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Everything posted by Riemer

  1. Riemer

    Trying to reach 1,000 zeds killed [Stream]

    I was half expecting a stream sniper nailing him at 9,999. Congrats.
  2. Riemer

    I have seen the Gates of Hell!

    ^ Dafuq did I just TL;DR?
  3. Riemer

    Worst graphical glitches I've ever seen.

    Because the more things you add or fix brings new problems. Think of it as a game of coding whack-a-mole. You get some but some things slip by.
  4. Riemer

    Why don't 'spawners' get banned ?

    How about we give you a second-rate anti cheat engine and let YOU try and search out abuse of in-game script commands in the sea of legitimate ones?
  5. Riemer

    Damage Nerf on Firearms

    You're talking about ArmA 2 AI, designed for long to mid distance firefights and infantry combat, I thank rocket and realize that it is a miracle that they work at all. o7
  6. Riemer

    worlds best h@cker lol

    *snip* Nevermind.
  7. Riemer

    Banditry exploded

    I remember in earlier Day Z with the bandit skins still implemented, where not as many people were bandits. But they were all eventually desensitized by being killed so many times. R.I.P all you Friendlies.
  8. Riemer

    i finally fucking logged on

    Ah, just read the other topic, it seems this is happening to a lot of people since the update.
  9. Riemer

    i finally fucking logged on

    You give so little information, for all we know it is a problem with your eyes. Is it like the glitch that used to happen to barbed wire spools? Add some pics.
  10. Riemer

    Optional PVP

    You think it will be fun suggesting it now, but once the adrenaline and the fear is gone you will wish you hadn't suggested this.
  11. If anyone here has played Zargabad or Chernarus Life, you know that it is not impossible, but will undoubtedly be hard. I myself like the idea of a more stable food source than what we have currently, as I haven't found food in as many buildings as I have in about a week of play. This and farming would be an interesting combination. Let the harvests commence.
  12. Riemer

    DayZ Stories

    It was a dark and stormy night. (Ha, see what I did there?) Myself and a Aussie-American group of mine were trekking over to Stary for some food and water, when we happen upon a perfect and repaired UH-1H helicopter, all green except for the fuel. So we post snipers around it on every angle and send out scavengers to fetch us some gas. It took us about an hour to find some tanks as it was that special kind of night where absolutely nothing is visible. As we came back with the fuel and started fueling the sniper to the eastern hill had gone off to sleep, so we sent the scavengers back out to get the last bit of gas that we could, but then a player comes sprinting from the east about five minutes after our friend had disconnected, and he jumps right into the chopper, flies it up, and does a wild back flip into the ground. The worst part was that for some reason, the windscreen glass was bulletproof, which I had never seen happen in this game before. We had to have fired three complete AK mags into that cockpit, but no effect. And I cried unmanly tears.
  13. Riemer

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    People spend hours getting gear, and depending on luck and skill, it can all be taken away by one shot. People would rather only fight zombies, but that would take away all the excitement and adrenaline you get from having to run through a field with no cover or hearing walking noises behind you, or those distant gunshots you hear ever so often. Realize what you have before you lose it please.
  14. Riemer

    Taking forever to load?

    It's all the magical forum peoples' fault! We must post and post until they press their great red "Load" button in the clouds! On the serious side, try joining different servers, it has been and still is a hit and miss system sometimes, but it has gotten better in the past few updates. Just keep trying.
  15. Riemer

    hatchet and rifle

    In my own personal experience, the Lee is not such a bad weapon as the ammunition is readily available and it has great PvP damage just in case. The trick is to only fire one shot if you really need to fire, as any people within range would likely be focusing on other matters, and although they might hear the shot, they might not be able to pinpoint it. This of course will not work if you fire again as they will then know right where you are.
  16. It was also all rocket's fault! You should whine and cry all over the forums to him!
  17. Well if I was an invisible script kiddie with money to blow on hacks I'd do the same thing. Sounds hysterical.
  18. Riemer

    ACRE Support

    +1 for ACRE.
  19. Riemer

    TX4 Immortal cheater

    Technically it's not an MH-6 if it has rockets, it's an AH-6. But on topic, I have seen one of these people myself only two days ago but forgot to take screenshots like a dumbass.
  20. Riemer

    Balota medical camp

    I think the tents are bugged, as similar tents at other army camps spawn loot just fine.
  21. Riemer

    Why all the hate?

    Perhaps you should find one then?
  22. Riemer

    Crows fly in the general area of bandits

    Bandits are just another play style and another, more challenging threat to face, they are player just like you, and having such an advantage over them, even at some times, would be comparable in my eyes to downloading an ESP hack. Handicapping bandits is not the answer, now I am not going to bother writing a massive rant on this, but having bandits be in any way identifiable would be unrealistic to say to the least, do you see crows flying around the heads of real criminals? No? Reason enough for me. Finding incentives to team up would help much more.
  23. Thirded, I have that whole kit in my closet, helluva gun. Loud as fuck and kicks like a horse too. Perfect Lee Enfield substitute.
  24. Riemer

    Remove Krutoy Cap Spawn Point

    In fact, if you didn't, you'd live longer.