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Posts posted by TimF

  1. Hey all! Just wondering if anyone knows what controls the number of infected that spawn at a heli crash? I know the class of infected event is controlled by the 'secondary' element in the statichelicrash event, I would have assumed the number of infected were based on the numbers in zombie_territories but I can't see any x,z coords there that match up with the heli locations and it also seems like way less spawn at a heli than are defined in zombie_territories. Is it the <zone smin="1" smax="3" dmin="3" dmax="5" r="45" /> bit under the statichelicrash entry in cfgeventspawns?

  2. Are there any plans for improving the chopped tree animation - like the tree falling slowly at first then quickly, crashing to the ground and leaving a stump behind?

    Will the new player controller have any type of player inertia when moving at high speeds, eg taking a second to get up to full speed and slow down again, or slowing slightly when turning?

    Will poses for infected be expanded in the future? I miss the crouching ones!

    Do you plan unique animations for most crafting tasks like making arrows, making stone knives, gutting animals, using a sewing kit etc?

    Is the ability to shoot from vehicles just waiting for the new player controller or are there other technical limitations still?


    • Like 1

  3. 8 hours ago, stinkenheim said:

    Don't use experimental as a basis for how the game will be on stable.

    Experimental has a handful of servers available all of which are full 90+% of the time. the amount of through traffic in all towns is ridiculously high.


    I'm not assuming this is the final state, just giving feedback on the current iteration. There's always full servers somewhere so CLE should be able to take care of loot distribution even on high traffic servers.

  4. Hey all,

    Just thought I'd share my thoughts on gun and ammo distribution in 0.61. I think my group of 4 probably has about 40-50 hours and several lives each in 0.61 so we've played a fair bit.

    Our feeling in general is that ammo is way, way too scarce. I know DayZ is meant to be challenging and items scarce, and I love that, but finding ammo (and a magazine) for a gun is so difficult right now there's almost no point looking. Several times we have looted 3-4 towns completely as we move inland and maybe 1 of us will come out with a pistol we can chamber with a few rounds.

    This makes for a very un-fun experience because we don't have any meaningful way to defend ourselves, hunt, help others, etc.My suggestion would be to roughly double, or more, the amount of small stacks of basic ammo spawning, like .380, .22 and 12ga. 9mm and .357 aren't too bad right now for volume but maybe would be better still with more common but smaller stacks. .308 needs to be 5x more common at least. Also, low tier pistols like the makarov and p1 should spawn with a magazine most of the time (an empty mag would be fine). As it is they are nearly useless, you can find an AUG and magazine more easily than you can find a p1 and magazine.

    If there was a decent chance of finding ammo for low tier weapons, looting thoroughly would be much more fun. Finding 2 rounds here, 3 there and slowly building up would be cool, and people who took time to prepare rather than beelining straight to NWA to roll the dice would be rewarded. There would be a good sense of progression if you could get a basic weapon with ammo in the first hour or so of playing and then use it to help win rarer loot.

    To be clear, I don't want to make it so everyone can just get enough guns to pvp in Elektro 24/7, just think it's reasonable to find enough ammo to have a chance of defending myself after an evening spent exploring.


  5. Hi all! Something I've had on my mind for a long time is how hard it should be to access other peoples bases.

    The big disadvantage in a game like this is we can't post sentries or just have occupants at our base 24/7 like we would in real life because most of us have a finite amount of time to play games. The fun part of base raiding to me is the fear the owners will show up, or as the owner the fun part is defending your base. However if for example someone in America can join my Australian server while it's 2am on a wednesday here, they pretty much never have to worry about getting caught.For that reason it seems like bases should really be quite hard to access - like it should take significant resources to break into a well made base, with a chance you'll fail.

    Sometimes I think the solution is to have country specific servers that are only online for a short range of hours each day, eg afternoon through to night in that country.

    What do you think about how hard bases should be to access? What is the right balance between fun and realism?

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  6. On 21/09/2016 at 5:05 PM, Hicks_206 (DayZ) said:

    Im uncertain personally, as I use OBS Studio to capture. What shadowplay bug?

    Ah OK - Since 0.60 shadowplay records very dark, like it is ignoring your brightness and gamma settings or something (unless you fiddle around changing resolution to something else then back again).. It's on the tracker: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117992


  7. Hey all,

    Playing on Australian servers in 0.60, I and lots of others have experienced very poor server performance, mostly in the form of rubber banding, dying from fall damage where you didn't actually fall, or position sync (eg server thinks you're stuck in a house). For me it's actually the worst I've seen for a year or more and I've stopped playing for a little while hoping the new player controller will stop me breaking my leg from walking through a doorway ;)

    I'm just curious about what has changed to cause this in 0.60 as I remember a few comments about improving some aspects of server performance but not anything about changes that should have impacted performance negatively? Has this been acknowledged by the devs and are there any specific updates that might lead to improvements in this area beyond ongoing optimisation?

    • Like 1


    Questions, if any devs pop in ;)

    Will the new damage system allow better performing armour (combat helmet, plate carrier right now don't offer much protection) or are they working as intended?

    What is the plan for items stored in packs when slots of the pack become unavailable due to damage?

    Can we please see a video of the new rain and fog in action?


    Hey Brian! Just giving this one a bump as I asked it before you showed up for the Q&A - cheers in advance!

  9. Questions, if any devs pop in ;)

    Will the new damage system allow better performing armour (combat helmet, plate carrier right now don't offer much protection) or are they working as intended?

    What is the plan for items stored in packs when slots of the pack become unavailable due to damage?

    Can we please see a video of the new rain and fog in action?

  10. Ok, I'm usually all good with multiple parts to put something together. I get it but look at this list:


    Control Unit

    Electrical Wires

    Hydraulic Hoses 

    Pitch Links

    Rear Rotor Blade

    Igniter Plug


    Aviation Fuel

    Motor Oil

    Hydraulic Fluid

    Transmission Oil


    I really can't back that up. I understand this game should be brutally hard. However, gameplay-wise, Why would someone go through all the trouble of gathering ALL these items and making sure they work, when this think can get stolen, blown up by a grenade launcher, or shot down with heavy machine guns. On top of that, the group of players (because no way one person is doing this, which is perfectly fine with me) is going to have a mental breakdown when they finally get this put together and it crashes shortly after take off because due to piloting error. 


    My feedback, at this point, would be to reconsider so many parts for something not very protected, or at least consider heave "health" stats for these "shoot me" aviation vehicles.



    I hope the answer to this is - vehicles spawn with a random amount of parts missing, so you don't have to find everything on that list to get it going. Maybe you get lucky and just need new hoses and fluids or maybe you get unlucky and need a new control unit, battery and cabling and a rotor but you don't have to find a dozen things every time you want to get a chopper going.

    • Like 4

  11. Hey Brian! Thanks for taking the time out for this Q&A. If you're still around - I'd love to hear more about any plans to remodel existing vegetation? Is this intended and to what extent? Pretty sure Chris and his team could make the plants of chernarus look just as good as the new buildings and item models.

    • Like 1

  12. Notification was given as soon as was possible.

    As mentioned above, follow those key points when approaching the Early Access and you should (hopefully) have a good time.

    May I respectfully make a suggestion? While I *completely* understand where you are coming from and how early access works and appreciate the hard work from all you guys - I also understand that it sucks as a player of the game to lose a bunch of stuff you worked for, even if you knew you could lose it at some point. While your defense of the process is completely understandable, probably the message your customers want to hear is "Yeah man that sucks, sorry but we couldn't avoid it". A lot of people don't need reminding of the truth, they just need someone to commiserate.

  13. 1. Hardware its basicaly the same, there are loads of factors included we are tracking it along the way. There are lot of changes before 1.0 that will affect it in a positive way.


    I've been really interested in this question for a while too. How good do you think you will be able to get server performance by 1.0 (or at various points along the way)? Will we eventually have rock solid performance, vehicles travelling smoothly and precisely, players dying as soon as you shoot them, etc?


    Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, it's just hard to visualise how the game will be in the future.

  14. Finally, we talk about audio! :)

    #1 Please remove the cartoonish swing / 'whoosh!' sounds from hand to hand combat! Those are honestly ridiculous and the fact that they get mostly out of sync doesn't help either.

    Yeah maybe you could just give a little grunt when you swing, depending on weapon size

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