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Posts posted by cuel

  1. ore like a pile of people tried to torrent Arma 2 to play the mod' date=' "bird simulator" is classic flashpoint shorthand for "I triggered Fade because I'm a cheapass and i'm too stupid to know that I just told everyone".


    I thought FADE in Arma 2 was only a blurry/shaky cam

  2. 1) find a tent bag. scroll menu to deploy

    2) yes

    3) find matches. scroll menu to deploy.

    4) find vehicle repair parts such as wheels, engines, scrap metal etc. when you have the item and you're close to the car it'll appear in your scroll menu.

  3. Script error when I morphed into a bandit and got stuck on a black screen

    "Attempting to switch model"
    "Attempting Phase two..."
    Error in expression _humanity = parseNumber (_humanity);
    player setVar>
    Error position: player setVar>
    Error parsenumber: Type Number, expected String
    File z\addons\dayz_code\compile\player_humanityMorph.sqf, line 46

    • Like 1

  4. That's not my point tho. The major issue is that it's not fulfilling its purpose in identifying PvP'ers. There's probably the same amount of people that have defended themselves and turned into a bandit than people just PvP'ing. I meant: rework the system, find a better solution.

    There's no point in a system that doesn't fulfill its purpose, will probably be re-worked and is not working.

    I can understand keeping bandits to solve further issues such as changing models within factions tho.

  5. Ofcourse' date=' but thats not the point.

    You dont need 7 units of food/drink in 70 minutes of continuous gameplay. (except for regaining blood, but thats a different matter).

    The person logging in after a day only to play for 10 minutes however, (might) needs that food every time.

    So if they both essential have the same playtime, why would one need more food than the other just because he distributed his playtime over a longer period?

    So hard to understand?


    I see your point but I don't view it as a problem. It's fair for everyone who plays, even if you play 10 or 100 minutes. You can't die when you're not logged in so just make sure you have food and water when you log out. In fact, you should always carry food and water with you.

  6. There's a different problem however' date=' as far as I remember, the ArmA2 scripting engine does not sport a command to set the number of bullets(bolts) in a magazine. All in all, this whole thing is certainly possible but it might end up getting more complicated than expected.


    What do you mean?

    I've never created a weapon for A2 but I'm certain you can specify ammo count for magazines when creating it. Since they're custom made this should not be a problem at all. I don't know how I44 solved this but I guess one way would be just a fired eventhandler that checks if it was a crossbow and if so, force a reload animation.

  7. In the current state of the mod' date=' this isn't possible to combine bolts into a stack, this is an ArmA 2 limitation. For there to be multiple bolts in a stack at all, they need to be in a magazine which means the crossbow will be able to fire X amount of times and then have to reload.

    That said, I hope that some day we'll able to combine magazines and bolts to save space one day through scripting.


    Invasion 44 solved it. There's a module that'll force a bolt action animation for every shot.
