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Everything posted by wolffe

  1. The problem lies in our irritation at the ignorance of most gamers whom worship rocket. Anyone with experience knows Rocket is definitely no leader, barely a game developer and mainly deals with concepts. The funny thing about concepts is that anyone with an active imagination can excel in it. My friends and I could get stoned and sit around our basements and come up with ideas just as good if not better than rocket could. The point is, it's no amazing gift. The ignorant worship Rocket as some kind of second coming, and it feeds his already overbloated ego. He is not some kind of Indie gaming God. DayZ is not some revolutionary title. It is not an original idea. Rockets recent remarks shows his true flaws in character. He is not someone to look up to. I'd be lying if I said I wish him well with his new studio.
  2. No one should have ordered DayZ, until the devs confirmed in the beginning they were picking a non-shitty game engine to work with. Dean "the hack" Hall talks of "general common sense" in his recent excuse session on reddit, however was their common sense clouded by alcohol or drugs when they decided RV3 was a great idea? Knowing no technical details, anyone with "general common sense" immediately notices severe flaws with all iterations of the RV engine. I then stumbled upon a more technical-based thread on Reddit describing how something called occlusion-culling is non-existent in the engine. The basic gist of it is that the RV3 engine uses your computers resources to render objects that are miles away in game. Occlusion-culling in place makes the client not render objects that cannot be seen by the camera. Ever wonder why you get 20fps in cities? It's rendering everything at once pretty much all the time when it doesn't need to. You would think Dean "The Hack" Hall and all his superior "general common sense" would know this about the RV engines, and wouldn't hesitate to pick something better. Hell, even Unity is better in nearly every way that matters. This is why I have, from the beginning, laughed at Bohemia & Hall because I already knew how previously shitty the RV engines really are in areas that matter for gaming. What they have essentially done is decided to build a skyscraper on top of a foundation of wafer-cookies. I shouldn't question or criticize though. After all, Dean's got that "General Common Sense" going when he isn't crying about returning to NZ.
  3. Couldn't of summed it up myself. Rocket uses big words he doesn't know the meaning of to excuse away his clear incompetence. "Why has little to no major progress been done in the last 2 years?" - "Err Uhhh Its not my fault, I'm a great developer actually". Rocket tries to put up this big image like he's tough but he's just a big manchild. With all that crying it's no wonder he joined the military to make himself feel tough but in the end he's just a big baby. Since the beginning he's acted like he doesn't even want DayZ to succeed as you said. It's like he's acting as if he's had all this unwanted responsibility thrusted upon him and we're supposed to feel sorry for him because he's sad? How about just shutting the fuck up, having fun and getting down to work. He is a narcissist. If he's close to 40 years old and he's still flashing gang signs while climbing mount everest like he's 15, chances are he's an immature manbaby.
  4. You have informed me of many things I did not know before. I didn't even know Rocket spent $100,000 to climb a mountain instead of opening up his own studio. And you're right, Rocket does kind of come off as the loudest chestpounder in the room until the real combat begins where you'll find him conveniently running the other way, but that's just my opinion. The RV engine doesn't support any kind of melee at all so they will never get melee combat done properly technically or visually. We're to believe that Rocket achieved his dream of designing a game, he gets put on as project lead and the thing he's most concerned with is when he'll go back to NZ? It's probably a convenient excuse for him to get out of dodge before people find out DayZ won't be as great as he's drummed it up to be. He even admitted its a flawed design so why bother continuing then? No doubt he'll try to use his cult following later for his next big idea
  5. True. His extremist fanboys & the press have drummed up Rocket to be some kind of new messiah of gaming. In reality the guy is a two-bit concept artist at his best. Hell, my friends and I come up with interesting game concepts sitting around stoned in our basement every weekend. It's not that hard. He's not a visionary. Every word this guy says is worshipped by his extremist following. Anyone with half a brain can see DayZ standalone is a failure. Mainly its decision to use the RV3 engine killed it before it ever started. It truly is a terrible engine for nearly everything. I wanted to see DayZ succeed when it first came out as a mod, but as the years rolled by I learned the hard way that the people managing the mod (and now the standalone) are incompetent hacks. That's what upsets me the most is the sheer incompetence. DayZ deserves a professional development team and it definitely does not have one now. Rocket is definitely no team leader.
  6. Ahhahaha. You really are dangerously naive. Over 5000 posts and not a single shred of wisdom about you. All talk, all ignorance. You really think with BI's intense record of producing feature-complete titles will transfer over to DayZ? Even with Dean "The hack" Hall working on it will never make the steaming pile of shit that is the RV better. Get this through your head - unless an extensive engine re-work is done or a change to a better, modern engine happens DayZ standalone is a fail before it ever took off. Getting a few lemmings to pre-purchase Alpha does not make DayZ a success.
  7. Money doesn't matter when the leadership/administrators of a company lack the abilities to see a project succeed properly. People forgave "Rocket" for doing a sloppy job with the mod cuz it was "in his spare time" and "Just for fun using the ArmA engine". Apparently that same thinking still applies to them as any criticism of their capabilities is met with screams of "ALPHA" from the legions of DayZ drones. Most likely will be in development for 2-3 years until "Version 1.0:" releases. But knowing Bohemia, it will still be buggy as hell, be based in the crappy arma engine, still have clunky everything and graphics that make 2007 look good. Any proper businessman would see the potential of DayZ's concept, already proven by irrefutable facts, and be throwing serious dollars into its speedy & proper production. Bohemia isn't doing that. Bohemia is stupid.
  8. wolffe

    Idea: Different Type of Zombies

    More mass = more impact from blows. Plus.. Were talking about ZOMBIES so don't even start a "its not realistic" argument.
  9. wolffe

    357 Magnum, What does it look like?

    Bohemia's professional development team have been working on the 357 since the standalone was announced. Here's a picture of it in the upcoming patch
  10. wolffe


    Thats actually a hacker with god mode enabled.
  11. wolffe

    Do you think now zombies are a threat?

    They were never a threat in the mod or the alpha. Clipping through walls, or just generally being buggy messes.
  12. wolffe

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    Welcome, to 2004 (HL2). Also, here is some pre-alpha Starforge physics. Keep in mind Starforge is being made by 3-4 guys who are all 20 years old and live in my own city, literally started out of their house. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4uIANB-wgY They had literally no funding in the beginning but now have $135,000 raised from indiegogo. Bohemia has millions of dollars and an intact office infrastructure already up and running. Get it through your damn heads. This is a terrible development team/leadership.
  13. wolffe

    Why is the world of dayz so static ?

    @OP You and a few others here have the voice of reason & logic. Everyone else does not. I've been trying to say this for awhile, but as we expected mindless drones came in just to whine all their usual excuses for their prophet rocket. - Terrible progress - Terrible engine - Terrible netcode - Terrible animations - Terrible production values If we pretend for a moment Alpha bugs didn't exist, its still a terrible game. Everyone acts like theres no such thing as other video games, and that everything Rocket produces is a revolution in gaming. Everything rocket and his team produces has been done better before sometimes even up to 10 years ago. Its like they are stuck in the 90s. The only thing this indicates to me is crappy management and biting off more than they can chew. Hire some damn professionals and get the job done properly or don't do the job at all.
  14. wolffe

    Suggestion: Beards that grow with time alive.

    That's too complicated a feature for BI to pull off. Version 1 of that feature would crash your PC because the beards would grow at x5000 normal speed for no reason causing beard to become bigger than the game world.
  15. wolffe

    safe zone

    No one would go to safe zones. You'd just have teams of snipers watching each entrance mowing down anyone who exited.
  16. wolffe

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    You couldn't pay me to play this trash.
  17. Nothing. rocket should be removed as project lead. Clearly he doesn't know whats going on. Real devs and admins should come in and take over to help realize this project. At this point selecting new engine and starting over will yield a better quality product than sticking with the trash that is ArmA engine.
  18. wolffe

    Barely a Zombie game

    Even taking into account the most recent A2/3 mod versions, this is barely a zombie game. Ask yourself this question: If zombies were completely taken out from the game right now, what would remain? The answer: A bad hardcore deathmatch walking-sim with limited survival mechanics. There are some serious Zombie features missing from the vision of this game. Go watch/play: The Walking Dead series 28 days later and its sequels Dawn of the Dead Land of the Dead the original night of the living dead Left4dead series Resident Evil series (None after 4) & much more Where are the plans for giant zombie hordes? Where are the plans for zombies being able to break thru windows? Where are the plans for setting up bases and having huge hordes come and try and attack? The sense of terror one should feel when seeing a group of zombies? Zombies will likely always remain a buggy, annoying mess tacked on to the mod. The biggest threat isn't even zombies when the zombies should be just as much a threat as players. But I just remembered something, the ideas above, although awesome, simply can't be done properly on the piece of trash known as the Arma Engine. Cheers
  19. wolffe

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    The vision of this game is vapourware.
  20. wolffe

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Damn man. Thats some heavy shit. I feel you. If I invested so much of my time and hopes into this vision like you have I'd tell that hack Rocket to take a hike. He's really like the next George Lucas.
  21. wolffe

    What do think about the game so far ?!

    I find that it is crap. Almost nothing new beyond a few minor improvements. At its foundation its still just old clunky arma with the military equipment removed.
  22. wolffe

    6 Man Dev Team

    If Bohemia Interactive admins are not serious about the development of DayZ, why should I be serious & open my wallet for them? Either invest some of that success from Arma 2&3 into getting a proper development team for DayZ going or you can take solace in the fact that you'll never recieve a dime from me. A 12 year old could see the connection between the massive increase in Arma 2/3 sales and the DayZ mod, so why can't the BI admins? Bohemia afterall is a private company, so it's not like they're being tied down by some monolithic juggernaut like EA. Wonder where those millions of $ went. Probably into the pockets of the admin staff.
  23. I am glad you are able to see the wisdom & truth of my post. I don't care how good the concept is. 6 guys completing DayZ with features above and beyond what were available in the mod is going to take years. Waiting until 2016 is clearly out of the question. Considering we are over a year into development and its still just 6 guys working on it raises many red flags to even the most inexperienced person.
  24. Oh wow, I didn't know it took well over a year to develop a couple new menus & server/client stuff. If you bothered to read OPs post properly, you'd see hes not bashing the game in its current state. Hes drawing conclusions on the development team based on what they've said in the past and based on the concept/progress clearly seen by the alpha. No ones saying an alpha shouldn't be buggy.