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Itchy (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Itchy (DayZ)

  1. Itchy (DayZ)

    Gamebooster w/ Arma 2

    Just overclock your q6600, I used to have one they do 3ghz+ no problem! ;)
  2. I am believer!!! <_< :D
  3. Itchy (DayZ)

    anyone find it weird that in dayz...

    No one ever smoked!! Where are the Cigarettes??? <_< They drank every single bottle of Jack D!! :o
  4. Itchy (DayZ)

    Killed 7 people today, and wounded 4, no DCs

    Look who gives a shit !!! Really you killed 7 noobs and injured 4 not so noobs AND!! :rolleyes: Pointless thread again, hence song from my last post so your a fucking hero!!! Calling all the heros!!! <_< Put you DZ-Peen away and get on with the game!!! :|
  5. Itchy (DayZ)

    What is the Bandit Algorithm?

    Hummm Bandit algorithum.......let me see??? <_< FRIENDLY!!!!...........BANG!!! .......wtf!!! :D So F+Bandit=B=Death!! ;)
  6. Itchy (DayZ)


    Me too but everytime I pull my pants down they run away!! Dunno why!! <_< Only joking, try http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/14-survivor-hq/ ;)
  7. Itchy (DayZ)

    What is the point of being a alpha tester....

    Errrr mybe its because its a TEST!! :facepalm: As in try things out and new features...need i go on! <_<
  8. Itchy (DayZ)

    Killed 7 people today, and wounded 4, no DCs

    POINT BEING!! <_<
  9. Need I say anything!!! ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwKffj9o And no we would not be killing each other for shits and giggles, most would be crying in the corner hoping for someone to come and save there little arses!!! <_<
  10. Itchy (DayZ)

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    Not to bad but an i5 2500k @ 4,8ghz, 16gb ram, gtx 480 1.5gb ram, 2x1tb Hds and 30gb ssd ready boost!!! I dont see problems!! ;) Its not all about spec you know, there are other things to consider for example, back ground tasks, anti virus, i-tunes, blah balh etc Whatever loads in before you get to windows will effect memory, cpu usage and GPU though put. All together this effects game play!!! ;)
  11. I died today for the 3rd time in months, and you know what I didnt give a shit!!! :huh: Its a fucking game, jesus if the threat of death was taken away or made less imposing the game would be shit!!! ;) Death is good! gives you a fresh start, a new look on Dayz life, so to say!!! :D
  12. Itchy (DayZ)

    Wishing for a hacker...

    Your just shit at it!!! <_< Sims 3 might be up your street !! ;)
  13. Itchy (DayZ)

    [OFFICIAL] -- Stuck at loading screen

    YAWN !!!! This shit again!!! <_< Here we go from the top ........................................again >:( Update batleye here http://www.battleye.com/download.html Update arma 2 beta to http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ Its really not that hard!!! :huh:
  14. Itchy (DayZ)

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    How the fuck can you buy a not for profit MOD? <_< You bought a game that some guy modded for fuck all!! :rolleyes: Play Arma 2, then the mod then fucking complain about cost !!! Its a mod anyone can do it.... You just need the right idea!!! ;)
  15. Itchy (DayZ)

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    I dont see the problem with glitches as I dont have any!!! :| If your pc is a bit below par then shit gonna happen !!! Me am all fine and dandy!! :D
  16. Itchy (DayZ)


    Stop making new threads about the same thing you fucking retard!!! >:(
  17. Itchy (DayZ)

    Stop shooting people who are Unarmed

    Diy shops are making a fortune from Dayz selling? <_< "BUCKETS FOR FUCKING TEARS" :facepalm:
  18. Itchy (DayZ)

    Whats with the....

    ^ THIS! This generation I dont know...............!! :rolleyes:
  19. Itchy (DayZ)

    I think I should hack this game

    Ducks in before ban hammer!!! :thumbsup: Dont be a dick just get on with it, its a fucking test in alpha it will never go beta as a mod. Wait for the real deal standalone then you wont have nothing to complain about!!! ;) Fingers crossed! <_<
  20. Itchy (DayZ)

    Favourite Weapon in DayZ?

    Hunting knife!! ;) I live in the woods you see! <_< No really any fucking weapon I can find is my favourite!!! :D
  21. Itchy (DayZ)

    Question about breaking your leg

    Ok with all these leg breaks!!!! <_< I want to know were the fuck are the wheel chairs???? You know there should be some at hospitals??? :o They should have them, find one takes up x amount of slots, so if you break a leg pull out your wheel chair, and away you roll. ;) If someone pushing you roll twice as fast, if not then normal walk speed!!! :D Please bring wheel chairs into the game rocket!!! :)
  22. Itchy (DayZ)

    How real men play Dayz

    How real men play Dayz!!! ;) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<Check my pic!! :D
  23. Itchy (DayZ)

    How to properly ride a bicycle

    POINT BEING??? <_< Whole new thread for fuck all again!!! :facepalm:
  24. OMG you talking about a 2 year old game!!! FFS! <_< Arma 3 is around the corner do you want BIS to drop everything for a MOD!!!! :huh: Please people understand this is the experiment, the good shit will follow soon after!!! ;)
  25. Itchy (DayZ)

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    Thats right rename it? COD/MP Massive map !!! :rolleyes: