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Everything posted by chrismgtis

  1. chrismgtis

    Body Armor

    Absolutely fucking not. Keep that shit in CoD.
  2. chrismgtis

    Wincheters common?

    Loot cycle a spot with a few barns in a small vicinity. Winchesters are fun to shoot, but I've learned from experience that they aren't very good. Or as accurate as I thought they were. They are nice for killing zombies though.
  3. chrismgtis

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    If you quit because you died, this isn't your game.
  4. Cowardly bandit? Cry more. This just isn't your game.
  5. chrismgtis

    My mom just asked me why I play DayZ.

    She's right about one thing. They probably won't ever get out of alpha.
  6. chrismgtis

    Bandits, Paranoids and Scumbags

    Enough with the threads ranting about how dangerous areas are. They aren't. You're lucky to see anyone. Be glad you even got a bullet to the chest.
  7. chrismgtis

    Punishing bandits? Shut up, seriously.

    You guys are way, way over exaggerating. You don't get killed by bandits that often. Man up.
  8. Enfield may not be correct. I can assure you that it does not do 12,499 dmg.
  9. I attribute a lot of this to people hanging out in the wilderness a lot. I think maybe we need reasons to want to come to places like Cherno/Elektro.
  10. Ammo does need to be more scarce. At least for a lot of different weapons. Bison ammo is pretty rare right now. Enfield ammo needs to be a slight bit more rare for example (considering it's the 3rd highest damage weapon in the game). Saying that ammo rarity will create more bandits is a beyond ridiculous statement.
  11. Spent a lot of time there. Never see anyone unless I'm there for 4-5 hours. Stopped going, because the loot sucks. Loot cycling for 4 hours for a few M16s doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Since I stopped going there or NW Airfield, I actually have a stash of good gear now (FN FAL's out the yin yang, Bisons, DMRs, etc).
  12. chrismgtis

    I dislike lootmaps.

    No matter how a game is designed, things like loot maps come out and are eventually used. Get over it or stop playing games. In the words of Jack Black, "It's fuckin' simple". That said, it would be nice if things were more random, but in game design, nothing is random. Nothing. Not even random number generators are technically random. I would love to see heli crash sites be a progressive thing where the chopper itself physically is seen coming in, burning, and hitting the ground somewhere. But yea right.
  13. I played Arma 2 Free for a while and got used to the controls. Arma isn't known for its genius UI/control system, but at the same time it's unique and needed as is in some ways.
  14. Quite obvious that you're either one of them or another hacker. Hacks don't fly in this game. It will get a server blacklisted (meaning no one will find it on the list and no one will play there). Don't like it, go play Call of Duty or some other game that just lets hacks fly rampantly.
  15. Not really. I've run around Cherno throwing 30-40 flares/chemlights trying to get someone's attention. I can never seem to get any attention.
  16. chrismgtis

    Best way to get blood back?

    Minus the ridiculous number of periods in this guys post... what he said.
  17. chrismgtis

    Elysium | Department of Defense

    I was there. During the conversation, I wasn't saying much. An eyebrow was just kind of raised the whole time. Sean Connery impressions were thrown around here and there and you accused Sean Connery of basically being someone you hated. I just don't understand the issue here. As far as I can tell, you don't like Elysium, because someone mentioned Sean Connery, imitated him, etc and you hate Sean Connery because he beats his wife or whatever the issue is there. That's the picture I'm getting, as it is what I was around to witness first hand. If something else went down other than that day, I don't recall or wasn't there. I do not recall any racism, nor can I recall any in the time I've been in Teamspeak (which is far too often -- got laid off from my job and have had trouble finding another). I know Irish and Scottish people seem to hate each other or whatever and assuming Sean Connery is the opposite of where your from, then maybe that's why you hate him. Who knows. I'm not very informed on the reasons for the hatred between Irish/Scottish. If someone was being blatantly racist, I'd have issue with it, not just on the grounds that racism isn't cool, but I have issue with blatant immaturity. Then again, Irish and Scottish is not a race. So, I don't know man. I'm lost as to knowing the real issue here. Disagreements happen. Doesn't make everyone in the clan bad. As far as Tod, he's been pretty helpful about striking down anything "not cool" quite quickly when I've let him know about it.
  18. You guys sound like a cute couple.
  19. chrismgtis

    Fuck Kamenka! *RESPAWN*

    Cause that's the opposite of realism or survival. I agree with OP.
  20. chrismgtis

    How did I even come across these?!?!

    I'm not aware of any "ammo box" in DayZ minus the ones next to downed choppers.
  21. chrismgtis

    Elysium | Department of Defense

    I remember when the Irish or Scottish fellow was on the TS on one particular day. To clear things up this is the account that I recall. Basically, Tod was joking around with him and I at the time assumed he was new (like me) and wasn't accustomed to the joking and friendly poking that goes on in the clan. He didn't laugh back or respond with disdain. He just didn't seem to like the joking around and kind of muttered in response. We all laugh at each other and give each other crap for the mistakes we've made. Some of us can't drive for shit for example and go through vehicles like I go through fruit rollups (those damn things are amazing). At times I think clan members humor is a bit retarded, but I just don't laugh and say nothing. Other times I think these guys are hilarious. Regardless, we have fun. We laugh. We joke. We goof off. We do Ops as friends and mess around. Other times we go into Ops seriously and maintain mic silence. We're here to have fun like everyone else. Honestly, I think the guy from what I can tell just took Sean Connery jokes too seriously. After that I don't recall him ever playing with us or being on the TS. That I can remember. People shouldn't get pissed off because of one joke that may or may not have been funny. As for members, a lot of us work pretty hard in this game. I for one spend 12 hours a day looting helicopters, scowering the wilderness for vehicles and camps. Along with Salgor as we lead Charlie Squad (Supply). It's what we enjoy doing in the game. Others have squads for combat (sniper squads, assault squads, etc). Some of us take things more seriously, others love to joke around and goof off. Everyone is different. But regardless, there are no douche bags in this clan, that I'm aware of. There will always be people that steal stuff, spies and what not and people that jack others stuff. If they get caught, they'll be removed. The clan doesn't screw around when it comes to being a douche bag: stealing, ghosting, combat logging, griefing, etc.
  22. chrismgtis

    This one is for disconnecters..

    Elysium members...? Don't know what you're bitching about other than getting owned by Elysium. We do not disconnect or hack or do anything of the sort. If we did, we would be removed from the clan and banned from the site, Teamspeak, etc. Go play Pokemon carebear.
  23. chrismgtis

    Bring back bandit skins/indentifiers

    I rarely get killed. I'm always out driving loud ass vehicles around. I must drive 40km in this game a day and walk another 15km. Yet I almost never die. When I do it's almost always to bugs. People have no reason to complain. If someone wants to complain about bandits they need to go play Pokemon or something.
  24. chrismgtis

    Elysium | Department of Defense

    Who are these trolls? I've been in Elysium for a while and none of us have had any issues with anyone in the clan or outside of the clan. We all enjoy playing together. Sure, we have a few really bad vehicle drivers who love crashing vehicles (and have had their "license" revoked) but outside of that... let's see.. yeap, no issues. Seriously, go troll elsewhere. And if you want to write a novel, do it where someone cares. I'm not reading a wall of text. I'm on more than anyone in this clan. I play far too much. If anything goes down, I'm the one that knows about it. And nothing has gone down. Nor do I know who these complainers are. Meaning any problems they speak of never existed/happened.
  25. If you guys would stop doing stupid shit that people tell you to do to your installation, you wouldn't be having these issues.