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Everything posted by JustThatEpic

  1. JustThatEpic

    DayZ Stories

    I feel bad about this one, but... I was running inland as fast as I could because I had just looted Elektro and found a hatchet and a Makarov. Hatchet in hand, I came across an open building as usual, and the first survivor I had saw came running out, as if he was afraid that I would kill him. I wouldn't because I usually take pity on those who have no weapons. I only wanted to give him some bandages or some painkillers and then we'd go our separate ways. As I'm in pursuit of him, suddenly a random survivor comes busting out of the woods with a double barrel shotgun in his hands. I naturally feel threatened, but I go along with him to a nearby barn. Since he had some things that I needed to survive, my mind was telling me to kill him, take his stuff, and run. I allow him to clear out the zombies in the barn, as well as the ones who come running due to his loud shotgun. I find a crossbow, which I intended to kill him with to not alert any other zombies, but it had no bolts. Him and I loot the building, and he leads me to another double barreled shotgun. As I draw nearer and nearer to killing him, my heart starts pounding. Scenarios run through my head such as "What if I miss?", "What if he doesn't have anything I need?", "What if I just killed him for nothing?". I decide to do what I think is right. I shoot him square between the eyes, twice. As he lays unresponsive, I give him some tips and tell him I was sorry, but I needed food and water. As he wakes up, he reloads his gun, and luckily I noticed what he was doing before he killed me. I whipped out my makarov and put an entire clip into him. I told him sorry again, but I knew that I had done what most dared not to do... I killed an innocent person.
  2. JustThatEpic

    What would be your song?!?!

    Down with the Sickness pun
  3. What sniper was it?
  4. If you think about it... Loot is the only reason anyone actually DOES playerkill... I was playing and I was in need of food and water, I met a guy, I let him clear the barn we were going into, we looted it, and I killed him. It could be deathmatch, or just instinct. You can avoid all of it just by not trusting anyone.