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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

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Everything posted by omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

  1. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    [Poll] Should zombies only die if shot/axed in the head?

    Why would a shotgun blast to the abdomen not result in a kill? There wouldn't be anything left, and they'd bleed out. Headshots only should not be implemented.
  2. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    1PP servers and the occasional Run mode bug

    You have to right click. You accidentally scoped in. If you aren't holding a weapon or you have a melee weapon, there is no animation for scoping in. This makes it seem like a bug. Simply right click again to solve the problem. (I thought it was a bug too; I eventually figured it out)
  3. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    DayZ with an Xbox controller

    That's cool; I would try this if I had an Xbox controller. WHOOPS my bad. OMG UR A F4G IF YOU DONT'T USE KEYBORD+MAUS
  4. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    How to REALLY solve 3pp issue

    Simple...remove people/zombies/loot that cannot be seen in first person, while in third person. Someone already suggested this, and I'm going to hope the mods considered that thread. It's the perfect solution; it removes the exploit part of the view without removing the view. No more seeing around corners, no more issue. Easy! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  5. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Is a backpack a necessary?

    You never know when your leg is going to break, so my backpack is always full of sticks and bandages. Sticks, food, waterbottles, and bandages.
  6. I'm starting to hate the red messages from BattlEye saying that some person who I don't give a damn about is losing connection, and then an even bigger red message in the corner saying that person has been kicked for BattlEye not responding. There isn't a need for this to be there; I don't understand why it can't be disabled. It's a massive killer of immersion. In the apocalypse, I don't think I'd know if someone was losing connection to their life. It's even the same color as the messages that say "I am bleeding" or "I am dying of dehydration". They already got rid of the "X was killed" messages and global chat, so why is this still here? I'm not saying remove BattlEye, I'm saying remove the messages from BattleEye in the bottom left of the screen. I would only like to see the message in the corner if I was losing connection, not if joedash123 is losing connection. Explain your choice, plez
  7. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Death Reason

    You have probably been shot, and the bullet hit you before it made a sound. Bullets travel faster than sound, so by the time it hits your head and your head explodes, you aren't going to hear it.
  8. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    No more mr nice guy

    Well it isn't like we haven't seen threads like this before...countless amounts of times... It's harder to be a friendly than a kill-on-sighter; looks like you took the easy way out (or just died a few minutes before posting). I, however, like the challenge of relentless hatred in the apocalypse, so I'm one of the people still holding the torch of friendliness :3
  9. The Standalone is taking a more realistic approach to survival, by removing the blood meter and changing the hunger/thirst meters, so I don't understand why people still want messages saying who they killed or if the person died. I am all for a realistic push here.
  10. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    DayZ Needs A Theme Song I Can Run To

  11. I'd like to see this removed too, but if it's in the first ten seconds of joining a server I am indifferent towards it.
  12. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does my character look friendly?

    I'm friendly, so I gave myself a friendly appearance rather than all camo with a gas mask and an assault rifle. I think it looks approachable; second opinions?
  13. There should be tons of cars everywhere....but no gas. Gas should be unbelievably rare; causing people to fight over it.
  14. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Is it better to travel with your gun in your hands or on your back?

    I do the exact same as you except I have my gun in my hands. Still haven't been shot on sight. This, almost exactly, is the reason I have my gun in my hands. You can never know what is nearby. Now, however, I'm considering a change.
  15. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What do you imagine DayZ camps to look like?

    What is the show EDIT: I need it for multiple unexplainable reasons.
  16. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What do you imagine DayZ camps to look like?

    It'd be fun to defend, but the point I'm getting at is there isn't a reason for a camp besides storage and defense for that storage.
  17. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    100 Slot Server

    It is saying "hurr durr alpherr" when someone suggests something, or simply speaks of something in the game. The OP wasn't even complaining; you just felt like filling your quota for saying that for the day. Even if the OP was complaining, how would "alpha" cover what he was talking about? 100 player servers have not been around since the release, nor are they the norm. There's absolutely no reason to use "alpha" in this thread.
  18. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What do you imagine DayZ camps to look like?

    One of the best things about DayZ is that you roleplay without trying...Having to do it myself would take away from that, and I'd get bored. As for bandits, I'm almost certain that anyone who found the camp would shoot everyone inside. Again, I'd need more incentive to build a base than for storage and role playing.
  19. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    What do you imagine DayZ camps to look like?

    I've always liked the idea of a camp like this...but I never understood the reason for wanting to stay in it. There's a limited amount of food in it, you're pretty much a target, and there isn't much to do when in there. Maybe rocket will add in board games or some shit like that; something that makes players want to be stationary for periods of time. Even sleeping being added would be cause for a camp. Until then, while I love the idea, there isn't any reason I'd make my own camp besides for the sake of having one.
  20. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    100 Slot Server

    You still used the alpha bullshit, so regardless of the OP's intention, you should punch yourself in the face. OP, what was Elektro like?
  21. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Backpack logic (+ fetch delay)

    I never understood this picture; in Call of Duty you can only carry two guns. In relation to what the OP was saying, I'd like to see a backpack opening animation every time you look in your backpack. Meaning, your backpack is closed on your inventory screen, and if you open it, there is an animation.
  22. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does my character look friendly?

    Well, you're the racist here. /conversation By the way, I myself am white. Ish. I'm more of a ridiculous blend of everything so nobody knows what race I am. I AM ABOVE RACIAL IDENTIFICATION. I AM OUTSIDE THE PARAMETERS. I AM EVERYTHING WHILE EFFECTIVELY BEING NOTHING
  23. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    The Finger Cowboy is here

    Hey, I've seen those two guys on top of the construction site in videos before. The accent is the same; why are they always there? You'd think someone would figure out their spot and stop them.
  24. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does my character look friendly?

    My character is white; I don't know what other reply you expected.
  25. omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

    Does my character look friendly?

    My character is white. You're an idiot.