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About Bludy

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    Bean King

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  1. Bludy

    Loot Economy & Spawns

    the only effect on server restarts, is that some loot might spawn while you log back in. the several times it happened, one is the most representative: i was running between the two long barracks in VMC and server restarted. once i logged again, the loot was the same, beside 1-2 new items in one barrack. probably, being logged out counts as no players in the vicinity and spawns something.. about stashes, i don't know. i didn't notice a particular lack of loot, but i play on a private server and don't go often in military bases. coast can be a bit cleared out sometimes, but i had a few spawns with a lot of stuff in the very first buildings i looted, and everytime i moved inland no problems at all. maybe it can be that police station with less loot leaves more players unarmed? i hope that stashes don't hurt too badly the loot economy, because one side it brings people to destroy the items in the camps they find, hurting the idea of hoarding, and on the other it hurts who's not into camping.
  2. Bludy

    Attatchable Pouches

    atm they don't spawn, but i think it would be heli crashes only from now on.
  3. Bludy

    Best updated WIki?

    i find myself really comfortable with a mobile app, ''dayzcentral'' it's called. it's updated every patch and contains all mechanics and items, plus satellite and road map, you can pay a small one time fee (1-2€) to have a loot map.
  4. if safeboxes, gates and doors, locked cars will havea counter i'm ok with it. I hope they don't come out with unbreakable bases or that keys of the car feature. everything will be hoarded even with the most honest admins around, barrels, tents, any vehicle in the map..just wait for the little bird to come and you'll see..
  5. Bludy

    .6 Future weapons/clothing/gear

    i thought we were done with hats.
  6. Bludy

    Trees, sticks and crafting

    if there were more animals i'd be happy with how crafting is.
  7. Bludy

    @Devs update with notes?

    exp doesn't have patch notes, i think the changes are too easily revertable and technical to have notes about.
  8. Bludy

    Altar Radio Contact [22:35]

    always cool videos btw. much appreciated effort.
  9. Bludy


    i'm not completely sure..log out, scope for boats, run, check loot, spot next boat, they are usually a few minutes of sprinting one from the other, they could despawn anytime you aren't closer than 100m, they reset every 30 minutes..probably if you keep hopping, but it would be lame..it's not something you want to be easy and common, but considering how long it took to me, it could use some tweaking: 12h, around 70 boats checked and only once i found 4 nettings..for hood and wrap. maybe raise it to 10% chance? but nothing more..it doesn't make sense to put is as a possible spawn other than in boats, which are useless if you take away netting. more dynamic spawns maybe in areas where there are some already, like summer camps with ponds or docks..
  10. Bludy


    it took me 12-13 hours on a private server to find 4 nettings(on a single spawn) in 0.59 boats are dynamic so server hopping is not that useful..by the time you run 3 valley-berezino the 30' for the respawn will be passed, included drink/eat time. just keep trying. you cannot have a ghillie everytime..
  11. Bludy

    no luck finding any kind of ammo

    all the advices are good, the ammo and the guns come while you loot what you need, but leave the coast..there's nothing there. it's just a shooting range, you learn how to pvp but gearing up properly is harder, since the loot spawns are all looted continously. if you want to enjoy the coast, it's still better to gear somewhere else and go back there just to pvp.
  12. Bludy

    no luck finding any kind of ammo

    try to go inland and search unlooted towns..ammo is rare at the moment, but if you go in heavy pop towns you'll find none for sure. i've been always lucky in my last 3 lives, but i had to walk a lot to go up north, paying attention to not go in popular areas to actually find places where i was the first to step foot on. after you found what you are looking for, you can go wherever you want. you can craft a bow if you want..you need only a rope or 6 rags to make one, a long stick from a tree, and short sticks as arrows, which you can improve with feathers searching chicken huts. you can use aswell bones from dead bodies. first step is crafting a stone knife, searching the ground in rocky areas or on the beach. it takes a lot of practice to use, but it can protect you from zombies and players while you look for ammo.
  13. i think my phrase construction failed. i've not been clear. i'm sorry, but english is not my primary language. what i meant is that, despite its issues, which i exposed maybe too harshly since i don't like it, 3pp NEEDS to stay ingame. that's what i meant it was fine..not pissing off 90% of the players. so yes, i think changing it too much or removing it would upset some players. about your comment making 3pp=1pp with those adjustments, i don't know what to say..i'd be for fair fights and de-powering camping some buildings and peaking, it doesn't seem fair to me having that kind of advantages it gives now. i don't think people are playing 3pp because it's easier in general, it's easier only on your nerves, because those drone maneuvers are at disposal of everyone.. what i say is that if you play there, you have to ''exploit'' the camera or die. for new players it's part of the learning curve, learn tools, weapons, status, ballistic, crafting, and camera.
  14. i play only on 1pp servers, exception made by RP ones. i simply don't like how you can camp buildings with 3pp..it's a game of peacking i really dislike, to see something you definetly should put on the table your head. the only way to improve 3pp is to lock the camera closer to the player and have it staying as close as possible to the los. so proning on a roof will keep it extremely low, on a corner it will go extremely close to the player's head, if you free cam on your 6, it will stick to an angle similar to 1pp, not allowing you to see as efficiently as now, will be blocked by walls if you are inside a building. now the drone goes out to make you see out of windows or downstairs.. said that, nobody will like the changes, because ppl play on 3pp to peak above walls and around corners, they are happy with campers and endless ridicolous stalemates, CQB turned in a drone battle and bush/tree hugging. devs will be hardly able to change that and piss the majority of the playerbase. which is completely fine, and if people like that more, it should stay ingame. it went so popular because it vents the nervous pressure you take on dayz in general and even more in 1pp, unexistent covers become a useful tool, turning a corner becomes a bigger advantage, because you can aim at your tail, while being able to watch your flank, being trapped in a building becomes holding an indestructible fortress. turns a lot of 50/50 situations in a cheesy kill, something people like. until there will be 1pp whitelisted servers i won't even care..i just like it in a different way.. p.s. hip firing is not that different..it happens even in 1pp, but without the advantage of more vision of the surrounding.
  15. Bludy

    Memroable moments #25 by TopeREC TV

    ah was waiting for this :P beanz 4 u