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Atom Quark

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Everything posted by Atom Quark

  1. I copied the mod folders and used dayz launcher to check for them.
  2. I had to do the same couple of weeks ago. In steam at the top click on "Games" and the you will see "Activate a product on steam" then you enter the cd-keys. Run ARMA2 once before you install Arrowhead and run Arrowhead once before you load the DayZ mods.
  3. Atom Quark

    failed to install battleye.

    I got it working after I enabled hidden files, then go to c:\user\commonfiles\battleye and delete it. At first it was in use so I went to msconfig and unchecked battleye then I could delete it.
  4. Atom Quark

    failed to install battleye.

    Got the same problem. Done everything. Battleye pops up the cmd promp box says "battleye successful, then below it not successful.
  5. Atom Quark

    few personal wishes for future

    I just had a vision of a sniper laying down on a fire ant hill. "Your crotch is burning"
  6. Atom Quark

    Please..some sunnies that work..

    This is what the sun looks like when you have a hangover.
  7. Atom Quark

    Screen problem

    Make sure your aspect ratio is not on 4.3 but 16.9 or 16.10
  8. Atom Quark

    Pistols with magazines ?

    I remember only having the .22cal pistol with one round chambered. It was so fun and exciting trying to survive with it. Made the game fun having to rough it out with limited resources. Boring as hell to find all you need at once.
  9. Atom Quark

    Trouble adding clip to Amphibia S

    Put the pistol in your hands, then load the magazine.
  10. Atom Quark

    Strange occasional FPS drop

    Could be that "Core Parking" on the CPU.
  11. Atom Quark

    Fresh Spawn VS Hacker ( Only 1 Bullet In Pistol )

    Would have loved to be a fly on the wall when his screen went black. Great headshot!
  12. Atom Quark

    hoping to upgrade my cpu

    Aussie is right about it supporting the FX cpu, but there is another thing to look at. Under the compatibility tab it shows the processors you can use on the board: http://www.msi.com/support/mb/760GMP23_FX.html#support-cpu So even though the board supports socket am3+ CPUs, it can only handle a 95watt cpu max.
  13. Atom Quark

    How I Killed a KOS'er With a Baseball Bat

    Does the shotgun still shoot one pellet? Might be why he missed all the time.
  14. Atom Quark

    FPS issues..

    Very normal. The i7 stomps the Fx-6300 and he has a 660. Turn off turbocore and overclock it.
  15. Atom Quark

    hoping to upgrade my cpu

    Having trouble searching that MB. Is this it? http://us.msi.com/product/mb/760GMP23_FX.html Searched the model# at msi site got no results. Looks like it may only support max 95watt CPU. The FX-6300 is $119 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113286
  16. Atom Quark

    Is my internet speed fast enough to play dayZ?

    Thats not going to work. Probably take weeks just to download the game.
  17. Atom Quark

    hoping to upgrade my cpu

    10 more dollars gets the FX-6300. Depending on your motherboard you could get the 8350. If all you want or can do is replace the processor let us know what MotherBoard you have. Going intel you will need a new CPU and MB.
  18. Atom Quark

    how u call the AKM/SKS ammo ?

    My rifle.
  19. Atom Quark

    Atoc issue with AMD card

    AMD has known about it since at least 2009 with ARMA2. I gave up on that fix lol
  20. Atom Quark

    Strange performance issue please help

    Same problem in other games? AMD has their own driver remover, and reinstall drivers? TEMPS? Reset the config tweak settings? The key combo bringing down the FPS is strange. Should not have a problem with that card unless the CPU is a serious bottleneck.
  21. Thanks for using the banana scale. It really puts in perspective how big things are. Or how small.
  22. Atom Quark

    Your first kill

    Was in my inventory when the direct chat goes "Don't move or My buddy will snipe you". I took off running toward the trees and he comes out with an axe. I shot him 3 times with the .45. He did not even have a gun and no buddy around.
  23. Atom Quark

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    It has. I could actually fight two zombies at the same time with the crowbar, and it just felt right.
  24. Just remove 1st person from 3rd servers and everyone will be happy.
  25. If your balls are that large do not go in any structures, and play on 3pp so you can see over them.