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Atom Quark

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Everything posted by Atom Quark

  1. Atom Quark

    Lost my chat due to a LADDER

    Ladders are very dangerous in ARMA. Sorry you won't be playing anymore.
  2. Once you are good at the game it does not matter what you start with because you get your basic kit running around town in 20min.
  3. Atom Quark

    Worst Game Experience ever

    You still have ARMA2 to play.
  4. Atom Quark

    Being a bandit is sometimes fun :D

    Two of them and both watching the same entrance lol.
  5. Interesting I teamed up with this player last night and nothing was out of the ordinary. Actually he was the first person that yelled friendly in the game for me and ran around with us a bit.
  6. Atom Quark

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    What do you mean by fundemental?
  7. I work on all my friends PC's and before we even do anything its open the case and blow out the dust.
  8. Atom Quark

    Modem loses internet?

    Try the Six Launcher "options" and uncheck the box that says "may cause connection drop".
  9. If you have a slow connection run six launcher and look under the facebook twitter icons and you see options click that. In options there are 2 boxes checked by default (I don't remember what they said) but one of them says "may cause connection to drop" uncheck that one. I had problems with a slower connection six launcher would drop the connection when I updated or joined matches but no more problems after I unchecked that option.
  10. Make sure there is no dust clogging your card also.
  11. Atom Quark

    GeForce GT640 Video Card

    Yea that 640 has the slow ddr3 and 2 gig of it! I would get a min 192bit GDDR5 like the 550ti 1gig.
  12. Atom Quark

    Droves and droves of cowards

  13. Atom Quark


    I can see a calvary charge with the axe.
  14. Atom Quark

    Shit/Piss System

    And if you slip on a turd you break your leg.
  15. Atom Quark

    will it run on my pc?

    What is your prerender or frames ahead set to? I have mine at 2 but I see we have about the same setup.
  16. Atom Quark

    Tracer Ammunition

    "Tracers work both ways" Murphys law war quote.
  17. Atom Quark

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    Thats the spirit! So no farewell after all.
  18. Atom Quark

    Need immidiete help!

    Right now you have a dual core 2.7 with 2mb lvl 3 cache. You need a processor with 6mb lvl 3 cache and fast speed clock speed. I would start with a better processor and I remember seeing an amd on newegg that was quad 3.2ghz and 6mb lvl 3 cache and 95watt for $89.99.
  19. Atom Quark

    Red Tint when playing.

    Good to see you got it fixed. Guess if we had some blue tint with the red we could have figured out the 3d setting quicker lol.
  20. Atom Quark

    Zombie respawn time too fast

    Looted a deer stand and my teammate alereted those military zombies. No problem dispatched them with the 1911 upon reloading there were 3 more of them on me I was like SUPRISE! All I could figure out was some sort of new respawn because we always scout the area and get a zombie count and its easy around a deer stand. I guess no more barn and chicken house luring lol.
  21. Just need severs with the friendly fire off. Arma2 had it and the dreaded bananna phone so why not this?
  22. Atom Quark

    Red Tint when playing.

    In options try changing the memory options from default to high. I know someone with a 460 who had some graphical glitches (not like this) and this fixed it so you can at least try it. It looks more like some of the problems the ATI cards had when ARMA2 was first released. I am sure you have reloaded your NVIDIA drivers or revert back and see if it is a driver issue. Sounds pointless but I would even hit the screen resize button on your monitor.
  23. Atom Quark

    [SOLVED] Screen Shaking [SOLVED]

    Need to take the pain killers to get rid of the shake. If it still does it after you die then you have a different problem.
  24. Atom Quark

    Spawned in Wilderness?

    This just happened to me and I loged in again and it restarted. Thanks alot for loosing my first good character. I would be cool if I got shot but a glitch ending my character after I had it all.