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Everything posted by Shorttallguy

  1. Shorttallguy

    [CRITICAL] Preventing exploiting with serverhopping (2 things)

    my solution to server hoping would fix all this as well. see here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23764&page=4
  2. Shorttallguy

    A different (partial?) solution to ghosting.

    my solution to server hoping would fix ghosting as well. see here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23764&page=4
  3. Shorttallguy

    zombie speed / survivor speed ideas

    love this idea. bump. but I think only a player with starting items should be faster than zombies and only by a little bit. they fear of aggroing them has to remain.
  4. i had a similar idea and i posted it on another thread not sure if i should repost it here or not as well soooo... i will. mine is much more simple and better imo. my counter to your idea is the idea to have it so there is a LONG time limit till your character is logged off. Say 5, 10, 20 ,30mins or even longer your character will remain in game leaving them vulnerable to any passing zombie or player. This way it solves multiple problems. You can't log in to other servers cause you're still on one PLUS you wont be able to log out to avoid dying. If you get disconnected you will still be able to play because you're character is still on that server and you can return, but only to that server not to any other. Some times people just have to go so let them close the program but let them know their character will persist in the world for a time period leaving them vulnerable. players would have to be specially careful to find a safe place to log off this way. the only down sides to my idea are the strain on the server side and people getting killed while logged off. As for people getting killed while logged off, you can justify it by having it be like real life sleep. you have to sleep in real life and you are vulnerable in your sleep. in real zombie apocalypse you would be sure to find a VERY safe sleeping area. I'm not sure about the server strain though. I'm sure it can be solved though.
  5. i don't like the idea of building new buildings BUT I do very much like the idea of being able to barricade a building or area and hold it off from players and zombies. omg this sounds soooo fun. this would tie into my other post on the other thread about crowbars being able to break in locked buildings. you could have 2x4s to board up and crow bars to break in. I would like to be able to break in windows as well, but if you had all a buildings doors and windows boarded up people couldn't get in without the proper tools and it could be like a home base. maybe zombies could try and break in if aggroed as well. omg make this happen please.
  6. Shorttallguy

    Fix for loot piling.

    i agree with the original post. bump.
  7. Shorttallguy

    Server Hopping/Exploiting Prevention Idea

    yea i'm not a fan of the idea of having to choose a certain amount of servers to be able to play. not a good idea. but it's a problem I think needs to be solved so my counter to your idea is the idea to have it so there is a time limit till your character is logged off. Say 5, 10, 20 ,30mins or even longer your character will remain in game leaving them vulnerable to any passing zombie or player. This way it solves multiple problems. You can't log in to other servers cause you're still on one PLUS you wont be able to log out to avoid dying. If you get disconnected you will still be able to play because you're character is still on that server and you can return, but only to that server not to any other. Some times people just have to go so let them close the program but let them know their character will persist in the world for a time period leaving them vulnerable. players would have to be specially careful to find a safe place to log off this way. the only down sides to my idea are the strain on the server side and people getting killed while logged off. As for people getting killed while logged off, you can justify it by having it be like real life sleep. you have to sleep in real life and you are vulnerable in your sleep. in real zombie apocalypse you would be sure to find a VERY safe sleeping area. I'm not sure about the server strain though. I'm sure it can be solved though.
  8. Shorttallguy

    Cannibalism, Clothing, Molotov's & Stamina/weight.

    i really like these ideas especially the stamina/weight.
  9. Shorttallguy

    Character death should carry more weight

    i don't think anything needs to be done but making resources more scarce making players value what they have more. you will REALLY not want to die if it takes a whole day to find any type of weapon or food.
  10. Shorttallguy

    Non-enterable Houses

    I too don't like non enter-able buildings. I think EVERY building should be able to be entered. If you don't want to spend time making an interior then get the building off the map. I also think the idea of having some buildings locked and having to break into them sounds awesome and it would give a use to crowbars.
  11. Shorttallguy

    Food/Drink cooldowns lessened

    I think this is a awesome idea. I think you should be able to get away with only one meal and drink a day because you can in real life BUT i think food should be MUCH harder to find AND I think you should get progressively worse reaction from being hungry and thirsty. Like your speed should be reduced gradually as you get more hungry until you're just hobbling along when it's in red along with other negative effects. This goes along with another thread but a good addition to this would be different types of food and drink give you different levels of sustenance. like beans and soda give you only a little bit of your food meter back and maybe they even deplete faster then say water and meat.
  12. Shorttallguy

    Weapons spawn

    no way. this is a horrible idea. scarcity is key to this games unique and awesome atmosphere. you should have to search long and hard for good stuff. plus it gives you the real fear of dying because you don't wanna lose your stuff since it's so hard to find. that's part of what makes this game so emotionally involving and why i love it. With that said I wouldn't mind having more melee type weapons, but then I think melee weapons should be less effective and be very risky to use. For example maybe zombies could block melee hits, attack through melee hits, grab players and melee would do very little damage. that way new players wouldn't feel completely defenseless but they would still feel that they really need to find something better.
  13. Shorttallguy

    Please read rocket, food and water

    I definitely think canned food should be more sporadic if not less abundant along with all other resources. For example you should only be able to find canned food in houses or stores.
  14. Shorttallguy

    Bring back Markov at spawn

    NO WAY!!! DO NOT GIVE PEOPLE GUNS AT SPAWN!!! I love it the way it is. it makes you really feel like a survivor. It adds so much to the atmosphere and immersion.
  15. Shorttallguy


    I was just thinking this would be a good idea today, but there definitely should be some sort of consequence forcing people to make a tough decision if they want to try and search for food or eat people... like soylent green