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Everything posted by oldfossil

  1. oldfossil

    .61 to Stable, be prepared!

    Today I have had enough time to save my carachter from hypothermia lighting a fire inside a red brick warehouse. It seems that the very last fix have delayed the sudden death by cold exposure fairly well. Anyway the freezing process still goes fast after becoming drenched by rain.
  2. oldfossil


    Me and a friend of mine have recently faced a wolf pack. We took shelter into a two roomed log barn. The wolves have killed some Z's attracted by the wolves and our gunshots, but they can't pass through the closed door. We cleared the area and left for more quiet places. All in all it was a nice thrilling experience that could be even more intriguing if happened by night (like the moorland scene of An american werewolf in London). Logging off was a not viable option for us.
  3. oldfossil

    Suggestion Gear WWII

    An ECWCS Parka could be a nice item to have too. It is almost totally waterproof and keeps you warm during the cold season.https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=9SFpWIDKF87owALwlb3QBQ&q=ecwcs+parka&oq=cwcs+parka&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.0.0i13k1l3j0i8i13i30k1j0i13i30k1.9636.13868.0.16371.
  4. oldfossil

    .61 to Stable, be prepared!

    Good advice, a pitchfork works as well, with three hits and the first attack by surprise you can kill a Z without problems. Waterproof clothing is the better choice to avoid freezing
  5. oldfossil

    .61 to Stable, be prepared!

    Thx a lot for info!
  6. oldfossil

    The Mosin and realism

    Have you used only "pristine" status bullets? I suppose that not "brand new" ammo speeds up the gun deterioration.
  7. Getting into a DZ server without idiot freaks is less likely than finding a virgin in a whorehouse. Nevertheless I found lots of kind and collaborative players during my DZ sessions. I suggest to consider everything as environment, regardless its classification.
  8. oldfossil

    .61 to Stable, be prepared!

    I logged in today, I was only damp, but it was raining. I wandered around Kamenka and I got hypothermic. I tried to make a fireplace, but in the wilderness it was impossible because the rain, inside the buildings (with the built in fireplace) it was impossible because it was not safe (!!!) so I died... In this new game release the rain is a threat far worse than Z's or wolves or hostlie players and I suggest some review about its effects on the players.
  9. oldfossil

    .61 to Stable, be prepared!

    A strange thing happened to me yesterday. I walked for a long time under the rain without becoming damp. The hunger-thirst indicators were inactive too.
  10. oldfossil

    .61 to Stable, be prepared!

    After an hour of playing with the new stable I noticed an increase of the infected number (good change in my opinion) and, at the moment, no dramatic change in loot distribution. I visited one of the newest military outposts and I liked it. I have had a friendly encounter with a guy that gifted to me a binocular (thx a lot unknown guy) and shared with me some player group movement in the neighbourhoods
  11. oldfossil

    Ruined gear.

    Other than the shooting problem, I experienced some even worse item degradation: - falling from some high place (a couple of meters) - getting clawed from Z's The first one have ruined my shoes, trousers, almost all items contained into the pockets. After the last one I got 10 shotgun shells and some other item ruined with a couple of hits by a single Z (no bleed on my char)
  12. oldfossil

    Clown Shoes Suggestion

    Why clown shoes? I never liked clowns, encounter someone wearing a clown mask is for me a more than valid reason to KOS him.
  13. oldfossil

    Notes from the Apocalypse

    Hi everyone, do you use to leave notes for the other players when you find paper during the game? I often do that, but I never find it when I try to read... I think that it adds something to the overall atmosphere
  14. oldfossil

    Notes from the Apocalypse

    Same for me mate
  15. oldfossil

    Impossible To Have Fun Anymore

    Bullets in the head don't ruin nothing but helmets or hats. It is quite annoying that a punch or a Z claw can do it indeed. Not so long ago I have had a motorbike helmet ruined by a couple of punches (the guy was bare hands)... if I try to do this in a real situation the only thing I get ruined are my hands.
  16. oldfossil

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Yesterday, spawned not so far from Nova Petro I decided to gear a little along the way to Tisy and I was shot by an asshole too far from me or with a bad aim. Later I got into the MilBase and after a fast equipment another asshole with an even poorest aim attempted to kill me (does he was the same of before?), and I got away because I haven't understood from where he was shooting at me. All in all it was not so bad to be a DZ Day...
  17. oldfossil

    how do you load a gun?

    R key works to chamber (or pump a shell into the barrel) a magazine/speedloader and is fine for fight when you have a couple of it to swap. Anyway, when one of it becomes empty you need to drag ammo into magazine to fill it again.
  18. Maybe IIIrd person view could be more acceptable if the blind p.o.v. areas will remain blind and players can't see anything more than buildings and environmental details and not other players or Z's. Personally I prefer HC Ist person only servers.
  19. At the moment, in my opinion, it is 95% The Road and for the remaining 5% TWD in the quietest moments. I hope the percentage will raise soon towards some Z movie
  20. Imho one issue that have a bad influence on the melee and combat in general is the possibility for the player to sprint and turn at an insane speed during the fight.
  21. oldfossil

    Why No One Is Ever Friendly on DayZ Anymore

    That's the point
  22. oldfossil

    Character Bug/Stuck - Reset my char pls

    If the ground allows it try to search for stones, craft an improvised knife and F12 yourself. To speed up the slow death for starving-thirst-cold, remove all the carachter clothes.
  23. oldfossil

    Can't see zeroing

    Same issue for me too. But when I joined for the first time the server I was able to see the zeroing values, later I got the black square
  24. oldfossil

    Has anyone seen a Smersh Backpack in .60?

    Nine slots, sorry for my bad info.