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Everything posted by JustThatEpic

  1. Found a coyote pack in the top of the firestation in cherno also found an m1014 and a revolver. got killed by a glitched zombie who I was running away from. got me in one hit.
  2. JustThatEpic

    Admin Whispers.

    Good on you for stealing from the admins. And good on them for not banning you as soon as they found out the vehicles and their precious beans were gone.
  3. JustThatEpic

    Elektro / Cherno Suicide Run.

    You have the coolest stories.
  4. Are A-10s really in the game now? We can have A-10s but not freaking choppers?
  5. JustThatEpic

    Pending Update: Build

    Rocket, sorry to bother you with more questions, but if you have a crappy connection like I do... If I disconnect from the server due to the failure of my internet, then log back in, and then disconnect again because of my failing internet, would that put me on a "timeout"?
  6. JustThatEpic

    Im that bandit....

    Where's the fun in just shooting people on sight, and not playing them on? Try it once, it's hysterical, and if you play on a server with side chat, enjoy them raging.
  7. JustThatEpic

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Get over it. Hackers/exploiters are everywhere.
  8. Hackers make the game somewhat interesting. I'm not saying I'm a hacker, or I appreciate hackers. It's fun to sometimes go along with the hell that ensues after an exploiter arrives and tears up the server.
  9. JustThatEpic

    A message to rocket.

    Because this game isn't about roleplay, it's about survival.
  10. JustThatEpic

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    Someone got killed yesterday..
  11. JustThatEpic

    Please For The Love of God.

    What if he wants to change his video options to make the game run better, or is turning down the volume?
  12. Everyone's fair game. I don't care if you're unarmed or not, if I find you and I'm in a good mood, I'll leave you with painkillers, morphine, and maybe even give you a transfusion. When I'm feeling bad, well, you'll find out the rest if I find you.
  13. If you want to kill a guy, don't kill him on sight.... Play him on. I was just on an exploited server and decided I might as well screw around, because I'm going to die anyways. I was pretty much a god because I had an MP5 and everyone else had a makarov or a crowbar. I let a guy have my revolver, and he couldn't pick it up. I was about to kill him as soon as he picked up the gun anyways, but he kept saying "I can't pick up the gun". I told him I had no use for him anymore, and he just watched as I splattered his brains on the firestation wall. I then picked up my revolver and bolted out of the back door, and got out with only one bullet wound. And now I'm a wanted criminal in the server, because they're all about friends.
  14. JustThatEpic

    Tbh, killing on sight just isn't fun enough...

    Next time I find another unarmed survivor, I'll fraps it for you, sir.
  15. JustThatEpic

    What hasn't killed you ?

    In all my time on DayZ, I have never once been killed by a player. However I did explode in a tractor
  16. JustThatEpic

    Tbh, killing on sight just isn't fun enough...

    I also got a guy killed on top of the firestation. He was standing in the open like a complete idiot, and got sniped. I then proceeded to take his alice pack and revolver ammo.
  17. JustThatEpic

    Tbh, killing on sight just isn't fun enough...

    Like I would be stupid enough to play on a man with a rifle. Most people now or too niave, and they think that anyone who says that they're friendly is acutally friendly.
  18. JustThatEpic

    Tbh, killing on sight just isn't fun enough...

    Mmm, yes quite. Would you like for me to remix it into a song as we sip on some tea, jolly ol' bean
  19. JustThatEpic

    DCing in a fire fight

    Yes, and not to mention that everyone on the internet will hate you.
  20. I was playing on US 173 today, and I had just looted the supermarket and found a revolver, tons of food, binoculars, and an Alice backpack. I continue my journey, and I attempt to loot the church in Cherno. Found some more ammo for my revolver, more food, flares, etc. I find this thing on the ground called a "Czech Pouch". Thinking that this pouch would be something I'd be able to wear around my waist like a fanny pack, I pick it up. I realize that it's just a 6 slot backpack... and suddenly... the server restarts. I sit there with my jaw on my desk thinking Oh congratulations genius, not only did you just lose your amazing alice pack, you lost a whole ton of food, water, and ammo. Thank god when I got back on the server, my alice pack was still there. I don't know why, but I'm honestly not complaining. And then comes a hacker who blows up cherno, and I luckily am in the fire station, which is really the only building he chose not to touch. So, I got lucky twice today in my run in DayZ, more than most times.
  21. Says the guy with a pony as his picture. Heh
  22. JustThatEpic

    Hackers :(

    You disconnected? Are you kidding me? If your buddy could kill 4 hackers, you could've helped out and killed more if there were any more.
  23. JustThatEpic

    Zombies? What zombies? This is pure PvP.

    Oh yeah, I've heard of a game that's player vs. player, with absolute no zombies in it... It's called the regular Arma II servers, play it, take a break for DayZ, feel better.
  24. JustThatEpic

    So I logged in, and then this happened

    You should have immediately flown to the NWAF and impressed everyone there.