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The Cursed Red Baron

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Everything posted by The Cursed Red Baron

  1. The Cursed Red Baron

    What's The Lowest Blood You've Survived At?

    I was driving a tractor with red hull indicator. I rammed a tree at a steep slope and he tractor exploded, leaving me with around 200 blood and unconciousness. I was lucky that i wasn't bleeding, otherwise i would have been screwed^^ But it was very very hard finding an animal foor cooking, because you can't see shit with 200 blood :X
  2. The Cursed Red Baron

    Suggestion: Ammo system

    old (but perfect) idea, nicely explained :) Beanz 4 U
  3. The Cursed Red Baron

    Why am I being punished?

    And i have never heard that the flashlight attracts zombies. You can hold the light directly into their faces and nothing will happen. i guess, you just made some noise.
  4. The Cursed Red Baron

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    I see, many people don't understand the parody and sarcasm behind this... :D Maybe they just read the headline :P Beanz for the TF2 Soldier :)
  5. The Cursed Red Baron


    Dann kann ich dir leider auch ned weiterhelfen, bei mir funktioniert es auf jeden Fall :(
  6. The Cursed Red Baron


    Hast du in den Settings angekreuzt "Start with steam" (oder ähnlich) und "Always overwrite beta patch irgendwas"?
  7. The Cursed Red Baron


    Gern, hat's geholfen? PS: Mit der neuesten Version von DayZCommander ist es nun auch möglich, downzugraden :)
  8. The Cursed Red Baron


    jo du müsstest ohne Probs joinen können, du hast halt den server dann in deinen favs drinnen, kann man aber wieder löschen^^ Downgraden geht folgendermaßen: 1. Du gehst in dein Installationsverzeichnis und suchst den Ordner "Expansions/beta" 2. Lösche den Ordner "Beta" 3. geh auf http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ 4. lad dir den 95885 herunter und installiere ihn Solltest du Steam verwenden, mach noch zusätzlich folgendes: 5. wenn der beta patch installiert ist, geh in den (neuen) Expansions/Beta Ordner und kopiere die datei Arma2OA.exe 6. geh in dein normales Arrowhead-Verezichnis und füge die Datei dort ein. Windows wird dich fragen, ob du die vorige Datei überschreiben willst, sag dazu einfach ja. Das müsste es gewesen sein^^ Wenns noch Fragen gibt, schreib mich einfach an!
  9. The Cursed Red Baron


    Am besten, du gradest auf 95885, die meisten Server laufen da noch drauf. Es kann aber auch sein, dass dein DayZCommander spinnt, ein Kumpel von mir hat das nämlich auch. Solltest du das Problem haben, dass wirklich nur mehr ganz wenige Server angezeigt werden, geh auf "Favourites" und gib dort die IP-Adresse des Servers ein, welchen du besuchen möchtest. Auf Gametracker.com findest du alle Server, die es gibt :) Hoffe das hilft, meinem Kumpel hat's geholfen^^
  10. The Cursed Red Baron

    [AUT] Spieler suchen Genossen zum Zocken!

    Serwas! Bin auch aus dem Land der Berge, wenn ihr noch einen Mitstreiter braucht, bin ich dabei! PM mich einfach oder add mich Steam "The Cursed Red Baron [AUT]" :)
  11. Definition of "bandit" in DayZ: - Killing or capturing people for their weapons, food and water. Well-thought-out tactics and adapted choice of weapons. Faces firefights. Definition of "assfag" in DayZ: - Dumb sitting at the coast or on a hill near a town and shooting at everything that moves in front of the scope. After killing there is no intent taking loot from the victim. If a threat comes near, Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Alt+Del+end process will be hit. In firefights the only tactics are Combat logging and flanking the enemy on another server and relog to the firefight. This is what all people should think about when they write about bandits. learn to distinguish that FFS.
  12. The Cursed Red Baron

    Ammo Not Refilling On Re-Log After

    OMG, he is the impersonification of the "Gamer-Kiddie" - never seen so much stupidity concentrated in one person :o
  13. The Cursed Red Baron

    Cherno Taxi Service

    Just be careful, everywhere asshats who want your cars! Good luck with your taxi service!
  14. The Cursed Red Baron

    Looking for Coyote, M107/AS50, l85

    Yo, i got an AS50 and around 7 mags, but don't need it. I would take the M4 CCO, is that ok?
  15. The Cursed Red Baron

    Re-Implement M107 TWS

    Man you sound like a little Kid. I think the only one who QQs is you, because they took out your noob-one-hit-kill weapon. What should anyone do with that weapon except for PK-ing? If you just want to spot, find an L85, or - if you really need it for your orgasms - get a NVG and a DMR. Plus: Insulting other players as pussies doesn't let you appear very mature and makes you a much greater pussy then all of that spawnkilling Sniperfags out there. HF with never getting that weapons (Oh yeah i am whining QQ booohoooo) PS: You can start with flaming and insultung me now, I don't care.
  16. The Cursed Red Baron

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    You don't even have to kill them... It's enough when you find their camp at the northern border and mark it on the map as "Camp here", so other people can get some gear too. Guess what happened 2 minutes later... Was on US 567 as i can remember...
  17. The Cursed Red Baron

    DayZ - Nature in Full Effect for the Standalone Game

    Additional idea: Howling winds, which lower your sound, your accuracy, let trees see-saw. If you walk against them, you'll slow down, if you walk with them, you'll be faster. anyway +1 for the whole idea!
  18. The Cursed Red Baron

    Separate slot for Flashlight in the Inventory

    Yeah, this in combination with Duckman404's suggestion! +1
  19. The Cursed Red Baron

    General Weapon Poll

    More variety, but less chance of weapon spawns.
  20. The Cursed Red Baron

    The German and Austrian On Toure

    Ich hätt auch mal Lust, in einer größeren Gruppe als nur zu dritt herumzulaufen/herumzufahren :) Wen darf ich auf Steam adden oder hier anschreiben? Hoffe es besteht kein "AnwesenheitsZWANG" wie bei manchen Clans (bin etwas MMORPG geschädigt D:) LG
  21. The Cursed Red Baron

    Suggestion for new city

    Yeah map expansion sound nice, i also wondered when i zoomed out the map - there is so much more space for potential areas :)
  22. The Cursed Red Baron

    Guns less powerful?

    As said, this nerf was not the fault of the dayZ dev team, it's an Arma2 patch which is nerfing the guns generally. Hope that Rocket can (and will) adjust weapon damage for DayZ seperately.
  23. The Cursed Red Baron

    Mk48 Mod 0 or M4A3 CCO?

    I think someone left it there - but i can't imagine WHY! ;D
  24. The Cursed Red Baron

    More realistic backpacks/inventory (volume and weight)

    They could at least change the size of some weapons. 5 or 6 slots for a pistol but just one slot for a hatchet? 10 Slots for an MP5 (around 70cm) and also 10 Slots for an M107 (around 150cm)? For example: You have the alice pack with 20 slots - so you can put in a maximum of 4 pistols. If you think about it, in RL you could put 4 pistols even in a coyote patrol pack (the starter backpack). I don't think they can implement a weight system that fast, but maybe it's possible to adjust the weapon slot requirement.
  25. The Cursed Red Baron


    +1 Yes 4 Molotovs!