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Everything posted by Riemer

  1. Riemer


    I believe rocket said something about being unable to implement a hatchet for whatever reason, for firewood possibly. And it has been said one hundred times, ArmA 2 does not support melee at the moment, I don't doubt it can be done eventually, but it will take a lot of effort that simply conserving ammunition could solve.
  2. Riemer

    Post your Camps!

    I have a camp way out in the sticks, which is not much more than three tents and a campfire for my group of seven people, we're more or less just pack rats at the minute. http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ultimatus/screenshot/578956129080613171?tab=public
  3. Berezino. It is the holy grail of loot, three apartment buildings, 2 black houses, two conveniance stores, and a hospital within pissing distance of each other.
  4. I was in a group, three people plus myself, and a wild noob appears. He notices us, salutes us and runs around the town for a bit, when I realize I am hungry. So I chat in vent and were like "Lol, fine, noobs are a dime a dozen." And we chase him, and he doesn't know we're chasing him so he turns around in front of a building, when we're all pointing our guns at him. He stared at us blankly for a few seconds, not realizing the impending danger until, *Bang, Bang Bang* I'm going to hell for that.
  5. Riemer

    Interesting Hack...

    These hacks have been around since the start of ArmA 2, I can't say how many times I've seen mysterious jets fly over Zargabad back when I played City Life.
  6. Riemer

    They see me rolling...

    The Enfield. Forever the gun you love to bits because of plentiful ammo but hate because you are forced to use it all.
  7. Riemer

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Probably zombies are attracted to talking players. Aw Lawd. haha oh man, I was hoping maybe he somehow managed to script it so that we could use VOIP in Global and only local players could hear. Can't wait till Boh patches and fixes direct. YES. Just imagine next time a squeaky kid on a mic talks in side chat accidentally, the whole damn mapfull of zombies will be on his ass in minutes. Well deserved.
  8. And the legions of bandits descended upon Norway 1, and their CZ bullets hath blocked out the sun.
  9. Riemer


    The whole reason the starting gun was changed from a revolver to the makarov is because when you start, you need something shitty to encourage you to look for new weapons and ammo, if you had a M1911 or something as your starting gun, and can one-shot all the zombies coming for you, why bother getting a new gun?
  10. Riemer

    Water bottles vs. ponds solution

    Yes, someone finally didn't just wish for it to happen and made it happen. You are among the better people on the forums.
  11. The city this was in is Chernogorsk, it was noobs they killed most likely.
  12. Riemer

    Message from a survivor:

    And the colours of one have been revealed to be a carebear. Also, being mad on the forums just for the sake of being mad won't get you anywhere.
  13. I think that a long time ago, in some old game, Battlefield 1942 or maybe MOH:AA, I met a group of the same name, resemblance?
  14. Riemer

    Errr... OK!

    Hah. I've played ArmA 2 for a couple years and admittedly, I've never heard of this. I chuckled.
  15. I really, really hate to be a downer on this, but I can see bandits from all over coming to Norway 1 in hopes of ruining this.
  16. Riemer

    Question about raw meat

    ^ Yes, they never run out.
  17. Riemer

    DayZ Memes

    Love the people hating on this thread, most of these are quite comical. Are memes really that overused, or do you spend too much time on the internet?
  18. Yes. Cry "Havoc!" and let slip the dogs of war! And don't forget to videotape, let the rest of us see which side wins.
  19. Riemer

    I heard these things are rare..

    I found one once. Didn't think much of it as it was my first life about 4 hours in. I regret drinking that damn thing now knowing they're rare.
  20. Riemer

    M107 taking up backpack space?

    Yeah, the gun is massive. One can easily snipe everyone in Elektrozavodsk from a mile away if you had binoculars and a good eye. Some people might already do it now.
  21. Yeah, the coast is a bitch. On topic, crafty people can easily track a noob for miles until they kill, and I have seen this happen many times. All it takes is being spotted and the spotter having a general idea of where you're heading. So before you whine like "I was X and in a bush and I was X and in a house, take that into account. Smart people are smart, at least pretend that you are too.
  22. Riemer

    [v. 1.5.7] Respawn bug

    I think this is happening everywhere most likely, as it happened to a lot of people on US1
  23. Riemer

    Elecktro Cafe - Story

    If bandit, shoot. Even if you have a makarov, a headshot is a headshot, and more often than not you will have scared the living piss out of him and probably made him panic.