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Posts posted by Riemer

  1. I personally don't.

    Every gunshot or scuttling noise you don't hear counts against your chance of surviving.

    Reminds me of a little encounter I had at NW airfield once. I was outside the airfield perimeter at what was around midnight on the server, one of those darker-than-black nights where you could barely see the ground. I suddenly hear gunfire, but it was not firing at me. It had to be a dozen or so mixed weapons firing. The firing came from the tower area, and went on for five minutes or so until it died down. The big balls that I had declared that clan battles mean lots of dead clan soldiers, with sweet lewtz. So I went over, all sneaky until I find the area this happened in. All over the tower area, in the open all the way to the hangars there were 18 dead survivors. As I finished picking and choosing what I was to keep or discard I heard somebody in the tower, stream a bagpipe version of Amazing Grace through his microphone.

    It was the most interesting ten minutes I had in Day Z.

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  2. It was implemented as a sort of realism mechanic.

    If you watch the opening sequence of Saving Private Ryan, you will notice some of the fully-geared up soldiers drowning in the water, and this was historically accurate, as a lot of gear can be .... detrimental... to swimming. So the game ditches your gear for you.

  3. You call the "Scout Sniper (MOS 0317, formerly 8541) is a secondary MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) designator of U.S. Marine Corps infantrymen and reconnaissance Marines that have successfully graduated from a USMC Scout Sniper School" the 10 years old who did not study in school and have no knowledge in history?

    Thank you, God for sending somebody with common sense.

    And for everybody else that lacks historical knowledge, the symbols, known as siegrunes, are from an ancient religion and are not necessarily signs of Nazism.

  4. I don't think that Day Z would have a market among the majority of console users.

    From what I have seen in my personal experience of people who enjoy consoles in high school (the same people who laugh every time the teacher says "Homo erectus") would not very much care for a time-consuming sandbox game without a clear endgame. Sure they would get it to see what all the hype is about, but once they lose the initial reaction they would either never play it again or complain on the forums about how bad it is.

    And betting that age group and audience would make up the majority of console users I believe it would fail if they did go through the bother of porting it.

    Sure it is possible, although time consuming, but I don't think that we need the intelligence on the forums to regress any more than it has.

  5. The base game and the entire engine is built around guns, and the few melee weapons in Day Z are pretty much coded as very short range and slow-firing guns that have an animation tossed in.

    And I would assume that in a situation like such, even in countries like the UK, Australia, Germany, there would be a massive military mobilization in the case of a zombie infestation. Prior to the advance of the infection there will be military troops everywhere, and the supply convoys that follow. Civilians would most certainly be looking for weapons and supplies from all sources, be them old and outdated firearms, bladed weapons, also firearms purchased from stores. When the infected attack, military posts would be overrun, small villages and communities which would certainly have some sort of game-hunting beforehand would be engulfed. After the initial attack you will have destroyed military bases, towns that were recently ravaged, the occupants readied for the attack or not, which would leave a sizable pool of weapons of all makes and models, from military firearms to civilian rifles and shotguns to pistols and machetes. After this happens survivors will undoubtedly leech some of the weapons and ammunition off of their dead ex-humans to use for themselves, which puts the weapons in a new circulation of survivors who die and scavenge for them. It doesn't matter if the weapons are under lock and key, if you have a police force or a military, or the odd farmer or hunter that enjoy shooting game, you have weapons that will be circulated in an apocalypse situation. All of this is hypothetical of course, but it is my best bet of what would happen.


    Ammo is expensive now, even the cheap ammo is being bought in bulk because of this. I would take cheap ammo over no ammo.

  6. They use scripts already made into the game for destructive purposes. The problem is that if any admin looks into the logs, it would be very hard if not impossible to sort out legitimate script use from destructive script use. We just have to hang in there and wait for patches that help the situation.
