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Everything posted by Sontana

  1. Sontana

    LF Swedish Teams

    Vore sjukt bra de :-) kommer dock
  2. Sontana

    Amazing DayZ Video

    this is truly EPIC
  3. Sontana

    LF Swedish Teams

    nice nån som har nå teamspeak eller liknande?
  4. Omg must say you guys had alot of lead in the air when the car drove up :P enjoyed this vid alot, hope those idiots get banned. cheers
  5. Sontana

    Solo play + recovering blood

    Some military fieldkit wloud be pretty intresting, but i mean they dont perform miracles in the hands of an amature( nither should bloodbags). And the problem with the space in your pack? Come on, all the shit you try to get in there are as big as they are, they dont shrink because u want em to. You have a limit to how much u can carry, at least i have. You may have to sacrefice your precius 2nd primary rifel but its a crule world and you are trying to survive. When i where in the army as a ranger my backpack wight about 60kg but you dont go around running and crouching with that. Sop ( standard operation procidure): you got to survive with whatever shit u got on your body, on the ground, what u can scavange or kill for. The world will fight you, fight back and win Ps: wrote this on my iphone so sorry for the gramatics :p