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Everything posted by chrismgtis

  1. Um, this not so correct.
  2. chrismgtis

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    There are plenty of dumbed down games out there for you. This is not your game. Nor will it ever be. Move along.
  3. You realize you're a troll and he's a complainer right? What's worse? I'd say you. You spent WAY too much time trying to be a creative troll there. Quite sad indeed.
  4. Simple answer: once they kill someone they've given away their position and risk being killed. In other words, they are pansies.
  5. chrismgtis

    God damn server hoppers

    You must not have anything better to do than troll this forum.
  6. chrismgtis

    Servers need to be regulated

    It's not so much DayZ as it is Arma 2. Arma 2 has horrible netcode and DayZ mod inherits all the issues (which are many).
  7. Ridiculous complaint. Nothing good really spawns there. What does spawn there, also spawns in Cheno/Elektro so stop crying about it.
  8. chrismgtis

    Infected Aggro Radius

    Likely will be fixed in the hot fix or soon after. Zombies shouldn't agro at x range regardless of the circumstances.
  9. Quit crying already. A wipe won't do anything about that. They'll just re-acquire the items 5 seconds later. Jesus.
  10. chrismgtis

    Make it harder, less loot

    Boohoo. Sorry, but Rocket isn't about catering to care bears. Move along.
  11. There is a player hacking on 352. Guy has some kind of cheat that allows him to see everyone on the map. Killed an entire guild at Stary Sobor about 10 minutes ago (it's currently 7:38PM Eastern). I watched this guy run up to me between 3 bushes while prone and not having moved for a while. He knew exactly where I was. Unknown exactly who he was. I just noticed his gray beard. Attempted to find out how to contact the admin as he was around.
  12. chrismgtis

    I found a camp at UK41

    Honestly, it should be against the rules for you to post this information on the forums. It's not cool. We're all down for pillaging people's stuff, but posting it on the forums is pretty asinine.
  13. Only issue I've come across is the one where wearing a skin causes issues (ie for me I logged on naked/invisible but had all my items).
  14. chrismgtis

    Update came. Where helicopters?

    Wow, someone who can actually explain this issue. I've been trying to get a legitimate response about this issue for weeks and have yet to get one. Thank you for that. The reason I haven't understood the issue is because in the vanilla game there are dozens of vehicles/air flying around the map at any given time and one helicopter breaks DayZ? I didn't understand that. So a bug broke it? Alright, that I can understand.
  15. chrismgtis

    First impression: This sucks.

    If it's "blurry" then you're settings aren't correct. 3D resolution needs to be set to your monitor's optimal resolution (ie: mine is 1920x1080) and go from there. I'd suggest turning off Post Processing. If you get any FPS lag then turn off shadows and start turning down other settings until you get it where you want. The game looks good with everything on low as long as 3D Res is high enough.
  16. chrismgtis

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    Bitch. Moan. Bitch. Moan. Bitch. Moan. Bitch. Moan. There, I got it out the way for you. Now all that's left to do is for you guys to go to 1 of the 8 million dumbed down piles of junk games out there that listened to babies and ruined the game, making it not fun anymore. One of those would be good for you. Do us a favor and play those, and complain on their forums, instead of ruining ours. I never even found one or got to use one. See me complaining? Not at all.
  17. chrismgtis

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    Yea, let's just give everyone axes and get it over with. Stop whining and go play Call of Duty or something.
  18. Few hours ago I picked up camo clothing and equipped it. Once the server updated, I went to update. Logged back into the server and I was invisible and had to find civilian clothing (was close to a tent with some fortunately).
  19. I just joined a server and was randomly kicked moments later before ever even having the chance to move or glance around. As this is against the rules, I am looking for a connection log which might show what server I was kicked from. Is there a log?
  20. I am absolutely what you would call a hard core gamer. Been doing it since I was able to hold a controller in my hand back when the Atari was around (but not during it's release - I'm not that damn old). I was born in 1982 just so you don't get any bright ideas and start calling me old. I'm only 29. Anyway, so after somewhat avoiding Arma 2 for a long time I played Arma 2 Free for a while then picked up the game about 3 weeks ago specifically for DayZ. From the stand-point of a semi-newcomer who learned about the game from a friend then learned more through YouTube videos and having spoken to people in the clan and others, I think I speak for damn near all of the player base in the following points: :idea: Observations: - Bandit skin: no legitimate excuse to remove. So I must ask whether or not this will return and why it was disabled in the first place. A massive percentage of people purchased this game (one of many reasons) because of the bandit skin. Regardless of what reason some person comes up with (and will) in this thread: the reason will not be good enough. - Helicopters: Alright, so I understand the lag issue. God knows, I know how bad the engine is for dozens of reasons: netcode, AI, passengers in vehicles, performance optimization (lack of), etc. But at the same time I have to ask myself: How is DayZ any different than vanilla Arma 2 where people fly dozens of aircraft at the same time on servers. How does one helicopter effect anything? Not that I don't believe you: I just want to know the TRUE technical answer. Not sure I can see how a modification of A2 suddenly has issues with helicopters. - Removal of side chat on most servers: absolutely no legitimate reason. Bandwidth: text does not effect bandwidth or increase lag. I might understand that excuse back when I was on a 2400BPS modem. God knows text loaded slow as dirt back then on BBS's. So what IS the legitimate reason (not that there is one)? People want it. I can't imagine one person that doesn't. How many games have had the same exact thing (including Arma 2) for years or even decades now. :idea: Features that can like be turned on and NEED to be: - Death messages: Who died and who killed that person. Makes it a hell of a lot easier to find out who a hacker is and is beneficial in a dozen other ways. I can't even imagine why this isn't on. While I'm at it, not sure what is up with the chopper crash sites lately. Normally you can spend an hour and find five of these on one server. I've spent the past 2 days and found maybe 2 on about 30 servers. Seems like something weird is going on? Thoughts? :-/ :idea: Conclusion: You have to admit, reason upon reason people purchased this game, for the features like those above, have been disabled. I understand disabling Helis. Doesn't bother me. But please do tell the reason that bandit skins and side chat has been messed with. Not that I'm complaining, but I am making an observation here as I've been thinking to myself what the deal is with so many features being turned off that should be on.