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About Tysta

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  1. Tysta

    The "I know that guy" visual system

    I can see this providing problems. But overall, I like the idea!
  2. Tysta

    Day Z gonna look like Stalker

    That's the most obvious chemlight screenshot you could make. Why bother assuming the engine was altered to include artifacts when you can actually even see the chemlight itself in the pictures?
  3. Tysta

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    Define 'racism' please.The term itself is derogatory' date=' for it assumes there are different races. Language has nothing to do with racism. Especially not when we're talking about the global lingua franca. This is the 21st century, you shouldn't be on the internet if you don't want to use English. It's already a mandatory language in schools all over Europe.
  4. Tysta


    Clearly you've played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Fallout, where radiation levels magically appeared on your HUD. Do you have any idea how impossible it is to measure radiation levels? Even complicated geiger counters can only point to a vague measure, and have you ever seen one? Do you know how impossible is to survive in a radiated area? If you survive your journey out you'll most likely just have radiation illness for the rest of your life. It's a bad idea to introduce this to the game.
  5. Rebooting a server every 6 hours is a perfectly sane thing to do with this mod. Also, take in mind the past updates meant lower FPS, and further strained the central database. How are the South Africans not able to play on European servers, if it does work the other way around? Is the internet connectivity there that bad?
  6. Except this isn't always the case. Every now and then you lose a ridiculous amount of Humanity for a single kill. I've gotten from 3k to -6k a few times' date=' by simply shooting a survivor that could form a threat with his heavy weaponry aimed at me. Exactly, and this is what ruins the game for a lot of us. There is no proper reason to go on a random killing spree in a zombie apocalypse, there should be a better system so that avoiding murdering someone actually has benefits.Respawn linked to humanity like this is a bad idea, though. You keep your humanity level across deaths, which would mean your 1-minute-old character can still have -8k humanity, which would mean a seriously long spawn time.
  7. Tysta

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    I'm suprised this hasn't happened before. Do you realize how much hatred there is for Russians at the moment? We can't understand the speach, it doesn't even use the alphabet! That combined with the enormous amount of Russian players spread across all the servers is a big source of racism. The imminent request to use English in chat is often greated with anti-American slurs immediately. I personally don't think it's not a bad rule to enforce English in the chat. I've had to teach myself to use this language on the web, why don't you?
  8. Seems to me that this system is currently just an exra inventory hogger, and just postponing the point where you consider taking risks because your character is 'properly' equipped for an apocolypse.
  9. Tysta

    Respawn and Die

    Same exact thing is happening to me, and has been for the past 2 hours. It's almost as if the central database is corrupting newly spawned characters with othere people's data. Here's what I posted in a different thread;
  10. Replying to this thread with a similar experience (mods prefer deleting my threads over acknowledging the bug) Spawning in random locations after dying or joining, with random temperature/blood/hunger/hydration. Not spawning in normal spawn locations, rather in the middle of towns/guard towers. 90% of the time I spawn in hourglass mode, and I can't even use the ESC key. (Seriously, get rid of this shitty system) I hopped servers 3 times, killed myself 20-odd times, got some other people to shoot me just to be sure. It looks like the database is fucking up.
  11. Tysta

    Influential games to DayZ?

    How are you not noticing the similarity with S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? Really, Dead Island and Thief have nothing in common with DayZ. They're not survival games, at all.
  12. Tysta

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    That post is uncalled for. There's been a long and good discussion about the humanity system, and the choice was made to remove its effects for now. Let's hear your argument, why would an automatically assigned skin be so vital to this survival horror game?
  13. Tysta

    Incapacitating Weapons and Actions

    If you're stuck in a zombie apocalypse, would you run around with non-lethal weaponry to protect yourself? I guess it could be a tactical choice, like flashlights taking up pistol slots, but I cannot see much added value. These weapons would be really rare, and useless to most players.
  14. Tysta

    1.5.8 skins ( ? )

    With the removal of the automatically-assigned bandit skin Rocket notified us of the new skin system; loot! These were not included in the changelog yet, but rumours are still out there. Can anyone confirm these are implemented already, or maybe, do you have any idea what the available skins will be? If so, enlighten us by posting the screenshots of your glorious looted clothing? All I've got so far is rumours, and I noticed the default survivor skins can still be different for every client that looks at the player. Thanks in advance!