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Everything posted by ianon

  1. Looking for someone to go on a server attract zombies, go into a hospital (cause from my last experience zombies cant go into hospital) and just spam blood bags to increase humanity. I have -38k so if you have around that much and want to waste time increasing humanity please reply. If not please ignore. I don't want to be given lectures about this being cheap.
  2. So I'll have my guy walking, holding the W button or anything else that makes you move forward, and after 2-5 minutes the guy just stops and that's it, doesn't move, still holding the button and nothing is happening, I have to press the button again if I want to make him walk again, but that is tedious especially if I have something on the keyboard to make me walk automatically, because come on we ALL did it. Anyone know why this happens? Thank You
  3. I was just playing one of the official Namalsk Server using DayZ Commander, So I spawn in Lubjansk Bay look at the DayZDB Map and go to the nearest place with loot, which in this case is Western Army Checkpoint. I loot the place and just walking around looking for other small loot spawns when I hear someone walking right next to me I look around and there's no one but I hear footsteps. I climb a tower and someone shoots me(I don't really remember if I heard the gun shot just the impact on the metal bar on the tower I think) but misses, I get on the top and than get tped on the ground just below it. I run around scared as shit when I see zombies dying from gunshots, which I didn't hear as well I believe, than a light quiet male voice in direct chat says "Press F2"... I press it and don't really pay much attention to what it said, I only saw it show players on the left and some other options which I ignored because I thought it was some server sided menu thing on the right. So he breaks my legs either using hacks or from shooting at me and my Combat Icon starts flashing and I didn't attack or anything. He kills me and I die. I spawn, say how come he has to be like that, than I remember the F2 I press it and look at it again, Players on left and some options on right, I read the last option on the right skipping the others(I don't know why I skipped just...okay?)and it says "Spawn Loot" I think. I click on it and see a bunch of random items and it appeared as I can click and spawn it, no I did NOT use it!, than I look at the top of all the item's names and it says Monky Menu...than I just left... How can the Hacker give me the Hacks? This was on the Official Namalsk Map Server. Not sure if the other players on the server could use the F2. Tested on other unofficial Namalsk Server and F2 did not work. TL;DR? Hacker gave me Hacks somehow, which I did not use!
  4. I decided to play some DayZ so I got on a server with decent people. I was carrying two illegal weapon called AS50 TWS and M4A1 Holo SD, which I got from a guy I killed. I was on a hill northeast of Elektro and saw some guy shooting I sniped him and sniped a guy who he was shooting, 2 Bandit Kills. The first guy's body disappeared for some reason so I was like "what ever" I looted the second guy which had a L85A2 AWS with lots of ammo. 2 seconds after I looted the body it said (BattlEye: Banned (IAnon Banned Weapon)). I guess one of them was an Admin or someshit. I logged in into another server to make sure it wasn't a global ban...it wasn't. But I still didn't have my L85A2 AWS or my other found hacked weapon that I got from a guy I killed(M4A1 Holo SD). Even though I had it and used it it is stated by Rocket that you CAN use it and will NOT be banned for using it. Here is a screenshot Here is the story of how I got the 2 hacked weapons: http://dayzmod.com/f...re-pussies-too/ EDIT: If you are gonna bitch about me getting the hacked weapons you can leave :D It is stated that you can't get banned.
  5. Me and my brother made a Private LAN Server to play around and do what ever. We got everything working and were playing for about 10-20 min when all of a sudden some guy named Lucas joins the lobby. He enters the game and gets kicked for "Invalid GUID". We then are confused knowing that this is a PRIVATE LAN Server. We keep playing until again some guy named John joins the lobby, then the game and gets kicked for "Battleye client not responding". We keep playing and no one joins for now. So my question is, how can someone join if this is a Private LAN Server? EDIT: Again some player joined. He seemed to have a name a human could pick. Also no ports are open how can someone join?
  6. But how is it possible no ports are open.
  7. Hi Hohlraum, sorry for the late respond. Thanks for unbanning me. I will make sure next time to read Motd on each server I join. Thanks in advance.
  8. So there I was walking to Elektro about 15 minutes after I respawned. I had an m1911 and an AK-74, with some food and water and medical stuff. On my way I find a tent with an AS50 TWS(hacked weapon) in it with no ammo so I am like "Okay, no ammo that's cool" I keep walking. I am north of Elektro where the White Barn is I loot it and switch servers as I was getting huge lag and weird bugs(couldn't move half the time). I spawn in a server called US11... something I don't remember the whole name. I dont bother looting it as it would be server hopping and I don't expect any good loot anyway. I keep walking towards the Firehouse near the Industrial place north of Elektro. I keep walking until I see a guy in a Ghillie Suit dead on the ground. Immediately I go prone and crawl to him. He had a Winchester or a The Double-barreled Shotgun (MR43) I couldn't remember, no pistol, backpack empty, binoculars, which I took, and nothing else. I stand up and crouch towards the Firehouse until I see 2 guys in a Ghillie Suit. It looked like they were trading or something so I go prone fast as hell but one guy sees me. I saw that he had either a AS50 or a L85A2 AWS so I am all like "Okay, he either is going to snipe me or use the thermal vision to find me and kill me". But the luck is with me and he RUNS towards me [insert AYFKM face here]. His friend watches him run towards me and then looks away. I dont know if the guy is blind or something but I was in a short flat grass area proning with no trees around me, I would of saw my self from that far. I take out my AK-74 and start shooting him. 5/4 Shots and he is dead (His friend didn't look at me so I guess he thought that that was his friend shooting at me). He than dies with out taking a shot at me and I start shooting his friend, 2 shots(or 3 I dont remember) he starts bleeding and logs out [insert AYFKM face here again]. I go loot the guys body and guess what I find? AS50 TWS with about 7 ammo I think, a M4A1 Holo SD with some ammo too(two hacked guns), GPS, Range Finder, a Coyote Backpack with some food, water, medical stuff and the M4A1 Holo SD gun in it. Pistol? I don't remember. I got the stuff I needed and walked to the hill in front of me, the hill northeast of the Firehouse. Not even reaching the slope I turn around to make sure his friend doesn't shoot me and I see him. He didn't have a Ghillie Suit but mainly because it didn't load yet but also wasn't bleeding even though I shot him and saw him bleed. It might of been 1. His friend or 2. The guys I killed teleported to his dead body with a gun already either hacked or found. I prone and I think to my self "That guy Alt+F4ed on me so fuck him too" I Alt+F4 and come here to write this story. So ya are hackers pussies too? or did they find the guns from hackers? EDIT: Feel free to call me a combat logger or a pussy too but hey I guess now I was even with that guy. TL;DR?: Saw 2 guys, killed 1, other one Alt+F4ed, found 2 hacked guns, took them, the other guy spawns, Alt+F4 to be even with the guy.
  9. ianon

    Hackers are pussies too.

    I would like to see a DayZ Staff say something about this...
  10. ianon

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Have FunEDIT:And to everyone else, I got rid of the gun. Found better legit gear from loot spots, tents and survivors. I already found another AS50 TWS and just buried the body. If you wanna ban me go ahead.
  11. ianon

    Hackers are pussies too.

    I would also like to see the link
  12. ianon

    Hackers are pussies too.

    Well I guess we all learned something about the DayZ Community huh?
  13. I though server owners can't ban you global...and I would happily don't use the hacked weapon but I don't have another one and I have to much good stuff to go and look for one :/
  14. ianon

    Hackers are pussies too.

    You can't get banned for using them unless you hacked them in your self so I keep them :D
  15. If you could PM me the download it would be awesome.
  16. So today I decided to play some DayZ. I was near Stary Sober aka 2nd home for artifacts. I searched around for any Heli Crashes as I had luck with finding 2 near each other last day. Then I saw 2 tents on the hill to the right of Stary Sober. As I went there I noticed...No Artifacts? I went near the tents and saw the bodies aka the source of artifacts clearly with no graphical bugs. What happened? was there a fix? I DID NOT install or rollback anything. I logged out and tried 2 more servers and none had the artifacts. So yeah. Sincerely, Wtf happened?
  17. ianon

    Pending Update: Build

    In my opinion they should release or some shit only including the fix for the graphical artifacts bug ONLY. EDIT: Or people will continue to annoy you guys for a fix and to hurry up with the update.
  18. ianon

    Fix for the artifacting.

    Is it just me or does it change back to 300000 after sometime?
  19. Its says on DayZ Wiki tents can disappear randomly or even after a server restart.
  20. Hey how come I got banned from both of your servers D: