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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

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Everything posted by omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

  1. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    PLEASE let me move and eat at the same time

    I really hate how your character is incapable of moving their legs while eating or doing something. Is this caused by the animation requiring no leg movement? Is it possible to separate upper body and lower body movement to enable walking while eating?
  2. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Is it time to come back?

    Yeah, No. I have never been shot by a hacker. I like DayZ standalone a lot. I am just aware that the development is going fucking nowhere; apparently you're still oblivious to this. I played the mod too; the development on that has completely stopped and they always use the safety blanket of "alpha" there as well. Do you seriously think the mod version is less broken? I hope not. Not trying to bait, but I knew someone would get really offended by an internet stranger saying that maybe their favorite game isn't perfect. What do you know, someone did reply and get offended.
  3. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Is it time to come back?

    No. Many things are still broken; the game is relatively unchanged as far as mechanics and goals. People still shoot on sight, there's only the one map they keep stamping more buildings into, many things that worked previously are now broken, many game-breaking bugs and hacks persist. Wait a few more years, or give up entirely. DayZ is going down the drain. (*prepares for fanboy flame*)
  4. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    The Ugly: The framerate
  5. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Early Game Survival and Group Size

    I always lone-wolf it and my characters last weeks on end before I get killed by someone else. In other words, survival isn't very difficult at the moment and if the option is available in the future, I'm going to play offline alone/with friends because everyone's a dick.
  6. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    The "ruined" status must go.

    Examples of shitty damage system: A) Fall from ledge, pants are now broken. B ) Zombie attacks you and makes you bleed, but your rags are broken so you must find more. C) Can of food with 100% remaining is broken. D) Zombie attack? Your hat is now broken and cannot be worn. E) Zombie hits your chest once or twice, which successfully breaks your canopener, food, and ammunition you had in there. F) Hitting things with a crowbar (which is merely a blunt object) makes it get rusty until it is broken and cannot be used. G) Jacket is wet, so now your compass is broken. (The first of these examples will always be my favorite) I'm sick of these items being rendered unusable for arbitrary reasons. I am NOT saying remove the item conditions, I'm saying giving everything the "ruined" label is not acceptable. Hopefully in the future updates we will see an improvement over item conditions. My suggestion would be to assign conditions to individual items (shirts become ripped, matches become wet, shoes fall apart), and seeing as this would take a long time, I don't expect it to come any time soon. I just don't want "ruined" as the end goal. Also falling should not damage your pants at all. I don't know what the design decision behind that was. Leg break? All for it. Unusable pants? No. Ripped pants from your shin poking through it? Sure, if you can still wear the pants. Opinions? EDIT: 63:26 Fix/don't fix. Hopefully the devs know the community opinion on this matter now.
  7. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Should There Be a Respawn Button ( Discussion )

    Probably going to get moved to Gallery. No, there shouldn't be. The game has been fine without one.
  8. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    The "ruined" status must go.

    A) If my pants are ripped I can still wear them, I didn't break my pants B ) A rag is already a shred of clothing. Now it's a broken shred of clothing? This is what I mean by each item needs specific conditions. D) Your response doesn't make sense. E) This thread is about turning the damage system into a specific case. F) A crowbar is still a blunt object; if I can pick it up at hit things with it then it is still fully functional regardless of how long I've used it. G) Yes, this is a thing that happens.
  9. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Easy Solutions to Getting Stuck

    Send a report, wait <1 day, continue playing.
  10. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    The "ruined" status must go.

    (Following up off-topic post with an off-topic post of my own) I wouldn't say my faith in humanity, I'd say my ability to trust people through the internet. Which was already Ruined long, long ago, so, no change there.
  11. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    i5 4960 hd 4400 graphics

    Standing on the coast isn't the best of benchmarks. With a GTX 760 I get nearly 100+ 70+ FPS on the coast. Try going inland or to Svetlojarsk (GPU judgement day)
  12. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    New graphic renderer ... Take on Mars?

    I want DX11 :/ At least rocket confirmed it'll come eventually.
  13. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Vehicle in the game?

    They already spawned loot long before this update. Isn't it that now crashed vehicles can spawn randomly around the map with loot in them?
  14. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Newbie here on Wednesday Maintenance.

    Yes, a beta for an alpha-build game. An alpha beta. It's stupid to release an unfinished patch for an unfinished game. I'm sorry my life does not revolve around the forums.
  15. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Newbie here on Wednesday Maintenance.

    I tried to play DayZ today, but found that only experimental servers were available. I do not want to play on experimental servers. Steam says I am opting out of betas for DayZ, yet it is still there. I tried playing on an experimental server because I said fuck it, but it says I have the wrong version number. From this I concluded that the server list only shows experimental servers. How do I fix this? PS Having beta servers for an alpha game is stupid
  16. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Base building and secureing your stuff

    There is no reason I shouldn't be able to chop down a door with a fireaxe. This isn't Rust; there shouldn't be password-locked wooden doors. A padlock is the most they should go, which even then can be broken.
  17. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What "End Game Gear" Should Theoretically Be Like At Release

    Another thread about endgame in a sandbox game. Hooray.
  18. It's may-lay, not muh-lay. Proven by google.
  19. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What if we get rid of Zombies?

    Instead of DayZ it would be called Day
  20. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    >80 slot servers

    There is an almost guarantee they will mow down and try to kill any person they come across.
  21. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    >80 slot servers

    I say leave it at 40 people because armies of 40-50 people will be running around the map eventually otherwise.
  22. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Xbox 360 GlovePIE 0.45 Script

    It seems like X should be reload/interact and the up/down D-pad to simulate scroll wheel; the left bumper would modify up/down when held down.
  23. Read whole post before commenting, please. I don't know, I always felt that DayZ is supposed to be cripplingly difficult; item permanence seems to take away from that. From what I see, tents/fridges/other items used for storage will be used in the following manner: > Put a ton of food and weapons and backpacks and other survival gear in container > Get killed > Run back to container > Instantly geared up again Basically, it's the same crutch the mod DayZ used. I know other early access survival Minecraft/DayZ games use item permanence, but with DayZ supposedly drowning in realism/authenticity, doesn't it seem a bit silly to be able to lose everything you worked hours to achieve, then spawn as a new scrub in the apocalypse, immediately skipping half the game to continue doing whatever you were doing, death being only an inconvenience? Yes, I know it is entirely possible to get everything you need in other places in under an hour, but that requires knowing where items you want spawn and a decent amount of luck. Tents just require a friend guarding the stash o' loot until you get there. Easily the biggest challenge of DayZ is acquiring all the survival things you need, then maintaining those items indefinitely. That's the overall goal of the game, survive. If that is the singular goal of the game (considering you cannot win, you only lose when you die), why make it easier to do half of the difficulty of the game? Yes, the same could be said about dying, then running back to your body and getting your stuff again. But hey. at least some of it got damaged. Yes, that isn't "realistic/authentic" either. Yes, someone can find your tent. Emphasis on can, not that they will. Neither is putting something on the ground, then red words appear on your eyeballs and causes you to cease to exist for a few moments, and when you come back the item has been ejected from reality. It isn't a perfect system, and I'm not offering an alternative perfect super-solution that will solve everyone's problems and make it rain canopeners, I'm simply having people think about development direction and decide if a design choice supports or deconstructs the central conflicts of the game. DayZ: Gear up, survive. Unless you have a tent. Then it's go to tent, survive. Death no longer has its looming threat. It becomes a mere inconvenience.
  24. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    does anyone find the crossbow underpowered

    Should be one shot to the head and five+ body shots for zombies, and one shot to the head and two or three shots to the body for a person.
  25. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Where are the birds ?

    Birds come 2016 EDIT: In the pre-alpha build available at the time