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Everything posted by cuel

  1. cuel

    improved map

    Nice to see someone put a little more effort in it than I did.
  2. cuel

    DayZ Update 1.5.5

    It means that you're playing as a bird. It's a "spectate" mode for when the mission does not have respawn.
  3. cuel


    You need to move to regain humanity.
  4. cuel

    Bolts : 3 or 5 in 1 slot

    Oh you're talking about 1/3/5 stacks of bolts? If it's a major problem just have stacks of 3 or 5. The crossbow can't really compete with the M9SD or any other silenced weapon anyway.
  5. cuel

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    To avoid getting teleported in 1.54: When you turn into a bandit you will stay in the same spot. DO NOT disconnect. When it's done "requesting" etc and is stuck on some other loading screen, move around until it says unsaved:false. Relog. That fixed it for me.
  6. cuel

    Couple questions

    1) find a tent bag. scroll menu to deploy 2) yes 3) find matches. scroll menu to deploy. 4) find vehicle repair parts such as wheels, engines, scrap metal etc. when you have the item and you're close to the car it'll appear in your scroll menu.
  7. cuel

    Are there AI bandits?

  8. cuel

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    Script error when I morphed into a bandit and got stuck on a black screen "Attempting to switch model" "Attempting Phase two..." "Finished..." Error in expression _humanity = parseNumber (_humanity); player setVar> Error position: player setVar> Error parsenumber: Type Number, expected String File z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_humanityMorph.sqf, line 46
  9. cuel

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    True, but you turn into a bandit by shooting survivors that are shooting at you.
  10. cuel

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    That's not my point tho. The major issue is that it's not fulfilling its purpose in identifying PvP'ers. There's probably the same amount of people that have defended themselves and turned into a bandit than people just PvP'ing. I meant: rework the system, find a better solution. There's no point in a system that doesn't fulfill its purpose, will probably be re-worked and is not working. I can understand keeping bandits to solve further issues such as changing models within factions tho.
  11. cuel

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    I'd suggest removing model change since it's not fully working atm and it doesn't fulfill its purpose either. Until there's a solid solution or other system I don't see a point in having it.
  12. Both players (might) need food/water when they log back in. The player who played for 70 minutes might have to drink or eat during the 70 minutes that he's playing. Depends on different variables.
  13. IIRC you need to drop you backpack and them aim at the corpse, it'll show you "take backpack" in your action menu. If it doesn't access the gear and select the backpack, that should show you "take bag".
  14. You're wrong. They both would (maybe) need food/water when they log back in the next day. The drain is very reduced when you're logged out. Aso of 1.5.4 you won't auto-use any food/water in your inventory, which is good. I like the system now, it makes sense and I don't see any reason why it should be removed.
  15. cuel

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    They stick with the server it was placed on.
  16. cuel

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    code only
  17. Confirmed on most servers I've played on.
  18. cuel

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    Confirmed not fixed as of 1.5.4. A friend turned into a bandit and was teleported to, my guess, 0,0,0 (XYZ) from the NW airfield. Tried relogging and even switching server but he was still there. Lost of all of his stuff swimming back to shore.