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Everything posted by theo@theodormay.com

  1. Server 1: Server 2: Included on my server: Server/Personal stats: http://www.thelaughi...ndayz.com/hive/ New forums: http://tlmdayz.com Enough survival items on spawn that you can bypass the cherno run if you desire 90 + Vehicles 24/7 daylight (I might switch this to only affect one of the servers) 5 heli wrecks 20 "special wrecks" (Like heli but different skins) Care packages (random spawn cargo crates with gear) My own log parser, updating as new filters are put out Symlink'd ban list, a ban on one server is immediately applied to the other I am also looking to get some more trusted members to help me admin the servers as I can't be as active as I once was
  2. theo@theodormay.com

    Server Administrator Attacking Other Servers.

    How have you confirmed that the person is actually from that server? I means anyone could use that name if they wanted.
  3. theo@theodormay.com

    What's up with all the private hives?

    Feel free to join if you want, we got a forum and all are welcomed.
  4. theo@theodormay.com

    What's up with all the private hives?

    Your gear is only good on that hive, for instance I have 3 servers that run on my hive. So you can play on any of my 3 and the gear transfers.
  5. theo@theodormay.com

    What's up with all the private hives?

    Public hive is at end of life, everyone is moving away from it
  6. theo@theodormay.com

    New Private Hive without hackering and duping!

    That won't help. The hackers are smart and use the whitelisted functions in the filters So you won't see their hacks unless you add 1 "" to the end. By doing that 99.9% of the stuff in your logs will be legit and your log files will be HUGE.
  7. theo@theodormay.com

    FR 34 / FR 129 RAID WINE Servers Thread

    This guy does a lot of great work with dayz. I highly suggest playing on his servers.
  8. If you would read the actual thread you would see it isn't me.
  9. Well I have my own parser and my own changes to filters. Sadly the moment I make them public hackers will know how to get around them.
  10. Yeah I had that happen last weekend, this is what happens: - Hackers use bypass to run scripts - BE patches these bypasses - Servers are safe for a while - Hackers make new bypass - Repeat Sometimes I got a week or two with no issues, then it is hell for a few days. My only wisdom I can offer is add 1 "" to the bottom of your filters, this will cause it to log EVERYTHING but if you look carefully you can see how they get around the filters that way. The downside is your logs will be HUGE.
  11. It isn't me, I will gladly join to give you my IP and GUID to prove that. There are a group of hackers that like to troll my servers, trust me I get my fair share of masskills, thunderdomes, and monky menus. Then to troll me even more they put my name in their scripts and run them on other servers to make me look bad. There is honestly nothing I can do. If you want more information I will do my best to answer but this is mostly what I know.
  12. theo@theodormay.com

    Issue filling jerry cans

    Is anyone else running into this issue? My players say every so often they can't fill jerry cans.
  13. theo@theodormay.com

    Issue filling jerry cans

    Can it be fixed?
  14. theo@theodormay.com


    I have talked with Dwarden who works for BiS and and makes filters Battleye and you can't get someone's CD key via their GUID. It is encrypted and so far no one knows how.
  15. Schism61 as stated on opendayz, there is a group of hackers that has taken interest in me. I have made this aware to the dev team as well as battleye. Now for some reason when they attack other servers they put my name in there scripts. When I found that this happened I alerted both the community dev team and Dwarden.
  16. Recent fix was pushed to bliss to fix humanity, so it now save correctly.
  17. theo@theodormay.com

    Server roll back.

    If it is a normal server (aka public hive) then a rollback wont happen as survivor data is not linked to an actual instance id.
  18. theo@theodormay.com

    US 2979 Ban after helicopter crash

    I bet good money that the server admin uses dayz anti hax but did not comment out the crash stuff from remoteexc.txt.
  19. theo@theodormay.com

    Laughingman's Private Hive Bliss 1 & 2 Admin Ban

    Sometimes when developing a new log parser there are false positives. I will look into this.
  20. There is no ban in my file that says your ban message, someone must of been hacking. Considering you would get kicked if you were banned. My suggestion is to try and get the dev team to help you because as a server admin I really can't do anything about what happened to you.
  21. theo@theodormay.com

    Some good server with side channel(not private)

    US IL5 Chicago has side channel, ranked top 20