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Atom Quark

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Everything posted by Atom Quark

  1. Atom Quark

    Soviet Russia Bit**ez

    :beans: :thumbsup:
  2. Atom Quark

    WTF my character needs to poop! Help please!

    "Leave or be kicked" "This is a pussy loot server"
  3. What a coincidence! I just got done beating a dead horse in my front yard.
  4. Atom Quark

    Someone is very happy right now

    To the guy I shot at the NWAF thread coming soon.
  5. To that hooker with the spandex and cowboy hat.
  6. Atom Quark

    help with framerate?! (specs included)

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216291078#-1
  7. Atom Quark

    This is the end of the map, my only friend, the end

    I used to love spawning out there!
  8. Atom Quark

    I need to report a haxxxer.

    Not him, it's his zombie brother.
  9. Atom Quark

    Accused of cheating

    The only person I would worry about accusing me of cheating would be Battleye.
  10. Atom Quark

    Quick question: What is Hardcore?

    Hardcore has 3rd person view removed. Only first person.
  11. Atom Quark

    Rambo in my undies

    Just messing with you biggb45s. I don't feel like running back down to the beach so I will pass on shooting you holding an axe. I do like your burlap sack mask idea.
  12. Atom Quark

    Well what the f*ck is this?

    Gates are dangerous.
  13. Atom Quark

    Rambo in my undies

    Why did you strip down to your underwear? After looking at your previous topics I understand.
  14. I was going to get all grammer nazi on you, but I figured you might rebuild jet turbines. Why did you not log off at the overwatch position? I found it odd when you said I just run down hill, get inside, and log. Sounds like you are logging out inside the buildings which is another mistake.
  15. In that one picture you got good idle at 33 then it hit 80 :o. Strange it is not shutting itself down. What temp software are you using? Try cpuid hwmonitor or one that shows all the cpu cores temp. I would also check the cpu fan make sure its plugged into the cpufan connector. If you cannot replace the heatsink I would send it back.
  16. Atom Quark

    DayZ SA : guess what? SESSION LOST

    Do you still have the same character? If I thought it had anything to do with inventory I would kill him and respawn.
  17. Temperature is very important! I rebuild my brother-n-laws pc every 3 years because he lets it get full of dust and overheat to destruction.
  18. Atom Quark

    World render Question

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216291078#-1 You will find the settings in your "username/documents/dayz" Such as: sceneComplexity=# - set it to a value between 200000 and 50000, it will draw less elements and reduce CPU load. viewDistance=# - set it to a value between 1800 and 1200, it reduces the cpu and gpu load. preferredObjectViewDistance=# - it decreases CPU load, set it to 1000 terrainGrid=# - Set it to one of these values: 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125. Higher value = Better FPS, Lower value = lower fps but a better graphic quality. I suggest setting it to 25 or 12.5 for the best performance/quality ratio. shadowZDistance=# - set it to a value between 100 and 200, reduces gpu and cpu load.
  19. Atom Quark

    Back to Berezino

    Later I bet you post a pic of your dead friend and say "was this anyone of you?"
  20. Atom Quark

    Who wants Tea and Coffee added to DayZ

    Hello fellow coffee drinker. I think your excitement about coffee and the double post may warrant you cut back drinking coffee. :) French press the coffee :thumbsup:
  21. Atom Quark

    Character restroom breaks.

    Good suggestion! We don't get a lot of new and original ideas around here. :rolleyes:
  22. Atom Quark

    banned but never cheated in dayz standalone

    Never let your little brother install the GPU.