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Everything posted by chrismgtis

  1. chrismgtis

    Gloabaly Banned for running Fraps

    Just because you folks haven't had issues with Fraps and DayZ doesn't mean someone else hasn't. Fraps is known to have issues with Punkbuster. I've experienced them myself. Goes without saying the same issues could be present with BattleEye. I've yet to have those issues with Fraps and DayZ, but I wouldn't be surprised if I have them later at some point.
  2. chrismgtis

    Lee Enfield

    Contrary to popular belief / statement the Enfield isn't always a 1 shot kill nor does it do over 12k dmg. But it is loud and does do a lot of damage for one shot.
  3. chrismgtis

    Hackers are ruining this game...

    Hackers have ruined a lot of games.
  4. chrismgtis

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Sorry, but this is laughable. You actually think WarZ will be any different? Not counting the fact that the game is going to fail hard in every way outside of this.
  5. chrismgtis

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Yet to over promise? Do you actually listen to anything he says? You sound like one of these kids that said things like "Age of Conan is going to be the end of World of Warcraft". Unrealistic statements don't create a reality from thin air.
  6. chrismgtis

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    War Z? You seriously think that War Z will succeed or endanger DayZ? Or that Arma 3, the next Arma game of which DayZ will also be a part of, is going to endanger DayZ? Knowing the industry quite well, I can tell you, your speculation is far off from reality. As far as the issues: the problem is not DayZ being an alpha. The problem is that Arma 2 is realistically still an alpha to this day and should have never been released in its current state. Though DayZ manages to needlessly and without reason, pile on even more bugs on top of an already buggy and nearly nonfunctional engine. DayZ is "supposedly" going to have a stand-alone version. This, contrary to your post, is not the solution. It will only compound the issues and make them more difficult to fix. And Rocket is a fool if he thinks it is an acceptable move.
  7. chrismgtis

    Reduced AKM/AK74 spawn, replace with SKS

    If you're saying people "mow down others" with AKs, then you would be wrong and I question your experience.
  8. chrismgtis

    M107 Headshot.. Leave some comments.

    Amount of zombie kills has something to do with "gaming like a man"? Bro, you are quite new to DayZ aren't you? I'd say the LESS zombie kills you have, the better. Having more only means you're loud as hell, make too much noise and don't know how to avoid agroing them. Your point is quite invalid.
  9. chrismgtis

    cant join servers

    Nothing you can do until Bohemia hires qualified developers that know how to actually fix the game. It's not on your end. It's on theirs.
  10. chrismgtis

    Can't connect to server...

    No one knows how to fix this. All you'll get is basic answers of common sense junk that doesn't help. The game is broken. DayZ isn't in Alpha. Arma 2 is.
  11. chrismgtis

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    If you think MMOs make you wait 60 seconds, then you've never played one. It's typically about 10-15 seconds. 60 seconds is fucking retarded.
  12. chrismgtis

    Connecting failed

    I'll tell you the issue: Arma 2 is developed by amateurs that aren't even qualified to flip burgers. It's the game. Not you. It's completely FUBAR.
  13. chrismgtis

    Remove tents completely.

    Remove tents? Are you mental? Or just a troll?
  14. Welcome to the shitty development, amateur programming and sorry excuse for what they dare to call a game development company, Bohemia Interactive. The only game development company whose developers are better suited flipping burgers at McDonalds. Just sayin.
  15. Then you don't actually play DayZ (or you're trolling).
  16. I've read (or skimmed) dozens of these topics over a period of time about how players don't like Cherno because it's "dangerous" and in my time in the game I've heard statement after statement about how careful you have to be in the city. Or how players are in Elektro instead because Cherno is too dangerous. The same goes for every other statement about how so and so gets killed by bandits all the time and can't survive this game. Honestly, I'm at a loss for understanding the complaints. I've been killed by players but seriously, it's a rare occurrence. Generally I die to bugs, or respawning after storing gear at my camp. Zombies were an issue for me in the first week, but I adjusted and am never bothered by them at this point in time. If lots of the bugs were fixed, along with the ability to log off to drop zombie agro, I might have more of an issue. The countless bugs in this game, I have come to realize, make it easier, not harder. Can you imagine how difficult DayZ would be if it could not be exploited so easily and accidently so often? By accidently I mean for example, removing an item from a tent which dupes (has happened to me dozens of times). At times I make a point of logging onto nearly full servers. If it's dusk/night, I've run around like a mad man throwing flares an chem lights all over the place trying to attract attention. Shooting at walls to let someone know I am there. I've yet to attract attention on a slammed server. If I don't look for trouble, it's hard to find. If I actively seek it out, it's just as difficult to come across. When I do see someone, they are running from zombies, then combat log and I normally don't see them again. I came across four people the other day outside of Elektro, went prone and started firing off shots with an Enfield. Put one down (didn't kill him) and hit another. The monitor logged a headshot, but I never got a murder. I came across one person in Balotta at night, he failed to see me even though I was staring at him 15m away and I unloaded two AK clips into him. Of course he logged immediately (after?) death and I didn't get the kill. Besides these two sightings I haven't seen a soul in a while. Anyone else feel the same way?
  17. chrismgtis

    Regenerating blood

    Rocket is going the realism route so I have to agree. Blood should regenerate. If I go out and donate blood, that blood eventually is "regenerated" by my body. But, if it did, it should be pretty a slow regeneration. It's not like this game is hard or anything (seriously).
  18. chrismgtis

    Tips on DayZ performance optimization

    Uh. If closing explorer.exe gives that much of a boost for you, then something is severely fucked on your system. The rest of these are kind of duh, but doing all of these won't cause a significant boost in frame rate. Much less 30.
  19. chrismgtis

    I am so pissed off at DayZ servers

    It's not gone. Most of the time the server must be restarted twice for vehicles/tents to spawn. Dunno why.
  20. chrismgtis

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Whatever man. Stupid as hell decision. That skin is one of the things that brought so many of us to this game after seeing them in videos on YouTube, etc.
  21. Ha. This kid thinks people actually play Arma 2 for Arma 2.
  22. chrismgtis

    Lee Einfield or AS50?

    Like he said, your body is gone by now.
  23. chrismgtis


    Wait, so since they have lots of stuff they hack? Bro. Me and friend spend 90% of our time in game hitting helis, etc and we have enough gear that you would think we hack.
  24. Because it's so fun to hang out in the wilderness with trees and the occasional boar.
  25. I will not pay for it. Absolutely not. I purchased Arma 2 for DayZ. Arma 2 sucks. I didn't play it for a long time for a reason. Tried it and hated it. Essentially, I've already paid for DayZ and I won't do it again. Unless it's the Arma 3 version.