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About Uuni

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    Under the stove
  1. I would like to believe this, I wholeheartedly do, but it's the niggling feeling of it still being the buggy-as-all-hell arma2 mod beneath the surface. Reworking the server architechture, adding crafting to the engine and including customization is all fine and dandy but if all this is buil on a modded arma2 mod it's still an arma2 mod. They got the new skeleton and captured a lot of animations, yet the gameplay we've seen so far looks just like dayz mod looks like. Sure it's not exactly the same and there's a lot new under the hood but if the SA will handle like the mod, it still will feel like the mod. I'm talking especially about movement and responsiveness of the controls. Moving indoors still seems awkward as fuck, zombies still clip through walls, changing from running to gunning is slow and clunky. I'm not sure how much they can do to this stuff despite the modded engine. I haven't played the standalone so I have to work with the stuff I've seen. I know it's in very early alpha but that doesn't prevent me from worrying now does it? We saw in the e3 footage how tiny the indoor spaces were, we saw how awkward the crouch-run -> stop -> crouch-run cycle was. It's like nothing has changed at all. Glooming in the future is the release and if we want this game to reach beta before 2015 it would be nice to see some results. I very well realize how hectic it must be to work with this project and how little sneak peeks they can realistically give us, that's completely okay, I'll just keep worrying 'til I see something concrete PS. You can forgive the lack of features if the game plays well much easier than vice versa. Hopefully DayZ standalone will amount to something awesome but it's clear that everyone will not be happy, you can't make a game that pleases everyone and has every feature imaginable ever
  2. Uuni

    Zed "Reptile" Vision?

    Another suggestion that would be awesome to have but would be extremely hard to implement even in the modded arma2 engine, unless they are going to mod it further from the gameplay we've seen already
  3. That's exactly what worries me. They redid all the animations for the new skeleton and every single one of them looks just as awkward as with the old skeleton. I'll have to see for myself how it handles when I get my hands on the product but the gameplay speaks for itself...
  4. They really need to fix up the movement in this game. I thought the new skeleton would do just that but from the gameplay it still seems that it's incredibly clunky and delayed to an immersion breaking level. They need to look at other 3rd and 1st person shooter games and try to capture the feel of control form games such as warframe or battlefield 3. As much as I love the concept of the game I can't immerse myself into the game if the character handles like a block of steel on ice, that kinda thing is a dealbreaker. They keep saying they'll do something about it and I really hope that's the case and they can find where the problem lies. The whole animation system seems so flawed tbh. The vault over fence is a great improvement but seeing how awkward it was to open doors and move in tight spaces was extremely worrying
  5. Input (long-barreled firearm + bandages + pond/swamp/ground/water/etc) Output (camouflaged weapon) Tools (none) FailChance 0 Enchantments = lowers visibility of the firearm in question ActionType = recipe? primary firearm? Not sure what to put in the last slot, you basically wrap muddy/dirty bandages around your gun in order to produce makeshift camouflage and disguise the silhouette of the firearm. Not suited for short guns obviously but something like an AK would fit just perfectly
  6. I would really like to have a permanent identity that I can build in the post-apocalyptic world as I please
  7. Uuni

    fast and slow reload

    Even 3 different animations go a long way. Fast reload doesn't even need that many
  8. Uuni

    fast and slow reload

    We had a thread about this a while back. The feedback was mostly supportive to the idea if I remember correctly That's why it's fast in ArmA and shouldn't be as fast in DayZ ;)
  9. PKM should definitely be a drop in the standalone but it's not that heavy of a gun that you need 2 people to carry it. I'd prefer to run around the place with a PKM (i loved it in AA2) even if it means having to go prone every time I actually want to hit anything. I love the idea of a pickup truck that has a machinegun mounted to it's back, it's like right from my dayz survival fantasy
  10. Uuni

    DayZ SA: Endgame content

    Pretty much this. It's a survival game, you are doing good as long as you are alive. The end game is the point when you have everything you need to survive but in dayz you then have to survive against the players who want your things as well. Atm its not working too well because of the AI and loot spawning but in the standalone they can control how much beans are being spread around and make people really fight/cooperate for survival
  11. Uuni

    Emotional death

    I love the idea but this would mean that we have to see our bodies in first person by looking down. I don't know how this is implemented or will be implemented though
  12. Uuni

    Just a simple poll regarding gore.

    They can add a lot of gore as long as they add the option to remove it and dont make a big deal about it. In a game called Warframe you can dismember and gore enemies in mortal kombat level but they don't make a big fuss about it so it's not that noticeable or bothering to a lot of people compared to mortal kombat fatalities
  13. Being able to "out-pull" someone is definitely a good thing. You have a fighting chance against the people who act friendly but are actually out to kill you I love your posts, they are the ideas in my mind put into words better than I can put them myself. All my beans are belong to you :beans:
  14. Uuni

    Please add Jumping into DayZ

    I guess the victim of that crime would be you (unless I am terribly wrong about the 3rd member of the conversation)
  15. But that would mean that the stash you have is separate from the game world like a safety bank system. I feel this would just create issues IMO the game world should be separate from your like it is now. Being able to lock up a place with barricades and traps and then logging out inside the walls is a way to protect your base when you are offline. It leaves the option up for counterplay and but you can keep your stuff somewhat safe unless you leave the place unatended for a long time