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About wowplaya666@gmail.com

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  1. Source: http://www.***.me/forum/648581-post18.html Enjoy YOUR blacklisting :D I've never heard of that forum' date=' nor can you code a game hack in PHP, which is my speciality language. Please, prove to me that an account on another forum is linked to my account on this forum. Good day. [/quote'] tbh, surely should be down to yourself to prove innocence? according to your way of thinkin, we're admin's and we should prove our innocence... i put it to you to do the same Oh? I have to prove something to you? No, actually, I don't. I've broken no rules at all. As you say, you are not Day Z staff therefore I have to absolutely show or prove nothing to you. 1) You have no proof that's me 2) You have no proof I've hacked at any game 3) Good luck proving that's me, even if it was. Receiving blacklists for accounts registered on other forums with the same name as Day Z forum accounts means I could register your name on that forum, post the same thing you have quoted and do exactly what you think you're trying to do. Makes sense, seems legit. Maybe you'll get a ban because someone else registered your name on a game hacking forum and posted about Day Z...That'd suck bro You have absolutely no proof, other than some kid that has the same name as me, that plays the same game as me. @Zoop - Checked that thread out "27th March 2012, 12:00 AM" Elvis just recently died guys. Recently, huh. Lol'd
  2. Source: http://www.***.me/forum/648581-post18.html Enjoy YOUR blacklisting :D I've never heard of that forum, nor can you code a game hack in PHP, which is my speciality language. Please, prove to me that an account on another forum is linked to my account on this forum. Good day.
  3. wowplaya666@gmail.com

    US327 kicking non clan members

    There is already a strong enough case as it is right now for a blacklisting. They are not allowing members that are outside of their clan from playing the game. Read the rules, it's not about whether or not going to another server will fix this issue, it's about following the rules that you know about when you create said server. Exceptions to rules means more people are going to behave the way these people do, and will do so knowing that nothing will happen to them.
  4. wowplaya666@gmail.com

    US327 kicking non clan members

    You may not kick a user from a server unless you have a valid reason. There was no valid reason to kick these people thus, it's a private server. The rules have been broken, this server has to be blacklisted according to the rules that are clearly stated on this forum, for the server admins to adhere by.
  5. obvious troll is obvious... you've been on the forum a couple of days and all you post is on other peoples 'admin abuse' threads trying to stir the pot, it has nothing to do with you, and the audio and video logs are for my guys incase the dayz team request for it. Get a life, go play the game and stop trying to troll the forums you lamer. If you had bothered to ask deal man more details the server went down a good 30-45 mins after he killed us, he got the jeep, got our gear, and made away with it all. We don't reboot for something so petty, there is nothing to be gained from rebooting servers after you get shot. Ask any admin whats to be gained from a reboot and they'll tell you sweet f/a stop wasting peoples time with your epic uber lamer trolling Yet again you have conducted yourself as a mature, professional server admin. You have no logs and that is why you cannot provide valid proof. You call me a troll due to my legit points stated in my previous reply. As stated before, unless you have valid reasons to ban this person, you must certainly unban them right this instant, else you will be blacklisted. I believe you should check out the rules of hosting a server with the Day Z mod :)
  6. wowplaya666@gmail.com

    Banned from FI 3

    1) My internet cord is right under my feet and I occasionally knock it out since I am too cheap to buy a non loose one. So if I accidentally kicked that while getting up from my fat, lazy position in my chair so I can totally dominate you in a PvP battle and I get disconnected, you are going to permanently ban me? Hmmm. So basically your internet better be 100% stable or we are going to ban you. 2) You start shooting at me after 15 minutes of following my movements. You hit me once, I get behind a wall bandage up and wait 5 minutes because I can't get out without dying. I get an important phone call and rather than sitting there AFK so you can stroll up into my building and kill me, I disconnect.. Hmmm..Might get banned for not running around like a retard and dying to someone I can't see, rather I stop playing the game and do something else constructive, AFTER I sit in my building behind a wall for 5 minutes. That's not a valid reason to hand out a ban, sorry my good sir. 3) I realize you're shooting at me, I can't get out and I wait 10 minutes before logging out to make sure you don't want to come up and check my building to either get dominated on or kill me. Hmmm, so you're implying that I must kill you or be killed before logging out and doing something else? I don't think so. If you want to kill me so badly and insist I remain on the server until you do so, you come and find me. If after 10 minutes you haven't come to kill me I have EVERY right to leave the server and log back on in 15 hours. Thank you, come again. 3 very valid reasons why you have no valid reason to ban me for 'alt-f4ing' after being shot at. Remember, I used time examples, notice how I said 10 minutes after being shot at? Very reasonable time to wait before 'alt-f4ing' out of a firefight. Don't agree? Get realistic.
  7. wowplaya666@gmail.com

    US327 kicking non clan members

    No, I won't. In case you haven't noticed, it clearly states that there are no private servers in Day Z. This is, essentially, a private server since none of us can join and play. I will keep returning until this server no longer exists as it is very clear that the intention is to make it a private server. At the very least the admin's are abusing their power by kicking innocent players, which is another reason for a blacklist to occur.
  8. wowplaya666@gmail.com

    US327 kicking non clan members

    What is being done about these admin abusers? Blacklist their server please. Is anything being done about the passworded servers also? I was under the impression, from reading these forums, that having a password on your server at any time was not allowed. Yet I am seeing 40+ servers currently with a password on them. If I can't buy a server and password protect it, nobody should be able to.
  9. wowplaya666@gmail.com

    Aus/NZ Servers

    Is anything being done to give us more servers or increase the number of players on these servers? Maybe install a high ping kicker and set it to 140ms. Constantly, and I mean every single day from 6am - 7pm when the sun sets, our servers are full of American players who don't want to play in the dark. Sure, neither do I and I do the same thing when it's night here. However, American servers aren't limited to a mere 10 servers with a 50 player max on a each. America has 400+ servers, so it's really NO issue at all for Australian players to join their servers. Want to play in the day time though? Good luck, you can't. You're basically restricted to playing on American servers during Australian night time as it's literally impossible to join a server that's got the Australian flag on it at the current time of 1:35pm Talking to my friend on skype now, trying to enjoy this game with him -- He just saw NZ1 open up, within 5 seconds it was full 50/50. Seriously, can't even play in the day time on a server in MY country