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Dead on Arrival

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About Dead on Arrival

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  1. Dead on Arrival

    Your first encounter with a player in SA

    First encounter with someone who wasn't a friend. Just spawned. Ran over to the Komaravo docks. Two people begin running at me. I wave. One of them has a bat and hits me with it, and I start bleeding. Me and my friend run around for about 3-4 minutes as they chase us. Eventually we jump into the water and swim away, returning to shore once they leave. People are mean.
  2. Dead on Arrival

    When you destroy a vehicle.... (US 2737)

    *teary eyes* I'm so proud.
  3. Dead on Arrival

    I Ask Elektro Snipers This

    Now now, don't expect raging from me. I simply ask, sincerely and honestly, why do Elektro snipers kill fresh spawns on the coast? Does it pad their kill counter? Does it give them a sense of self satisfaction? Are they bored? It really does make me think.
  4. Is there any way we can re-apply, or is it simply a flat out denial? EDIT: Darn forums. Didn't notice I even got a message.
  5. IRL Information Name: Ashton Age: 13 Location: California Timezone: Pacific Standard Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: I believe I have met all of the requirements. Game Information IGN: Dead on Arrival Steam ID (if applicable): michaeljgrogan Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Any role is acceptable to me, but I think field medic would be an interesting role to play. Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): I would like to join as I find solo play not boring, but tedious. I tend to enjoy a game much more if I have friends or a group to play with, due to much more social interaction. DayZ to me seems much more group oriented than "lone wolf" oriented, as once you get good gear, you are practically set with nothing better to do than snipe fresh spawns outside of Elektro (not that I've ever actually done that). I would also like to have a known "friendly" group I can come to if things get a bit too feisty down in the cities. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I can offer an active, mature (I understand age is of concern) player that can contribute to the group by scavenging for supplies and other items, as well as contributing socially.
  6. Name: Ashton Age: 13 In game name: Dead on Arrival Steam Id: michaeljgrogan Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Any role is acceptable to me, but I think field medic would be an interesting role to play, seeing as I could actively contribute to the group. Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : I'd like to join as I find playing alone a not so much boring, but tedious way to play. Lone wolf has never really suited me, and I find myself enjoying a game much more if I have friends or a group to play with. What can you offer to the clan: A mature (I understand that age is of concern) player that can actively contribute to the group.
  7. Dead on Arrival

    LFG Bandit group/survivors

    What servers you usually play on? I'd be happy to finally have an ally.
  8. Dead on Arrival

    Where do you draw the line?

    Not my point. Even if you get into the thick of things, but you don't need the loot, then that's still the line to me.
  9. Dead on Arrival

    Where do you draw the line?

    The way I see it, the line is when "bandits" go out of their way to hunt players just for the sake of hunting them. Boredom doesn't seem like a valid reason to me. I can understand if they are actually going to loot the player for their items, yes, but if they don't even bother to come out from their little cozy sniper holes, then that's the line.
  10. Dead on Arrival

    Please.. Dying.. Of Hunger..

    Yeah dude. Where you at? I'd be more than happy to help, so long as you don't turn around and shoot me in the back afterwards.
  11. Gah. I shoot on sight, but this is just awful.
  12. Another (not so) interesting story from me? Why, that's just ridiculous. But since you insist on reading, I insist on giving. Elektro, at twilight. Imagine the most beautiful night sky you've ever seen. Then, imagine me, someone who was about to push their luck.. horribly. While I casually strolled through Elektro with my hatchet, I decided to raid the hospital. I broke the window open and, simply enough, stole the goodies. Afterwards, since it was twilight, I figured, "Oh, no one would be in Elektro at this time of day. I should go raid the fire station." Horrible mistake. Even though it was void of loot earlier, I decided I should look one last time before heading north. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Well, you seem like a perfectly logical man, Dead. It's not like anything could go wrong." But that, my good reader, is where you're mistaken. Walking up to the fire station, I opened the door care free; that is, until I saw someone staring at a loot pile. I figured, "Hm, maybe he didn't see me. Time for some sneaky sneaky." I went around the back and entered, only to find out that he had, in fact, seen me. He began to open fire, and, like the scene from Pulp Fiction, seemed to miss all the shots at point blank range. I ran at him with my axe, nailing him in the head. For some odd reason, this transferred into a broken leg. He began to crawl up the stairs, attempting to reach safety. I should have known he was crawling for his friends. I chased him down, embedding my axe into the back of his head. Little did I know that his friends were pointing guns at me. I began swinging blindly, nailing another. Unfortunately for me, one of them opened up with automatic fire, killing me. While I did manage to get two out of three of them, I forgot a rule of DayZ; if someone is retreating, they are probably just going back for help.
  13. Dead on Arrival

    Hernold the Axe Murderer

    I will have a good day sir.
  14. Dead on Arrival

    Hernold the Axe Murderer

    I was attacked somewhat near the airfield, and I was on the Atlanta 17 server.
  15. Dead on Arrival

    Hernold the Axe Murderer

    So, time for two epic fails in one thread. Me and a friend were raiding the Balota Airfield, recently spawning after being shot by someone who claimed themselves "friendly". We had let the so called "friendly" tag along with us through the town we were looting. Meanwhile, he asked for some ammo for his gun. We were both a bit hesitant about doing so, but gave him the clip anyway. When my friend let his guard down, we were both shot and killed. Ironically, we gave him the ammo to do it. But, back to my story. While raiding the Airfield, we decided to follow the "kill or be killed" motto. After a good few minutes of raiding, I noticed someone standing in front of me. I asked over Steam voice chat if this was my groupie. Saying no, I shot the man in front of me, his name being "Hernold". Looting the fresh kill, I saw he was only a newbie, not bearing a single weapon to actually be a threat. Moving away from Balota, me and my friend stopped, looking at our map to decide where to head. It was only after I had closed my map that my friend began yelling "I'm being hit with an axe!" To my horror, I saw my group member lying on the ground, dead. On top of him? The very same man I shot at the airfield; "Hernold". I had turned an innocent newbie in to a violent axe murderer. I hastily began firing my AK-74, missing a decent amount of shots due to my incompetence with the weapon. Hernold, to my shock, charged at me. I continued firing, running backwards to avoid being struck with the axe. After I finally took him out, I bandaged my wounds. It then struck me.. my first murder had turned someone into a crazed, axe-wielding, maniac. And while I continued to shoot on sight, I'll never forget an important lesson I learned that day; karma is a Grade-A douche.