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Everything posted by oldfossil

  1. oldfossil

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Great news about SA! Guys the short movie looks great, thanks a lot for sharing it.
  2. oldfossil

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Awesome news. I can't see the time. Thanks a lot to all DayZ Team.
  3. oldfossil

    Bandit and Hero Camo

    Yes! I agreee. Think just for a single moment what about the possibility to recognize some friend (or foe) at sight! It would be a nice feature for the SA making team cooperation more easy and real.
  4. oldfossil

    New Dev Blog Report: November 2012

    Dear rocket, the most important thing to do now is to take care of yourself. We can wait a little bit more for the SA (...not so much time...a little bit less :)). Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you and to all the DayZ community.
  5. oldfossil

    dayzSA on disk for computers?

    It would be wonderful!
  6. Hi, I'd like to get the following improvements: - increased backpacks capability, in particular regarding the number of ammo clips (this feature should affect the movement rate for high weigth loads) - the possibility to combine cartridges of several clips to fill empty clips - get a chance to use almost every object as a weapon and to build some thing combining several items, so, for example, I could throw stones or get some scrap metal using it like a club until I get better equipment, fix a knife over a pole to get a lance, or to mount a flashlight on a gun using some tape.
  7. Not so real in my opinion, if you consider that at least a couple of things of the in game conditions are critical: diet is poor and mainly based on canned goods. rest is supposed to be not so easy as you can't find a safe place to do that in a restful way. is likely indeed a progressive worsening of the survivor overall shape.
  8. I already thought about this subject some time ago. I believe it could be great if a dead player will resurrect as a Z (maybe he could choose between a new player or go on in the shoes of a Z), to make the Z role harder for the player it could be have a blurry visual and to enhance some other sense it could be aided by dots for the peripheral view, just for example.
  9. I think you are right about initial intentions of the developement, but now we are facing a game strongly characterized by zombies, so, In my humble opinion, let the zombies do their dirty job at their best potential and became one of the a main game features.
  10. I do agree with that kind of requests about Z's behaviour. Enhancing Z's skills in hunting humans, wandering as hordes, being more sensitive to noises and human presence in the neighborhoods, in a few words making them more dangerous than the actual ones, in my opinion could have benefits even on other sides of the game. With more dangerous Z's for example will be more difficult (or challenging, the choice is up to you) for players to hunt for other players. If you think that every single shot with a gun could attract a lot of Z's on you as you are shooting with a Lee Enfield, hunt for other people will be a more meditated and risky strategy to hold in game.
  11. oldfossil

    Bug or 1.3 feature?

    Hi all, last night I played on a server, a very smooth one of wich I don't remember the name. After a while the server suddenly kicked me off for high ping reasons (higher than 156, or so). When I reconnected on another server a new player has been created and apparently I lost the previous one. Is this a feature? Maybe a server hopping preventer? This night I'll try to play again, maybe my previous and quite well equipped player will be back again from the void... PS: I play ArmAII patched to the last official release, I don't updated it to the last beta. An issue like this already happened to me during a Video Driver crash that forced me to restart ArmAII.
  12. oldfossil

    Bug or 1.3 feature?

    Yes, maybe I hopped inside a PH. I think you all are right. This night, if I can, I'll try again on a PS to see what will happen. Thx all for your replies! @Undead Knight: yes, I was surprised too for the high ping performance required from that server, for me playing at pings > 100 is pretty usual, but I never had any problem before.
  13. oldfossil

    Why Collect

    Maybe because greed drives almost all the actions of men.
  14. oldfossil

    Bandit Radio

    For stalking purposes I suggest this one
  15. oldfossil

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I agree with you...still hoping for a retail version!
  16. Maybe people's behaviour change like in a real apocalypse, in the beginning people wants to cooperate with each other, but when the mess grows up and the hope to restore a normal situation fades out, a lot of people becomes more brutal and make their way to survive in a criminal mood, is like if there is a progressive loss of humanity that goes along with the increasing difficulty of the situation (lots of survivors against a lack of resources).
  17. oldfossil

    Player Death

    Some time ago I had a video driver crash during a play session, so I was forced to close ArmAII by the activity manager. When I respawned again a few minutes later I supposed to be dead, because I spawned as a new player. The next day I played again and when I spawned into another server I did it into the location where I was before the Vcard crash...very strange, but a nice surprise for me. ...almost forgot, It happened with the 1.2.6 version of DayZ.
  18. oldfossil

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I would like to get a retail version, I'am still an old school player, I love game boxes and I would like to add the DayZ one beside the long row of BIS games that I collected onto my library rack.
  19. oldfossil

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Hold it as long as you can...and when the time has come do it into the wilderness...please don't use rabbits to clean yourself up, they leave a lot of hairs, and don't wash yourself into the ponds, I could need to fill some canteen soon or late.
  20. I agree with Time Glitch for the most part of his suggestions. Maybe making DayZ like a living hell will not prevent pvp or some weird killing behaviour, but il would make it more interesting. Killing someone could unleash a growing Z's horde against the murderer, for example, making the choice to kill or not someone more hard to decide.
  21. Yes, I know, and I agree about the matter of the better FOV, but is weird that to see over the corners is enaugh to switch form 1st to 3rd person view and one don't need to expose himself to do that. It is only an opinion of mine, I always play 1st person even when I play on servers that allows this feature.
  22. It would be good if third person will be banned from the game at all.
  23. oldfossil

    So, its Halloween...

    Last night I got a "Vampire clothing" (with plastic fangs included!!!) into the Berezino supermarket and I wandered Cherno disguised as the prince of the night to scare out the damned Z's
  24. oldfossil

    What Does DayZ Mean To You? (PvP or Survival)

    The matter is not so easy to discern. For me survival is the top feature, but don't forget that survivors must deal soon or late with other players, from this kind of situation can grow a PvP... I can say for sure that every time I play DayZ I don't get into a server with the intention to camp a place to shoot on sight everything is moving...playing DayZ only to shoot people in my opinion suggests a bad state of mind.