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Atom Quark

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Everything posted by Atom Quark

  1. Atom Quark

    Vehicle Dust

    It would be nice when it is raining that there is no vehicle dust produced.
  2. Atom Quark

    Brilliant Idea!

    This made me think of the dart attachment in CRYSIS.
  3. Really do not need fancy physics I just need to be able to get a branch and use it for leverage to turn my 4-Wheeler back over.
  4. Atom Quark Debug .. Bug

    I noticed the same problem and also had a 10 unit a sec blood loss that was fixed by drinking?
  5. Atom Quark

    Randomly bleeding?

    Just got this myself bleeding 10 units a sec. It also does not stop at 6000, morphine, antibiotics, and 10 bandages not helping. Will try a different sever see what happens and drink sum.
  6. Atom Quark

    First gun you ever found in DayZ?

    Very first time I played found the revolver with no ammo.
  7. Atom Quark

    Will my laptop be able to run DayZ

    Download that free ARMA2 and see how it runs.
  8. Atom Quark


    I had a whole town of zombies following me into some apartments and got onto the roof. I look out and see a line of zombies and as Iam walking to the edge I throw a gernade. Did the nice throwing animation before I quit moving forward and walked right off! The 3rd story fall only broke my leg and took me down to 4000 blood but there was 20 zeds there to feast on me. Sad thing is I've played since Flashpoint and I know about this.
  9. Atom Quark

    Waste of $30 and some time

    When you whine to mommy to give you another $30 it does not make it a refund.
  10. Atom Quark

    LOW FPS 5-10

    And always make sure in options the video memory is on default.
  11. Atom Quark

    Selling AS50 Thermal ++

    Post it on E-Bay
  12. Atom Quark

    My super awesome fun suggestion thread

    I like the no 3rd person but since I cannot fly 1st person allow in helicopter. Its not a joke learn to fly.
  13. Atom Quark

    How Low Can You Get?

    Its like shooting fish in a barrel.
  14. The most unrealistic thing in the game is zombies! They don't even exist in real life, but at least grill marks do. I will not be playing anymore until rocket removes the zombies.
  15. Atom Quark

    Epic way to deal with snipers

    So how many zombie kills do you need to get the teleport perk?
  16. I aint afraid of no ghosts
  17. Atom Quark

    Green mountain?

    Friend of mine went to green mountain, and all I got was this t-shirt.
  18. Atom Quark

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    "Why are you bloody?" "Oh, I just gutted a cow."
  19. Atom Quark

    have a "killed by" in the chat

    xxx was killed by xxx, and xxx is a hacker
  20. Atom Quark

    Call in stealth bombers with nuclear bombs

    50 zed kills not even worth a free Cola.
  21. Atom Quark

    Nighttime is NOT realistic

    I can remember doing night navigation in the Marines in North Carolina and it was pitch black. There is a place I go camping in Tennessee called Big South Fork and there is nothing around but wilderness and it is pitch black also.
  22. Just talk to yourself while playing.
  23. Atom Quark


    Just wait for "World of Zombies"
  24. Atom Quark

    What is a Satchel Charge worth?

    It would be worth setting down and waiting...........
  25. Atom Quark

    Attention Dobryy Hill snipers on US 1325

    CounterSnipe time!