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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

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Everything posted by omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

  1. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)


    same. never seen a hacker.
  2. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    How will I know who is trustworthy?

    the simple version of that. :)
  3. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)


    aaand here come THOSE forum people...
  4. i'm not demanding that everyone does this, or that this is the correct way to play this game. it is just a suggestion. something ELSE to do besides shooting.
  5. i don't even like minecraft. why don't you go vent your killing thoughts on the other games, then?
  6. go play diablo or dark souls or minecraft or something if you want permadeath PVP.
  7. fail/obvious troll fails/is obvious. No, i'm not mad. nobody's mad. i'm just giving people something to do beside being an ass. and if you like killing people, then why the hell are you not playing COD? Go there! more pvp. it's all pvp.
  8. how is camping the barracks self defense? what are you self-defending?
  9. that's killing people...AKA being an asshole, asshole.
  10. If you find someone without a weapon, they can't be a douchebag. What's the worst they can do? Throw cans at you? (yes, the hatchet is a weapon.) if someone doesn't have a weapon, then they are forced to communicate. Or alt+f4 if they're retarded.
  11. or, HELP PEOPLE. crazy, i know. why not go to the coast, and help some gunless noob survive? if you die? who cares, what else were you using your stuff for? if they kill you, just glitch your body away. just something to do if you're bored. there's no shortage of newbies, so help one and then go help another. if you die, well then start all over again.
  12. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    RGO Frag Grenade

    it's legit. i've found a hand grenade before, but i can't remember what it was called. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Grenade
  13. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    you try to hit the ALT+F4 keys with your hands
  14. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Your saddest moment in Dayz

    found an ak-74 and 4 clips...i loved that gun...it was the only automatic weapon i've ever had....and i lost it in the grass when i was getting food :C
  15. pff...quality doesn't make the game unplayable, framerate does. i rather enjoy playing this game on my $40 graphics card. (very low ftw)
  16. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What to do next?

    go to the NWBF (north west battlefield) BEWARE: you will almost certainly die there. almost... http://dayzdb.com/map#4.044.051
  17. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Why the respawn button should be in the game

    if you have a can, there is a glitch where you can kill yourself with it.
  18. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)


    pfff....more like 99% of everyone will kill you as soon as they see you. i've said it before, i'll say it again. if you prove to me that you aren't hostile, then i have no problem making an alliance, giving blood, giving ammo, sharing some food/water, whatever. why would i do this? because this would be the first friendly player i've ever seen that lived. (first and only one so far was mauled by zombies while we were talking. we only spoke for maybe ten seconds before he died)
  19. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    if you find me, i'll help you. good luck finding me.
  20. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    UH-1H Succesful Crash-Landing

    should be in dayz gallery
  21. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    All geared up and nowhere to go?

    do what i plan to do when i get good stuff: HELP PEOPLE. (crazy, i know) go to the coast, and help some noob without a gun. if you die? so what? not like you were going for anything else, anyway. i actually plan to help people as much as i can, and if i die when helping them, well then they just got some cool shit. if they kill me? i'll glitch my body away...and they will never get what they want...
  22. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)


    welcome to dayz