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Patient Zero

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Everything posted by Patient Zero

  1. Patient Zero

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    Guess now it's not about hiding camps it's defending them. If you don't have the muscle to defend your camp imo you have no business having one in the first place. Yes groups may have to get larger and cover all timezones. Player groups in other persistant games manage 24 hour defence very well indeed. But only the strong ones survive. The week get kicked out. With limited people on a server at one time this will be a challenge. Not saying it will be easy but no one can defend having a map play area in game and then that map has no boundary. Removing items from a sandbox which is in effect what happens is not good. Things are gonna get interesting. Adapt or die... It's the Apocalypse.
  2. Patient Zero

    I want to live in the woods.

    Raid large city at start with sod all to loose. Get gear, leave, become mad old geezer that lives in the woods. Note: If you die during this process repeat the first step.
  3. Patient Zero

    Becoming a friend of survivors

    That pain in the back of your head is nothing to worry about. Your growing a conscience. It has side effects though. Doing things for others can cause happiness. You have been warned.
  4. I normally say "feck" very loud when I die. I do genuinely get quite pissed of. But it's with myself not the game. I may have a short rant at myself that normally involves me calling myself a stupid c*nt... This lasts about 15 seconds then I am back on the beach humming a happy tune as I crouch run to the nearest store for some serious looting.
  5. Patient Zero

    Who's playing guitar in Cherno???

    I will be cleaning windshields of any vehicle that stops near the NW airfield to make some spare change. You could always busk to the waiting traffic I guess.
  6. Patient Zero

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    But there doing those 24 hour testing sessions obviously, You know the ones where they gather any vehicles and then farm the shit out of everything to make sure it works as intended. You are so suspicious.
  7. Patient Zero

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    Sanity at last. I don't blame a single person for using off map to store stuff when the game let you do it. But this is good for the game and long overdue. Thumbs up.
  8. Patient Zero

    This game is too easy

    Surviving isn't that hard when you know the game yes. But there is more to surviving than just eating and drinking... you should be living, having fun ! And that's where the danger comes in and how you end up dieing. No one ever died from hiding in a bush if they had water and food. But that's hardly living.
  9. Average 3-4 days. If my goal was to simply stay alive I could prob' survive for months but would go insane with boredom. Can take me anywhere between 20 to 90 minutes to gear up. Depending on luck. Also remember a lot of people play differently and therefore the risks are different. There are a also a handfull of players I have noticed who always tell how they live over a fortnight, taking part in battles etc etc. But what they never say in the same post is they are always in a large group and have an alt character to take risks who is disposable. That doesn't apply to most people though. Very few people have alts I think but it always makes me chuckle seeing the same people telling their tales of grand survival. Most people be they a lone player or in a group only have one character. Buying 2 copies of Arma II seems a bit daft to me but each to their own. They aren't harming the game in any way I can see really. As soon as I have a backpack , medical supplies and a weapon I consider myself good to go. Normally after that by day one I have map compass decent rifle etc. All the little extra's
  10. Patient Zero

    Why do you murder?

    I don't murder. I do on occasion kill though. I have been playing 9 weeks. I still talk to friendly survivors but I am choosy who I team up with. I never team up with anyone who won't speak using direct. Reason being it seems people are far more likly to shoot you in the back if your just a bunch of pixels on the screen. If you start talking to someone, even if it's to say "you don't bother me I won't bother you" you have put a picture in that persons mind of a real person just by hearing your voice. Some will kill whatever but voice coms plays a huge part. So yeah, I don't murder at all.
  11. Patient Zero

    DayZee or DayZed?

    I pronounce it "Days". Mainly to avoid making a decision.
  12. Patient Zero

    ghillie sui

    I never knew this was possible... If that's the case I may reconsider using the ghillie as it only takes one slot. Cheers for the info.
  13. Patient Zero

    Raw MEAT

    I did run into a player a few days ago that kept trying to gut animals without a hunting knife. But other than that sounds like you encountered a random bug as I have obtained meat from just about every animal there is in game without issue. They do disappear quicker these days but as long as you don't mess around they stay long enough to do the deed.
  14. Patient Zero

    Requirements for Day Z Question!

    Although I have BAF and PMC I too would be interested to know if BAF adds anything in the same way PMC does. Edit: Just found this thread which may answer both our questions. post 9 http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=23576
  15. Patient Zero

    DayZ Stories

    And the Drugs ? Edit: Change of title better reflects content. Even if the first 2 replies will still say... RE: "your original misleading title" ;)
  16. Patient Zero

    ghillie sui

    I guess in grass or woods it's great. Everywhere else though, imo people love to shoot the person wearing the ghillie suit. Having said that though I don't wear one so I have no personal experience.
  17. Patient Zero

    ghillie sui

    The houses in Cherno that have a cafe below them are a good source. I found one today. met a survivor and offered it to him. Like me though he didn't want it, just makes you a target. If I find another I will mail you ;)
  18. Patient Zero

    Dreams of S.T.A.L.K.E.R

    in before the "get out of here Stalker"
  19. Patient Zero


    Not at the moment. But in time maybe.
  20. Patient Zero

    How do you throw a grenade?

    "F" cycles through all your weapon modes. automatic fire , semi auto, grenades, under barrel grenade launcher, (if you have one) even tin cans if you have some in inventory which can be thrown. Also tin cans are a way to practice without wasting you grenades. Or if you want to practice with any weapon open arma in single player and try the editor out.
  21. Patient Zero

    Problem with outhouses

    Yep i have issues with the outhouse / toilet. You need to move back a little and find the sweet spot. If you ever played Stalker you would know all about hitting the sweat spot for picking up loot :) Just the same with some double gates in towns. You need to manoeuvre to find the spot that works.
  22. Patient Zero

    Zomb... uhm... Priest Invasion?

    Found the vid of similar stuff happening. Although this poor sod seemed to have his character messed with as well for the duration. I have also read elsewhere that it's a side effect of someone on the server up to no good. Just what I heard. No idea if that's accurate or not. Linky:
  23. Patient Zero

    Removing stuff off-map

    Yep I agree. Your vision should begin to fail as soon as you leave the game map. If you don't turn back you begin to loose health. An area that has high infection contamination or some such crap for the purists. Would be nice to have people eaten by hordes of infected if they leave the game area but that would put a huge drain on the system.
  24. Patient Zero

    Zomb... uhm... Priest Invasion?

    Saw a vid where there was a hack going on that spawned loads of old women civilians who were not infected. It also caused animals at the same time. I hate to say hacks are going on when there is no evidence but something aint right whith that scene. If I find the you tube vid I will link it.