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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

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Everything posted by omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

  1. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    It has happened...

  2. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)


    I don't think a 15 second intro is necessary when it doesn't provide any information beyond your name.
  3. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What GIF Describes Your DayZ Experience?

    Worth the risk
  4. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    How far away can you hear the eating/ammo sound?

    All the time, everywhere, from any distance.
  5. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    New hobby: working for others

    I say fuck it, I'm looking for new things to do in this game; mind if I join you in your loot-finding-giving quest?
  6. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    New hobby: working for others

    Yeah, you'll probably think otherwise when you hear my voice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpHgUUt-vYE (If you like watching utter shit videos, feel free to subscribe)
  7. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    New hobby: working for others

    Nah, that's too easy. I play hardcore. Because I'm hardcore.
  8. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    you know you played to much DayZ when......

    When you shoot everyone you see because they're "threatening"
  9. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    DayZ + ENBSeries help wanted

    As the moderator Steak and Potatoes mentioned, ENBSeries is okay to use with DayZ. However, I don't understand how to use ENBSeries. Can anyone link me the files to be used with DayZ, as well as a tutorial for combining ENB with DayZ (not a general ENB tutorial shown for a different game)? Thanks in advance. :thumbsup:
  10. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    New hobby: working for others

    Well, I was about to go to sleep considering it's 2am here...maybe later tomorrow.
  11. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    New hobby: working for others

    Nix on the protector case; some fucktruck just KoS'd me. Literally what happened: Running around up north, when suddenly, a player comes through the treeline a few feet in front of me. Gunshots gunshots gunshots gunshots. I say, "Hey man, what the hell? Friendly." He then proceeds to reload his gun and continues to shoot at me. "Why are you shooting at me?" I then pull out my rifle to shoot back, but I fall unconscious and die. Remind you, this is within five feet of the asshat. I had my gun on my back and was questioning his motives mid-magazine. Even during him shooting, reloading, and shooting again I was standing motionless. He was also standing completely still while shooting. I decided while he was burning through his second magazine that I should probably shoot back. So yeah, I'm dead. Don't you love how mature and skilled the people who play DayZ are??
  12. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Bandits, Bandits, Bandits; everyone gets a Bandit!

    See my old thread from nearly two years ago. Not much has changed: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/33746-controversial-topic-banditry-is-dead/ This thread is all shitted up now because the links went dead and what not. Lack of capitalization is because me two years ago felt that wasn't important.
  13. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Moving Objects outside Inventory

    The current physics build they're working on involves the character tossing the item up, and having it fall in front of you. I would rather see a casual "place on desk" option, in which the character calmly sets the item on the desk rather than chucking it.
  14. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Moving Objects outside Inventory

    When physics are implemented, I'd like the option when I'm holding an item to place it on where I am pointing the cursor. My character would then attempt to place the item on whatever I'm looking at (table, ground, stranger's face)
  15. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Will DayZ SA die out to Mods just like the Mod did?

    100 cars and 4 helicopters? WTF? There would be a car every few hundred feet with that many.
  16. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Will DayZ SA die out to Mods just like the Mod did?

    DayZ: Overwatch was one of the absolute worst mods for the mod available; all it did was turn a zombie survival game into another boring-as-fuck shooter.
  17. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Oh, DayZ. (FPS test pictures)

    Please view the framerate in the upper left. Both games are on maximum settings with these specs: Intel i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz, NVIDIA 760 GTX with 2GB Video memory, 8GB RAM, Motherboard is MSi Z87-GD65 (7845-001R), 1TB HDD, Windows 8 with 1080p monitor Also, this is not me saying DayZ is ugly, I'm saying the framerate is low. Please read the entire post before commenting. DayZ: (Field near Svetlojarsk) Crysis 3: Same computer. Yeah yeah, different games, different map scale. Even still, Crysis 3 is known for melting computers; it's difficult to run on any PC and understandably so. DayZ is graphically inferior to Crysis, so that should provide a FPS boost. However, the massive scale of the map reduces framerates greatly. Yet, though I can max out Crysis 3, standing in an empty field near Svetlojarsk dips my framerate into the 20s. My point is, what the fuck kind of computer can run DayZ stably above 50 FPS? EDIT: Unrelated, but I still like DayZ far more than Crysis 3. DayZ provides tense survival fun, and I've clocked over 90 hours in a few months. Crysis 3 is just a benchmark (and a damn good one at that). Crysis 2 was the peak of the series, albeit underrated. EDIT2: My follow up point is they NEED to prioritize optimization of the damn game. I'd like to see significant improvements by the next two updates.
  18. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Oh, DayZ. (FPS test pictures)

    Coincidentally, my framerate peaked during Crysis 3's final boss (first picture is imgur, second is photobucket. Imgur is currently better quality so I'm going to use that from now on)
  19. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Worst DayZ players I've ever met?

    lol @ punching the guy off the building
  20. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Can any one help

    I feel bad reading this while half-naked and listen to a stupid song... Anyway, you can still run it, as DayZ can be run on nearly anything, but you'll probably get a pretty low framerate. Sorry about your cousin, I hope they get better. :thumbsup:
  21. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    How I Appear as Friendly as Possible

    I don't know, that raincoat is suspicious
  22. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    New hobby: working for others

    I meant for hardcore, if you can. I'm up north around Svetlojarsk. PM me
  23. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Spawning with a gun

    Everyone previously did start out with a gun; then rocket didn't like it, and guns were removed. It seemed to me to be a change for the better.
  24. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    The spawn time is outragios

    Go make a hot pocket or something; just do something for five minutes, then come back and the timer's done.