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Everything posted by Shorttallguy

  1. Shorttallguy

    Poll on Zombies

    I hope rocket disregards this poll. if he listens to the popular opinion it would ruin zombies. I'd like it if zombies didn't instantly start sprinting if they hear any noise. unless the noise is super loud and unmistakably a survivor (like a gun shot) zombies shouldn't instantly sprint towards them. They should slowly move towards the noise like when they hear cans. Speed of how quickly they go check it out should be dependent on the proximity and how loud the sound is. They should only sprint when they see the survivor. To balance this zombie sight needs to improve. Walls should mean something and pathing needs to be cleaned up. Other changes could be made (like allowing zombies to run indoors) but if these few changes were made zombies would be fine.
  2. Shorttallguy

    Mystery in DayZ

    I just watched a great interview with Rocket over at and I was inspired. It seems like Rocket really understands how special what he has going on is and he has the exact direction I would like to see this game go in in mind. He touched on a couple things that i completely agree with and were very close to ideas that I would like to see in the game. One thing he said was, people are running out of things to do in game and they need more options.My idea, along with making what you already do, like getting guns and food, harder and more scarce, is the addition mystery. For example, what if there were things in the world you could investigate to solve problems? Like say there was an event and clues as to what had happened and if you followed those clues you would recieve a reward. There are already tools within the game to do this. Here are a few specific examples to help you better understand what I have in mind. -Say all the water was contaminated and you had to follow clues to figure out what happened and how to filter it. maybe after finding a water testing kit, some scientists notebooks and/or other clues and reading about a water treatment device or facility you follow the clues and treat the water so you can drink it. -Say there was an explosion and you found the aftermath. You investigate what had happened and find out that the powerplant is out and there is no power in the city. Maybe you follow clues as to what caused the explosion and you find explosives or maybe you follow clues as to what the powerplant needs to operate and you eventually find some item to fix it and get power back to the city. -Say there was a mass killing. You investigate the bodies to find out it was not a zombie attack. after following jeep tracks you find a shack or some base of somekind with a dead man inside. He has a jeep and high powered gun that is extremely rare. -Say there are radios in the game. maybe everyone who has a radio or maybe only people tuned to a certain frequency or channel get a distress call from a settlement of survivors. Maybe you follow the clues to find the settlement and when you get there find it had been over run with zombies and everyone is dead, but there is some very good loot there. (radios would allow players to call other players for help as well or communicate with one another) -Say there was a crashed helicopter and you followed radio signals to find it. boom found a helicopter and loot, but only if you have a radio. -So where did the zombies come from? No one knows. Maybe it was an outbreak. Maybe people who get bit can catch it. maybe you find a scientist's notes where he was working on what caused the zombie out break and you follow his clues to a vaccine that can cure you if bit. These are some quick not fully fleshed out ideas. I'm sure there can be better ones and improvements made on these but this would add so much to game. It would give, in essence, a un-official quest system, something to do and strive for, obstacles to overcome, and more reasons to go places maybe you don't necessarily want to go to intereact with players and more importantly zombies.
  3. Shorttallguy

    Harsher Death?

    I am 100% for this. I'm for harsher deaths. All your stuff and everything assciated with your character should be gone and you should have to start from square one. A good way to make death harsher is to value what you have gained more. Knowing all your stuff you have worked so hard to get will disapears when you die is a good first step to this. I'm not a fan of leveling up like an rpg but another way to make you value life would be to have skills you learn, like being a trained medic like he talks about in the interview, and of course you should lose these skills when you die.
  4. Shorttallguy

    Lights Inside Certain Buildings

    I would like this alot. I would also like to see street lights in big cities.
  5. Shorttallguy

    Third person vs First person view

    While I think 3rd person is kind of cheating the experience in a way from the lack of emersion and the way you can look around corners without actually going around or over somthing, I don't think 1st person is realistic enough to take 3rd person away. If you think about it 1st person in games is not how you see in real life. In real life you have peripheral vision and can see like 180 degrees sideways AND up and down. Not sure exactly the degrees but 1st person in games show you like half of that, maybe a third, or maybe less. It's like if you walked around looking through a tube all day. While hard in its own right, with a game like DayZ this is especially difficult where you must constantly be aware of your surrondings. I would like to see a change though, in the way 3rd person or 1st person or preferrably both work in ALL games. If in 3rd, you positioned the camera to only show what the characters eyes could see and make it move exactly like when in 1st person in terms of shaking and what not, I would be fine with it. If you could put some sort of fisheye lens on 1st person to allow for 180 degree vision all around or force everyone to play with a 3 monitor panaramic display I would be fine with that (as long as some one pays for my monitors.) Since this is a mod and neither are likely to happen I think 3rd person is a necessary evil for the time being.
  6. Shorttallguy

    Start with no backpack?

    I'm 100% behind this. great idea. I think the less you start with the better. it gives you more to search for and more needs to fill to survive.
  7. Shorttallguy

    Simple Solution to Banditry

    First of all, i honestly am one person who does NOT shoot on sight. I will not kill unless I am absolutly sure the other person is going to kill me. So far I have made many successful friendly encounters, only been murdered once and never killed anyone. With that said, I hate the idea of forced skin changes or teams or anything that is artificial like this. I am so glad they took it out. For me it's an achievement to earn someones trust and get them to work with me because when I first see them I don't know what their intentions are and they don't know mine. If everything was black and white it would be no fun and would take a large part of what makes this game great away. I don't want to work with someone, or against them for that matter, because I have to since our teams or skins say we should act a certain way. i want the opportunity to try and earn trust with out knowing the outcome. it's extremely satisfying. I think even for those who dread the thought of having to deal with people not knowing what the other person is gonna do would miss out on huge part of the experience if people were marked a certain way. By you choosing not to risk it and murdering them you are making a tough choice the game has put before you, but you don't HAVE to do it. no one likes things easy. achiements mean nothing if things are easy.
  8. while i agree players need incentive to work together i don't think all this will do it. i WOULD like to see things become more scarce and precious, but if they are there will still be the mentality that it is easier to just shoot you and take what you have then to try to trust you in to helping me get what i need. I think rather the answer is obsticles you MUST have another person to over come. blood transfusions are already a great example. more things like this would help. On top of that areas that are hard to reach without help would be awesome or difficult tasks. like say there was a city without power and you needed power for some reason. you had to get in the powerplant which is cover with zombies to turn it on but it can only be turned on by multiple people. or say there was something to climb and you could give people a lift up or pull them up. little things like this. if there are enough of them, the benefits of grouping will out weigh the benefits of murdering. To promote a larger scale of cooperation, what if there was a way to take control of a city, even just individual buildings or set up your own little base but it could only be done with many people because of labor, materials, defense and matience. this sort of thing. To be honest, if zombie spawning was changed a little, there already is with the barbwire and what not but it just takes the players to think of this and encourage each other to do it. once a few do it people will see the benefits and WANT to work together. The dynamic of the game will change on its own. I would like to see more ways to control an area though. maybe ways to lock doors and even barricade them with boards and such. You're right on one thing though. Make it hell out there. Making sure ZOMBIES are by far the biggest threat in the game is the key to this though. right now it is other players. players should be more scared to get over run by zombies then get shot by another player and that's not the case now. Zombies need to group more in larger numbers and be more of a threat. What if zombies had new abilities like being able to grab you and bite you and even infect you? most importantly though, there has to be more reason to go to zombie infested areas all the time.
  9. Shorttallguy

    Eliminate M107 and AS50

    I do agree sniper rifles are extremely strong in DayZ but I don't think you need to remove them from the game. I would like to see less of them though. Not sure how rare they are but they should be extremely rare. maybe the rarest thing in the game. ammo should be equally rare making anyone who had one count every bullet they use.
  10. Shorttallguy

    Why cant the visuals look like this??

    i'm glad it doesn't look like that. that looks like shit. literally. its all one shit color brown. I have no problem with the visuals the way they are. what i care more about is the shit animations but that's probably an arma 2 problem.
  11. Shorttallguy


    disarming is an interesting idea but shooting the gun seems kinda lame. what I think would be better is if, depending on where you shot the person, they would be affected differently buy gertting shot. For example if you shoot a person in the leg the would have a broken leg. if you shot someone in the arm they wouldn't be able to use that arm making them unable to shoot a gun with that arm. this would be a better way of implementing the disarm mechanic i think.
  12. Shorttallguy

    Hear players scream!

    i hear people scream when they are being eaten by zombies all the time. it's awesome.
  13. i agree incentives to work together would be good but the only incentive there should be is to get resources. I don't think anything artificial needs to be added though. to make groups more valuable there should be places over run by maybe even up to 100 zombies where it is almost but not totally impossible to get certain items with out a group. those special items should only be found in these areas. like if there were a hordes of zombies walking the streets of big cities around hospitals you would need to get help to get in there and get medical supplies. I would also like to see a trade system and more scarce resources so 2 players passing each other might both have something the other one needs to survive. they could then trade the 2 items as just another way of getting what you need instead of murdering each other or maybe this could be used as a show of peace between 2 players so people could gain each others trust easier.
  14. Shorttallguy

    More characters

    yea. if you really want it just buy another copy of the game. other than that, I think more then one character would be game breaking and ruining.
  15. Shorttallguy

    Who killed you

    If people played as I might stab you in the back' date=' or I might help you, then if would not be needed, but since this game is about COD spray everyone you see, it might as well say who is killing who just the same, there is really no players who well team up with anyone, why? cause you cannot trust anyone, this at least puts in people to having to think about times to kill people while they sleep. [/quote'] but at least you leave it up to the player. you're not supposed to be able to trust people. that's the whole point. if you take the anonymity away you will know who you can and can't trust instantly thereby destroying the whole dynamic. Trust should be earned just like it would be in this theoretical real life situation. This whole game is like an experiment of human trust. Besides if you trust no one, it shouldn't matter who killed you since you'll be shooting everyone on sight anyway. everyone will die as soon as you see them. right?
  16. Shorttallguy

    Remove the confirmation

    I agree with the original post. I like how people don't die right away and it's hard to tell if someone is dead sometimes, like real life. This idea would just make more awesome moments where people walk up to a body just to find that the person isn't dead. great moments make great games. more great moments make a greater game.
  17. Shorttallguy

    Option to nerf PvP?

    if you nerfed PvP this game would not be the same at all. there's a million zombie killing games why would people play this? the dynamic between other players, the tension, and the atmosphere. everything. it's all largely thanks to the great, no, the REVOLUTIONARY PvP. Anyone who says nerf the PvP doesn't understand what makes this game great.
  18. Shorttallguy

    Who killed you

    NOOOO!!! bad. very bad idea. it's the not knowing peoples intentions that creates such an awesome dynamic between players. The bad guys need a way to stay anonymous. plus it keeps the mystery of how people actually died.
  19. Shorttallguy

    Surrender/Hands up?

    now all we need is a mechanic where in some situations it would be better for some one just to rob people and tell them to put their hands behind their head then it would be to just kill them and take everything.
  20. Shorttallguy

    Player activated environment sounds

    OMG stop with the fence sound. if no one touches a fence i don't wanna hear it. the music is freaky enough you don't need random sound effects of things that could be mistaken for actual triggered events. it's just confusing and does not add to the atmosphere. you want to add atmosphere then do the opposite of random sounds. make all sound effects actually reflect what is happening around you. you know...like... in your ATMOSPHERE!!! fake fence sounds are just fake atmosphere and provide no substance.
  21. Shorttallguy

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    i didn't even know about barbwire but this goes with another one of my posts. I think barbwire and other ways to barricade are awesome ideas and they should keep them in cities for sure. it sounds like there should just be more counters for it. i think a good counter would be being able to climb through windows or other alternate ways to get in buildings. this way you can keep the strength of barricades but it would be hard to barricade a building completely.
  22. Shorttallguy

    Reduce Zombie Respawn Rate!

    i agree, respawn rates should be longer for EVERYTHING as well zombies, but I would like to see more zombies spawn at one time and maybe in hidden areas like in small rooms so when you go around corners some jump out at you. this would require not all zombies being aggroed when one is as well so when you think you got them all, some are still hiding. it would make so many people jump. i guarantee it. I think it would be a good idea if zombies couldn't spawn with in a certain proximity of players also. I hate zombies spawning on top of me and it ruins the atmosphere.
  23. Shorttallguy

    Character respawning

    I agree something has to be done but what? maybe you have to wait a long time before respawning on the same server if you die? like 30 mins?