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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

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Everything posted by omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

  1. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)


    Or Photoshop
  2. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)


    94 hours. Give it long breaks, and when they add new towns or something, go there and explore. And find the scarecrow in the outhouse. I never find DayZ boring, I just find other things to play while they update this game. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061510350/ (Side note, I have 196 hours in Planetside 2 but I don't launch it through Steam as it crashes whenever I ALT+TAB out when using Steam)
  3. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    21 hours of dayz

    What is crapbite 3?
  4. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Do want. That is all.
  5. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    So the patch broke the anti-combat log system

    Here's the thread I got the video from; I was hoping it got the developer's attention but it seems to have not done so. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162565-fix-not-remove-third-person-perspective/
  6. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    So the patch broke the anti-combat log system

    You aren't really contributing to the conversation anymore, you're just talking in circles. Like I said, the issue is that most people are reliant on the exploit even though many won't admit it. In its current state, because it is allowed, you are at a disadvantage if you don't use it, because others can see over/around walls that you can't. The solution is to go to third person to level the playing field. Because you keep going on about it, I do play on hardcore servers, but my friends play on regular. I would like to play with my friends more, but I don't play regular because of the exploit. If both regular and hardcore servers are essentially the same save for the additional camera angle, people would seamlessly switch between the two. It's even possible for hardcore to be removed completely, because there is no alternative exploit.
  7. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    So the patch broke the anti-combat log system

    You're missing the point; the dev team wants realism on all fronts, but they still allow third person because everyone would have a fucking fit if they took it out. Someone created a mod that allows for third person, but any objects not visible in first person cannot be seen while in third person. With this, any complaints about the "claustrophobic" first person view can be invalidated by simply switching to third person. People can no longer see around corners, and everyone can keep their view the way they want it, with nobody having an advantage over the other. I can tell by you extreme defense of the exploit that you use it a lot, and don't want it taken out. Hopefully soon the developers take out the crutch. EDIT: Here is the mod (skip to 3 minutes 40 seconds in)
  8. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    POLL: best/worst guns in the game

    Inb4 "sporter sux"
  9. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    So the patch broke the anti-combat log system

    The RV engine goes for realism, and it is always questioned why you can see around corners. Someone even made a mod that fixed this. Stop defending the developers if you want a fix for this.
  10. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    So the patch broke the anti-combat log system

    What I take from this is that you were watching him from around a corner, because if you were looking at him, you would have shot him. Great job, exploiter. Not to say other's don't do it, but you did do it.
  11. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    You want anti-KoS? Add safes.

    1) Pick up locked safe (or get a bunch of your buddies to help you out) 2) Bring safe to a gas station 3) Blow up gas station and open safe Flawless.
  12. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    OrLoK's Random Thread -

    Best faceswap I've seen
  13. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Bloodsucker in Standalone

    I don't see anything. Personally, I don't want "special infected" or whatever, I just want a hell of a lot of normal zombies that get their strength from numbers.\ EDIT: I still don't see anything.
  14. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Problem with W button (Walk/Jog/Sprint)

    Does anyone else have the sprint key set as something other than double-tapping W? I don't like when I'm moving slowly along and I accidentally tap W twice and then my character starts hauling ass and giving away my position, so I set my run key as either F or left CTRL.
  15. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What's in the gamefiles? LMGs ?

    Because as someone else mentioned, they can just add drum magazines for the M4A1 or AKM when they implement it. An M249 SAW does not take priority over something more PvE-based rather than PvP-based. The example I can think of is correctly coding the crossbow/bow and arrow and implementing it rather than copy/pasting military weapons from ArmA II.
  16. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What's in the gamefiles? LMGs ?

    Why do we need LMGs?
  17. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    That's not the number of the devblog, that's the date of the video. EDIT: 14 seconds into the video rocket mentions that the video is the first video footage of the game.
  18. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    They started on version .1, and they announced the game by showing off a playable build. Constant berating will earn yourself a report.
  19. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    They are using the first method I mentioned, being that 1.0 is full release. Beginning of development at all is version .1, as proved by the vlog from rocket. They didn't release the alpha to the public until later into the build. They didn't "start" at version .29, you were just allowed access at version .29.
  20. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    Five seconds in, version .1. Also, relax, this is an internet discussion, not an argument.
  21. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    If they choose to go through the method of .43.9------, and full release still isn't out, then there can be no complaints. My issue here, is there are two methods of using "1.0" as a version number: First, is the release date of the game, or when the developers feel it is officially completed to their liking. Second, is the beginning of development. DayZ appears to be taking the primary route by starting with version .1, it is logical to conclude that 1.0 will be the release version number. If the version number is arbitrary in relation to development progress, why continue to publicize it?
  22. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    The DayZ mod being in version 1.8, while still being referred to as an alpha though it will never be "finished", justifies my thinking that the dev team doesn't understand how version numbering works.
  23. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    "Not that it will, but in terms of numbering it might." And yes, 1.0 does mean release. 0.anything means not taking the first step. 1.0 is the first step. 1.0 is retail.
  24. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does patch .43 mean we are about half way through the alpha?

    What I feel the dev team isn't going to understand is that 1.0 means release. It means completion, version one. It is done. At the rate we're going, the full game should be released by the end of the year. Not that it will, but in terms of numbering it might.
  25. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    How to record high quality videos

    GeForce Experience has the option to enable microphone input under the ShadowPlay settings. I have a GTX 760 and i5 CPU with the videos recording to a 1TB HDD and again, I record in my raw framerate (usually 50+)