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Everything posted by Chaos5061

  1. Chaos5061

    Choppers In DayZ

    Desycning issues and made servers lag.
  2. Have you tried everything here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36328-updating-beta-patch-fix/ This is the place I found out about the wrong cd key error and how to fix it. But there is a part for constant kicks.
  3. Well that was what I did to fix mine after update today. I added launching the Arma's after trying to install the newest beta brought up a wrong cd key error and that fixed it but I never experienced the constant kicking. I always play on servers that have use the latest DayZ patch and Beta patch. Have you tried updating the Beta to the newest which is 95310 and playing on a server that uses it?
  4. First do this for Arma2 and Arma 2 OA: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 Then after that is completed click play and then exit when you reach the menu for Arma 2 Arma 2 OA and Arma 2 CO. Now try playing DayZ and see if that fixes it.
  5. Chaos5061

    Pending Update: Build

    Only reason that I found DayZ Commander to be wrong about time is when the server description has the wrong timezone listed. Thats where Commander takes it from.
  6. Chaos5061

    Updating Beta Patch Fix

    I did a shorter version of this. I did the update today with Steam. Then verified the integrity of the cache files. Then I tried to install the new beta patch and got Wrong CD Key. So I went looking for the solution and found your hint about running Arma 2 Arma 2 AO and Arma 2 CO. Once I did that the beta patch went through and I went and connected to a server that was running that beta patch and connected with no problems.
  7. Chaos5061

    All Night Servers?

    And the reason commander was wrong is because the timezone in the server description was wrong.
  8. Chaos5061

    Pending Update: Build

  9. I don't know if DayZ will go to Arma 3 now. With the Standalone now being pushed and rocket recently saying he hopes maybe it being something for the end of 2012.
  10. Chaos5061

    Pending Update: Build

  11. Chaos5061

    Pending Update: Build

    I'm hopeing for some kind of response tomorrow at the latest about what the release of 1.62 will do for updateing DayZ now. Still need beta patch? What about Steam? The new update hasn't been released for Steam yet so what will Steam users do?
  12. Chaos5061

    Pending Update: Build

    Everyone posting about logging in and out to find day or night servers I would like to recommend DayZ Commander. If gives you the option to sort by time. Now it's not a 100% fool proof because it relies on the time listed in the server description and those are sometimes wrong. But you will get a server with the right time 70-80% of the time eliminating logging in and out to find a day or night sever.
  13. Chaos5061

    Pending Update: Build

    Sometimes people will put items on top of something and you have to pick it up to get to the item you want. Also sometimes stuff bugs. Like this one time I found somebody dead and they had a Alice Pack. Well I tried just scroll wheel to take it but that wouldn't work so what I had to do was empty my backpack scroll wheel the body and select gear then click their backpack and in the bottom right of the inventory window click take and it swapped mine for theirs. Sometimes things just take a little finagling to get it to work.
  14. Chaos5061

    Pending Update: Build

    The Gamespy stuff is under maintenance. So most servers will not show.
  15. Play anything that has 3rd person on. Only requirement I feel to me. Just can't stand 1st in this game.
  16. Install it manually and keep it updated with DayZ Commander. If you have Steam I made a youtube video on how to install manually: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QVabKZC9u8&feature=g-upl
  17. Chaos5061

    is there windows full screen mode?

    While the menu of respawn and abort is up press Alt+Enter.
  18. You can also click cancel and the refresh the blank page it takes you too.
  19. Chaos5061

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    M_5hizzle. And I also watch his stream on twitch.tv when it's up.
  20. Chaos5061

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    May want to check out this thread some of those questions have been answered: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38656-fps-guru-interview/
  21. You'll get a faster response posting this bug about DayZ Commander in it's own bug forum. https://groups.googl...m/dayzcommander Mention that you tried turning off aero when you do report the bug.
  22. Chaos5061

    Mountain Dew

    Uh What?!?!?!? you don't refill the can. You refill your drink gauge. Now you can find water bottles and refill them. Just look for a pond or a water pump and you can fill them there.
  23. Chaos5061

    Mountain Dew

    You drink it to refill your drink gauge to green. Also Mountain Dews are rare. Your most likely going to be finding Coke and Pepsi more.