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Everything posted by JustThatEpic

  1. JustThatEpic

    Hack Fest.

    welcome to the falling from 200 feet simulator 2012
  2. JustThatEpic

    So I logged in, and then this happened

    Tough luck. You should use the bootcamp sometime, and next time you find a parked helicopter, you'll know what to do.
  3. JustThatEpic

    Enfield or Winchester?

    I have extremely bad luck with the enfield. I had been in a barn, my Makarov out of ammo, and I needed something to kill the zeds with, or I'd be dead. I killed all the zeds I had aggro'd and as I was leaving the barn, my legs broke, I passed out, and I died from blood loss. Another time I had an Enfield in probably Balota. I next to a barn, and I had heard gunshots. I naturally take shelter in the barn and try to wait out the fight. Turns out the fight was taking place in the barn I was in. Next time when I see a fresh dead body, I'll think twice about running into a building. Anyway, I say Winchester. I'll even say the DB Shotgun is better than that cursed thing.
  4. Well, at least you saved those guys a few rounds of ammo. You can say you helped someone, I suppose. But that was a nice shot.
  5. JustThatEpic

    WTF Global/side chat removed?

    The only reason I like sidechat servers is because I feel so lonely when I play, and I like to make a good joke or two with some guys on the server.
  6. JustThatEpic

    WTF!!!! A glitch gave me 2 characters

    You should leave out the fact that you disconnected next time. You're not going to get help, but you are going to get hate.
  7. JustThatEpic

    How to find a gun

    Don't instantly run inland, try to loot in any place you can on the coast, and then make your way north. And axes aren't such a bad first weapon. They're silent and a one hit kill against zombies.
  8. My legs had broken in Kamorovo and I crawled past Balota, trying to make my way to the hospital and cherno. But sadly I had been taken down by a horde of zombies. What I'm saying is tough it up and loot the airfield. I bet you'll find a morphine
  9. JustThatEpic

    Where can we find beartraps?

    Not a lot of people have found bear traps... This is a good sign.
  10. JustThatEpic

    Good game. Bad lag.

    I imagine it will be better in the future, but you'll just have to tough it out for now.
  11. JustThatEpic

    Steam Summer Sale

    The other day I checked the stats and there was over 400,000 unique players. Yesterday I checked it again, and it was over 500,000.
  12. JustThatEpic

    Stupid question?

    When you start up Arma, go down to "Player Profile". Make a new character and name it whatever you want, you can customize the face, give him glasses, and change his voice if you feel like playing a regular Arma 2 server.
  13. Try to guess your way out.
  14. Seems like someone's learned a thing or two from DayZ
  15. JustThatEpic

    Vehicles on server

    Not many. 99% of them would most likely be in the hands of a group of bandits.
  16. JustThatEpic


    It's a trap. (mostly)
  17. JustThatEpic

    Amazing idea to stop player killers. Thank me later!

    This seems completely realistic. Maybe the bandits will feel a lot of guilt, and become slower as they reflect on the people they've killed. Maybe you can fall into depression, and you have a risk of committing suicide.
  18. JustThatEpic

    You know you play DayZ too much...

    When you see something far off in the distance and try to zoom in on it.
  19. JustThatEpic

    Day Z in a Nutshell

    Pretty accurate.
  20. JustThatEpic

    De-Evolution of the Human Race

    If you've ever watched SideStrafe's DayZ commentaries, he says in one: "Humans are complete jerks when their own lives aren't at risk" I think that defines the situation pretty well.
  21. JustThatEpic

    Direct Chat

    If you ask anyone if they're friendly, or tell them that you're friendly... most of the time they won't answer and just shoot you, because that's how they play. I wouldn't tell anyone your friendly, either shoot them or run away.
  22. JustThatEpic

    Clan Recruiting! ^_^

    Too much chilling. I'd shoot you on sight...
  23. JustThatEpic

    Looking for 2-5man team

    Convince a friend to play with you... I wouldn't trust most people on here. Strangers are dangers wherever you are, and however old you are.
  24. JustThatEpic


    There's a fine line between realism and video games, and video games can only go inches across the line.
  25. JustThatEpic

    Perma ban people who DC to avoid death

    You make a new thread... and it only has six words... Why?