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Everything posted by dolph

  1. dolph

    US 2047

    You were probably one of the over 4 thousand on my ban list. <3
  2. dolph

    US 2047

    Our server was permanently shut down yesterday (tired of running it, game engine is terrible, no support, scripters every day, etc etc) and I haven't banned anyone that wasn't on the CBL in a few days. But thank you, I love you too.
  3. Our server will shut down in 2 weeks. I'm tired of cleaning up after the skiddies on a daily basis.
  4. I am an admin Don't play on my own server Skiddies growing old
  5. Join my server and I'll tell you what it is.
  6. In your filtering .txt's. Typically under ../cfgdayz/BattlEye/
  7. CBL (I manually reviewed every issue posted) as well as my own manual bans. No problem. Some of this shit is just trial and error. I try to compare known scripting violations in the logs and see what other entries those users make and if I see other users make them, it's kind of a cross reference. If that makes sense. However, it's not fool proof and I will unban if I see something that's only questionable.
  8. I just plucked a few more out of my banlist with [1000,10,0] in the setpos.log over the past month or so as long as it was only 1 entry per user. We'll see how it goes. Even taking those out, my list is rapidly growing to 3600.
  9. I think I found it by just searched for fonikz in my logs. You showed up in my setpos.log 25.10.2012 07:57:57: fonikz (184.34.xx.xxx:1024) e9...7ee - 2:2 [1000,10,0] I'll give you the benefit of doubt and unban you as this game engine is terrible and that just looked suspicious.
  10. PM me your GUID and I'll investigate. Edit: Also, I don't ban people that 'piss me off'.
  11. dolph

    Is this hacking?

    If it didn't say 'SatPhone' I may give them the benefit of doubt but with those 4 entries, I'd ban.
  12. dolph

    US 2047 Ranger Squad server

    Thursday night you showed up in our set position log, twice: 01.11.2012 18:17:25: Jason (IP:2304) c...40 - 24:261 [9535,3277,157] 01.11.2012 18:22:18: Jason (IP:2304) c...40 - 24:290 [8842,2842,217] As this game engine is total shit for what they're trying to use it for and there's basically no documentation what so ever on how any of the filtering works, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as this is one of the many gray areas in banning someone.
  13. dolph

    US 2047 Ranger Squad server

    What's your in game name? I'll check.
  14. dolph

    hacker infiSTAR

    He joined the server I was playing in. He popped up a custom debug and had a HUGE CNN style ticker going across the bottom of the screen with his steaming url. Bright red and white. I was disconnecting as the ticker came up and I didn't get a screenie.
  15. dolph

    1.7.3 and still no chopper?

    Well, here's what I've learned about coords: [147,[13301.4,3238.12,-0.035]] 147 = The direction it's facing in degrees 13301.4/100 =133.01 (East/West) 3238.12 is the tricky one as North/South is reversed in the game engine. It's not perfect but if you plug that number into this equation: 152-(3238.12/100) It gives you 119.62 (North/South) Finally, and I think this is the issue I didn't notice before, -0.035 should be the elevation. Giving you the final, DayZDB equivalent of 133/119 but I think your chopper is spawning under the island. However, as that equation isn't perfect, I'd check this whole area in case it slid down the front or back hill: I've used that method to track scrtipters, their gear, their tents and their shitty ass vehicles without a problem.
  16. dolph

    1.7.3 and still no chopper?

    Those are the coordinates for the spawn point on Skalisty Island. Go check it.
  17. dolph

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    I posted this on bistudio forums as well: What's the new "dayz_logDamage" that's spamming the publicvariable.log? Sometimes it shows multiple names, is that when people are in combat together now? Originally Posted by Example 01.11.2012 06:22:32: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",1.385] 01.11.2012 06:22:32: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",1.03049] 01.11.2012 06:22:32: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",1.13709] 01.11.2012 06:22:32: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",3.27479] 01.11.2012 06:22:32: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",0.101046] 01.11.2012 06:22:34: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",1.38673] 01.11.2012 06:22:34: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",1.98367] 01.11.2012 06:22:34: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",1.19589] 01.11.2012 06:22:34: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",2.75311] 01.11.2012 06:22:34: Colby (IP) GUID - #0 "dayz_logDamage" = ["Colby","Tim",0.132196] 01.11.2012 06:22:34: Colby (IP) GUID - #7 "dayzDeath" = ["35774209",0,<NULL-object>,"86533638","Colby"] Or, more importantly, the scripts.log is growing rapidly. More than 5MB in a few hours. This is being spammed almost constantly by every player int he server: _cmpt = toArray (_x); _cmpt set [0,20]; _cmpt set [1,toArray ("-") select 0]" 01.11.2012 04:04:35: PlayerName (IP) GUID - #177 "le,_x] call object_getHit; _part = "PartGeneric";
  18. dolph

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Thanks everyone! Now it's the waiting game with our hosts.
  19. dolph

    Namalsk vehicles: Where and what?

    I've seen an old fishing boat @ 045/026 and another boat (I don't remember which kind) @ 044/014 at the docks. They both looked like fresh spawns and all of the other vehicles I've seen around were occupied.
  20. Only duping with Zombies and backpacks has been fixed. Duping has not been completely fixed.
  21. DayZ crew, enough with this forum nonsense. Pump this bitch out!