of DayZ is just "kill kill kill". It's just simple math. AS50 + Douchebags = KoS
  21. JustThatEpic

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I cringe a little when I see a thread about person complaining about the FPS in the standalone. As previously stated: PRE-ALPHA If you could give them a chance to work on bugs/optimization/gameplay and just wait patiently we would all have a better time.
  22. If I had words to describe this, I'd say something.
  23. JustThatEpic

    Cars explode too easy

    We all have to deal with the buggy game that is Arma 2.
  24. JustThatEpic

    ingame names and why you choose this one?

    My name in game is "Not A Zombie", just in case a bandit doesn't kill me on sight.
  25. JustThatEpic

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    In the market for a new rig, and I'm trying to make the best buy I can. CPU - AMD FX-8350 4.2 GHz Eight Core 64 bit16GB DDR3 RAM1TB SATA III 7200RPMNVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 1GBFor it's price ($829.99), I'd say it's decent, but I'll let you guys figure that out.