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The Cursed Red Baron

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Everything posted by The Cursed Red Baron

  1. The Cursed Red Baron


    +1 from me too!
  2. The Cursed Red Baron

    Build Crossbow Bolts with Firewood

    +1 nice idea, some stacking (around 3 bolts in 1 inventory slot) would be fine too!
  3. The Cursed Red Baron

    Headshots Required To Kill Zeds

    No. As rocket said, they're not dead, just infected. And i guess an infected body needs nearly all its functions to stay alive. So if you disable one or more of these functions, the Zed will just die.
  4. +1 - This idea needs more promotion!
  5. The Cursed Red Baron

    Body Armor

    +1 for that idea. The better the armor, the heavier.
  6. The Cursed Red Baron

    Change to ammo management/loot structure

    +1 i guess that's what a lot of people are thinking about
  7. The Cursed Red Baron

    Refilling magazins a bit more realism and flexibility

    +1 for that suggestion
  8. Very nice, that's what i was thinking when i saw the pumpkins at the farms and the mushrooms in the forest^^ The thing with the "poisonous" mushrooms might also work! +1 for the suggestions!
  9. The Cursed Red Baron

    More rare spawns.

    You're right, people love to collect and i am one of them :) +1
  10. The Cursed Red Baron

    Military base

    Yeah, that's what i was thinking about yesterday! A convoi, that moves across the map in a random pattern, and at night, they could build up a camp. Hard to take over, but if you manage to put the soldiers out, you will get nice loot and one of their vehicles (if not destroyed during the firefight). +1 for that!
  11. The Cursed Red Baron

    Let people choose where on the coast they want to spawn

    Very good idea! If someone (me included) doesn't spawn at the point he/she wants, he/she will hit the respawn button. That's a fact. We can see it everyday on every server :) +1 for the suggestion
  12. The Cursed Red Baron

    Slot Capacities For Weapons

    Agreed, would be a nice thing if they could change it. A pack of Machinegun ammo needs 2 slots and a small Pistol needs 5?^^ As Strategos said, it's ridiculous!
  13. The Cursed Red Baron

    Suggestion idea : We need a camera !

    Yes that sounds cool :D Just a nice little gimmick, but cool!
  14. The Cursed Red Baron


    Hello! First i would suggest, you'd not put on the fire as long as you haven't looted the dead animal, Zombies are attracted by the light and the smoke can be seen by other players too. Only make your fireplace in the forests and NOT in open spaces. If you want to find animals, here are my personal experiences with them: 1) Cows - provide the most meat (8 pieces), they're often found on large fields. I have found a cow in a forest too, but that's very uncommon. Be careful, because at the open field everyone can see you. After taking the meat, go to the forest and cook it! 2) Sheep (5 meat) and goats (3 meat) are also found on open fields and grassland, same procedure as cow. 3) Boars are most commonly found in the forests. They drop 4 raw meat and are (IMO) the best meat providers in DayZ. The advantages are, that there is always a forest nearby. 4) Rabbits - these animals you will meet the most. They have 2 big disadvantages: They are running around in a zig-zag-course, so they're hard to catch (sometimes they stop and look around a bit, but not too long). The other thing is: They just drop 1 meat, so i would just hunt them if you REALLY need to. 5) Chicken - I have never hunted a chicken because i always had Zeds nearby. Chickens appear at farms and in suburbs or small villages. They only provide 1 meat and it is dangerous to gut an animal when you're surrounded by wandering undead ;) As said, when you're done with looting the meat, get into the forest and make your fire. Just don't forget to put out the fire after you have finished cooking. I hope i was able to help you :) Greets TCRB PS: this was just about the animals and how to look for them - nice tutorial how to use all the items see below (Post by FlangeHamm3r) :)
  15. The Cursed Red Baron

    Melee Weapon Suggestion

    +1 Nice idea, would appreciate that!
  16. The Cursed Red Baron

    Make bicycles MORE common

    +1 totally agree!!
  17. The Cursed Red Baron

    Craziest Thing You've Done in Day Z

    We Were hiding on the roof of a hospital and searched the area when we noticed a guy crawling in our direction through a garden behind a house. He was only equipped with a hatchet so we didn't shoot him. I just took a smoke grenade and threw it right at him and all the zombies ran to his hiding point. I guess i have never seen a guy disconnecting that fast :D