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Everything posted by bunseN

  1. bunseN

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Our whole camp was raped so please reset the complete database that everyone is on zero :D
  2. bunseN

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    What about server update ? My server is hosted by Vilayer.com. Still I have to wait till I can update via interface ?
  3. bunseN

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    What about server update ? My server is hosted by Vilayer.com. Still I have to wait till I can update via interface ?
  4. So the thread is called now: DayZ Maintenance ~ ETA: 4 PM GMT Time Then maybe everything is fixed?
  5. So I will stop my server again^^ It will go online after everything is working fine.
  6. At first everyhing was good.. now HIGH PING only -.-
  7. I'm not afraid of dying. It's ok. But I'm afraid to lose our camp. It takes a lot of time to put all the loot in it.. So I'm attached to it :) I JUST LUV MY CAMP!
  8. :) If I do this, I have to kill you ^^
  9. Hey Guys, I have a little camp with vehicles and lots of rare stuff on my server. After the thread was started, I logged in and I was still in my camp with my stuff. But now there are lots of issues and I'm a little bit scared that everything is gone.. My server is stopped at the moment.. Safety first.