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Everything posted by TimF

  1. We don't know this guy btw, there's hardly any armed guards. Peaceful survivors only
  2. Hi all, I'm interested to find out the main reasons people don't play hardcore mode more often - seems that sometimes there isn't a full hardcore server anywhere in the world! I know this might be of limited use but more data never hurts - maybe there's some small changes that could be made to hardcore mode to get more people playing. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1V8cPtV5mBmJmVsFWaKjRSnKEQr9KTzhDTNpuf2a1PpY/viewform?usp=send_form
  3. TimF

    AKM Combat

    Are you saving from windows movie maker? If so don't use the youtube preset when exporting, choose 'recommended for this project'
  4. TimF

    0.45 - How to catch and cook fish!

    Cheers! We spent hours gathering all the stuff to try fishing then we got ambushed west of Vybor (???) and had to start over :p
  5. Feedback appreciated :)
  6. Hey all, not the most exciting I know but it was so random to meet this guy and good to help him out - he stuck with us loyally as we hunted bad guys in Berezino and had plenty of chances to take us out, but didn't. My microphone didn't record properly unfortunately :/
  7. I think overall the zombies are a big improvement but the factr you pretty much can never get on top of them with guns in a city is annoying (I get that it is just placeholder). It would be nice if you could at least temporarily get yourself some breathing room if you fight hard enough. Maybe if they spawned progressively further away from where they died each time they got killed up to a certain limit.
  8. iConnorN posted on youtube how to play the mod background tracks while playing the standalone - I tried it and it is amazing! Very sketchy and ominous.
  9. TimF

    Experimental: new town in NW, past airfield

    Yep standard loot spawns, so just like clothes, few med supplies, food
  10. TimF

    Experimental: new town in NW, past airfield

    Hard to say exactly because there isn't a map fo experimental but if you headed directly NW from the NW airfield and went across the railroad into the paddocks a bit you should find it. It's about 3km from NW air I reckon.
  11. Hey y'all We see 4 guys approach the shipwreck and set up at a bend in the road. This is enough excuse to engage them ;) The video is shown from 3 different viewpoints (had a 4th member guarding the sniper/watching for flankers but they saw no action). I tried to edit all the dull bits out because I usually get bored watching vids of guys running for 10 minutes then eating 4 cans of beans before anything happens. This version has background music that I liked but some people found distracting: This is the same vid but with no music:
  12. One of the greatest movies ever made ;)
  13. TimF

    Firefight at Berezino

    Hey all, really appreciate your feedback on this one. It was an amazing fight but I was unconscious for some of the good bits so not sure if the middle is a bit boring. I love how it starts though, still seems so unlikely to me that this actually happened ;)
  14. TimF

    Whats wrong with server hopping?

    This is exactly the massive problem with it. I play properly and every time I get to someout of the way place, even on a quiet server, chances are some server hopper has jumped through ahead of me and taken everything.
  15. TimF

    The value of a character

    I actually like some idea like this - it is realistic, doesn't punish anyone for playing how they want, and allows all kinds of emergent gameplay situations to develop.
  16. This is mainly to confirm, if anyone was wondering, that you can create a second steam account (you can even use the same email as your main account and this is ok with steams TOS confirmed by a steam forum mod) buy a second copy of the game (you don't have to redownload/install) and use it to run a second character in DayZ. Both characters can be used by just switching steam logins. Personally I did this because I play with different groups / solo at different times and it was killing me running back and forth the length of cherno to meet up with friends for a session. Also I'm more than happy to support the development of the game this way. But if I have a suggestion/feature request it would be to get more than one character slot in the actual game, even as a paid addon. Does anyone else run more than one account?
  17. TimF

    Bandit? Or just playing the game?

    I reckon pretty much you go the the airfield you know its kill or be killed
  18. TimF

    Bohemia interactive PLEASE READ

    OH WHOOPS I must have slipped and typed they should never hire a single person by mistake, sorry! Good ol' internest.