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Everything posted by Denuth

  1. Denuth

    Terrain textures not loading in Bulldozer correctly

    I have tried this method, and it did not work, it actually broke Buldozer when i used it.
  2. Denuth

    Persistance down

    Ya...."Noobs" while I may be at whits end with their tools...They have done a decent job with the game itself, minus you know, breaking very important stuff with their 1.0 launch... ok, yes im pissed with the current state of things but still have respect for what they have accomplished. What have you done in the last 5 years that is noteworthy? Hit puberty?
  3. Denuth

    Terrain textures not loading in Bulldozer correctly

    i was desperately hoping what you put here would help...16 hours trying to get my sat map to work....i hate these tools...
  4. Denuth

    Terrain textures not loading in Bulldozer correctly

    We seem to have the exact opposite problems lol
  5. Denuth

    Might help get you started

    From my understanding alot of the things in this guide are not required or are pretty different for DayZ. While its a great source, it may lead to some confusion for people starting out, or trying to familiarize themselves with how the new engine and tools work.
  6. Denuth

    Street Lights

    Ah darn, well good to know. Thank you sirs.
  7. Denuth

    Street Lights

    Well I know there is a light, as just a light, as in there is nothing attached to it its just light lol. But were talking ALOT of work to place them via mission file...would take ages. It would be easier, at least in my opinion, if someone made a oil lantern, or 2. One stationary with its own pole and one that attaches to a fence post as a modded object, that we could then place around the map.
  8. Denuth

    Street Lights

    @Weyland Yutani (DayZ) any update sir? Thank you~
  9. Denuth

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So I've been gone for quite some time but one thing that has kept with me is the haunting of my server I used to run. Let's begin. This was back in the 1.7.1 era maybe earlier. Anyway me and my two buddies were just doing our own thing on my locked and password protected server. We were heading up to the NW airfield to practice some zombie sniping. All was going well he was using his DMR and I was messing around with variants of the M4 and M16. After about a hour we felt we had enough practice in and we would venture in to the airfield and resupply on ammo and maybe pick up a few extra weapons for fun. So we piled in to our UAZ and drove onto the tarmac. We got through the first hangers on the North East side, the fire station, control tower, and the barracks. Now is here is where things get...weird... As we pull into the first of the two hangers on the North West side of the airfield all seemed fine. We grabbed some ammo we found and where just sitting there waiting for my other buddy ot meet up with us. He was at the south east side barracks. He finally arrives! We kill the 3 zombies that were still tailing him and were discussing what to do next when a "man" dressed as a survivor ran in to the hanger. He stopped, looked at us three...then hopped in our UAZ in the driver seat. He slowly turned his head and looked right at me looking at him! I looked around the hanger very quickly and realized there were four of us total...THERE WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE THREE! I raised my M4 and unloaded a whole 30rd clip into the driver side windshield. He slumped at the wheel. I hopped in to the driver side so his body slumped out on to the ground of the hanger. We all just sat there in a triangle formation around the body...in disbelief. I checked the body to see his name was "man". I checked my server logs and we were the only ones on...Period. The next day we were back up there doing roughly the same thing talking about what happened yesterday... As I walk by the industrial area near the fire station the one with the gate....the Gate opens up and hits and kills me. One of my buddies was right behind me and he said there was NOTHING around me at all. No zombies or nothing! So I figured maybe it was a fluke and just a once in a lifetime thing to have happen....Man I wish... It happened one more time.... I was driving through Electro in my old hatchback when another gate (the one to the fire station) swung open and I smashed through it. I was so confused but figured it was a zombie. Till I got to Cherno and every gate I drove by swung open...and there was no zombies. I uninstalled that server package and changed to a different one. Never happened again...
  10. Keep it cool everyone and constructive and let me know what you think of 1.7.2. I myself wont be checking it out until I get my server running the current build but when I do I'll give a nice write up about it =D Apparently my topic title wasn't "catchy" enough.... [Mod note: Just wanted to empathize the subjective nature of the thread, thus the title alteration. If you must rant, please do so here. Any abuse or excessive trolling will still be moderated appropriately. Thank you for your understanding and thank you Twin for allowing me to commandeer your thread. - Ubi] [Not a problem man I'll deal with it =P] I absolutely love 1.7.2! Zombies are more difficult to deal with! Everything is running smoother and the fact you actually have to sneak now is just amazing. I understand at the moment that it is a bit glitchy but all that will be worked out in due time! Keep pushing out the updates and I'll keep killing the zeds!
  11. Date/Time: 7/11/2012 3:52am EST What happened: Took off my NVG's given it was 4:22am ingame, everything was nice and light, relogged after a clanmate informed me his watch read 2:50am and it was then 2:50am. Other people were at different times as well. Where you were: Pobeda Dam What you were doing: Chillin *Current installed version: 1.7.2 *Server(s) you were on: us200 *Your system specs: i5 2600k Geforce GTX 295 x2 SLI EVGA P55LE motherboard 8GB DDR3 OCZ Platnium *Timeline of events before/after error: Was waiting there at Pobeda Dam for about 2 hours for everyone to meet up just watching the sun rise until we all realized the time difference, after the relog it was again dark and hours back in time, although my character and gear and everything remained the same.
  12. After watching Rockets fpsguru live stream I did some thinking. The mention of adding in random items and hoping that the player base would make their own currency/trading system is something I am very excited about. Here are some of my thoughts on it. Add candy- Candy can restore a minor amount of health, and give a small speed boost duration due to the amount of sugar. I'm wanting a Snickers =D Not only would it be a wonderful item to trade with, but if your in a sticky situation you have to ask yourself "do I eat this and hopefully live or do I tough it out and try to buy something later with it?". I know candy might not be the ideal thing to add, but It's just a rough idea its the concept that I really want to get across. We need an item that is valuable to a player or useful I should say. An item that could save your life, but also get you something nice if you don't use it. I want to see some of your guys/gals ideas to maybe help narrow it down to One item, or variables of said item that could be implemented into the game. For a breif breakdown of the variables thing think of a loaf of bread. 1 slice is nice but it isn't no sandwich. 2 is better but a whole loaf is the best. I'm not saying bread should be one of those items but it is the simplest reference I can make. Let me know your thoughts and ideas! And I'll be sure to get the agreed upon item into the right hands....because I have nothing better to do =D ------Ideas------ -Ammo (example. each amunition type is given a number value higher or lowerd depending on rarity. so 9mm pistol ammo not to rare value 5. and annother 50. cal BMG very rare value 60.)
  13. Denuth

    You want a currency system?

    Well unfortunately i see the issue here being not everyone has said gun to where that type of ammo currency would be viable to trade with. Then again, maybe that wouldn't be a problem because then it would make a very complex trading/currency system where you have to communicate with others for certain ammo types worth a set amount of "currency" to then trade to someone else to get the ammo type/quantity necessary to trade for the item originally sought after. Hope you followed that =P I'll start adding some of the idea's to the main posting!
  14. Denuth

    You want a currency system?

    Alcohol? There is plenty of empty bottles in the world. Where are the full ones? If their was a sort of crafting system I would say Nails as I would see them as universally useful.
  15. Denuth

    You want a currency system?

    Hence it being an idea, That is what this thread is about, finding the "perfect" item. And I use Perfect loosely.
  16. Denuth

    Public Service Announcement

    Great story, and great PSA! You ahve my beans...
  17. Denuth

    You want a currency system?

    Everything is capped. Inventory space! Something that just popped in my head, Mountain Dews are pretty damn rare, but unfortunately their is no benefit from having one because it is no different from a Coke or Pepsi but...Gatorade anyone? I don't know just throwing ideas out there until someone yells "jackpot". Keep the ideas and discussion going guys we can figure this out!
  18. Ya just because we have gear does not mean we are hackers or have used exploits. That is pretty messed up to assume.
  19. Very few servers have Huey's, more then likely hacked.
  20. Denuth

    Simulating Morality?

    I like your idea, fuck all the other jokers they just are mad cause they don't want to be penalized for killing another person. Which is stupid. If you kill someone in real life you have problems, anxiety all that shit. It makes sense. And the whole point of this is rockets idea of immersion not yours Kozmas. So when something is implemented at some point I'll be prepared to hear your bitching as well. Thank you for the thought out idea though. The more of these we get the better just try and post it in the suggestions area next time!
  21. Denuth

    Vilayer Hosting Issues

    0 probelms from day one and only had to wait 2 minutes for setup because I got on TS.
  22. I don't see how disconnect messages would effect bandits at all, Unless they are disconnecting to aviod death.
  23. Denuth

    Thank you,

    You mean in hand?
  24. Denuth

    I have become a monster..

    Not exactly my thoughts but I do see the comparison. I like the PvP and all I really do. I'm just saying that maybe the experiment is, how many good people will turn bad when subjected to such a harsh place. So ya your sig is not the exact wording I would use but I soppose it works. =D
  25. Denuth

    Need help quickly!

    As long as you have the latest beta build you can join older ones as well, though, I wouldn't reccomend it.