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Pantz Master

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Everything posted by Pantz Master

  1. Pantz Master

    How long does a dead body last?

    This is also false. My friend respawned numerous times until he found a favorable location to get to his body. He also switched servers, then came back.
  2. Pantz Master

    How long does a dead body last?

    Well if that is true, then its definitely longer than just 20 minutes. I've babysat my friends dead bodies before for more than 45 minutes sometimes.
  3. Pantz Master

    L85A2 AWS/Ghillie Missing.

    I'm thinking that these patches aren't tested. And yes, I realize that we are technically the "testers" but its seems like the least Rocket could do would be to have a small closed release of the patch to find this shit out and fix it beforehand.
  4. I found an M4A1 Holo SD with underslung 203 launcher, a weapon I thought not to be in the game, along with tons of ammo right on the ground in Elektro. I also found a silence M9 with ammo right next to it. I have picked them up for now, but I don't know what to do from here. I know the M9 is in the game, but what should I do with these weapons? I don't want to be banned for hacking. Screenshot: http://img140.images...20711230325.png EDIT: I forgot to mention there were 4 M203 HE rounds as well.
  5. Pantz Master

    Possible hacked weapons found, what should I do?

    Ok I am going to continue playing with the weapon as if it is a legitimate find. If I receive any official word saying that I cannot play with it, I will gladly drop it/remove it.
  6. Pantz Master

    Possible hacked weapons found, what should I do?

    Remember, this wasn't looted in a regular loot spot. I found this in the middle of a paved area in elektro, with 10 magazines lying on the ground. This is either a hack, or someone looted a body and left this on the ground with the pistol.
  7. Pantz Master

    Possible hacked weapons found, what should I do?

    Here is a picture of my inventory: http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/4664/arma2oa20120711230325.png
  8. Pantz Master

    Possible hacked weapons found, what should I do?

    I'm just very suspicious because i found it in the middle of nowhere in elektro with tons of magazines lying around it.
  9. Pantz Master

    Possible hacked weapons found, what should I do?

    I hope it is, but on the wiki I can only find mention of a regular HOLO, not a silenced one. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons#Assault_Rifles
  10. You obviously didn't read the stickies dude.
  11. Pantz Master

    Canada 1 - DCer

    You obviously didn't read the stickies dude.
  12. Press escape, press respawn, then disconnect and reconnect.
  13. Pantz Master

    Seattle 35 Removed

    I don't understand why anybody would rent a server for this game. You are so restricted in what you can do as a server administrator, and so vehemently kept in check by the players, that you have almost no power yourself. It is a waste of money. I am thankful that there are so many fools willing to waste their money for me and others to be able to play this game.
  14. Pantz Master

    Too many watches, not enough compasses

    This isn't about realism. I've found shotguns, pistols, assault rifles, and bullets, but not a single compass within the last 2 days.
  15. Its easy to play at night when you have night vision! Haha!