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Captain Kirk (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Captain Kirk (DayZ)

  1. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    [BSB] Network - Looking For Mature Gamers

    Backstreet Boys?
  2. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    Fuck no The alignment system is one of the best things about the game. If anything it should be extended and in more depth
  3. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Extensive in-depth idea for rewarding good-guy players

    I like Would like to see a skin for people that are really trustworthy. Like 3500 humanity or something. I'm all for a bandit honor system where you lose honor if you kill other bandits aswell. say you get -1000 humanity and below 0 bandit honor and then you go feral. This humanity concept is really something cool. Best part about it is that it works better then anything ive encountered in any game before. I would really like to see the devs elaborating a bit more on this concept and bringing it into depth. The way I feel now is that it is too easy to get rid of the bandit status. Once you go bandit it should take you a really long time to lose the status (say you stay bandit for 24h). Making your actions have more impact on the way people will interact with you. Also reducing the server strain since you only change skin twice every 24h
  4. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    1600x900px DayZ desktop

    Good stuff
  5. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Don't listen to the casual gamers

    Agree Stick to your vision and dont feed the crowd what they scream for.
  6. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Do you in any way regret this mods sudden rise of popularity?

    Now that I cant get on any server I kinda do
  7. Is this going to be an EU or NA group?
  8. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    For all of you who really dont wanna fuck up and earn a permaban for picking up the wrong stuff here's a list of weapons ingame that you can check out if you want to make sure. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons
  9. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Pull up a sandbag! Its story time!

    My friend Seph and I triggered a horde in Dolina last night and Seph managed to get himself injured and started fainting all the time. We decided to make our way to Berezino hospital to get him some blood so we start our somewhat long journey over there. It was pretty uneventfull at first only the random powernaps my friend had every minute made our trek come to a halt. When we got there (keep in mind this was the first time my friend or I had been there) we had to locate the hospital. At this point my friend could not see 5 meter in front of him since it was turning dark and he was pretty badly hurt. Fortunatly I had picked up a flashlight in a previous town and he managed to stick with me and follow the light. After sneaking past a bunch of zombies we make it up to a roof that I thought was the hospital. My plan was to have my friend wait up there while I moved around the town looking for bloodpacks. Luckily there was a bloodpack up on the roof and we both were very relieved and felt like the worst part was over. I spot the supermarket from the roof and we decided to go have a look since we had almost ran out of resources. We managed to sneak in there without alerting any zeds and start picking what we needed with a roadflare to light things up a bit. Suddenly things go bad real fast and someone fills the entire supermarket with led from an ak47 and I run to the back of the store while Seph hits the deck and manages to stay hidden in the front of the store. Somehow I manage to flank around the store and spot the bandit shooting us. I take aim and fire three shots with my m4a1 and he falls to the ground. As I move a bit closer to make sure he's dead a shot rings out and I eat the dirt. By the time I realise what is happening Seph has already located and opened fire on the bandit overlooking the supermarket from the hospital roof. As he is surpressing him with his winchester I crawl back into the store and curse myself for being stupid enough to blindly walk up to the person I shot instead of securing the area first. I tell Seph to get ready to run since this fight was greatly to our disadvantage. I put out the flare and we both rush out the backdoor into the darkness. One of the more exciting game experiances I've had in any game. This is just the first part of it aswell as it continued in the morning! :P I love this shit.
  10. I support 3rd person view. People that claim first person is more hardcore and realistic can fly a kite imo remove the croshair but keep third person. People with good soundcards and computer skills always turn up the audio and noises for specific things like footsteps and breathing so that they can pinpoint a person sneaking up on them anyway. Getting an unfair advantage so in my book being able to look around a corner is not as bad.
  11. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Just a heads up

  12. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Since this I pretty much only got arma 2 to be able to play this mod I havent been playing the vanilla game much. I have pretty much no idea what kind of equipment to expect out of arma 2 I would really feel a lot more comfortable playing and looting other players if there was a sticky thread on the forums with weapons that are currently in the mod. If a player comes across any weapon or equipment that feels suspicious one can just check the thread to see if its on the list. Just to avoid confusion and ''innocent'' people getting permaban. I would put up a list myself but as I said I have no idea what weapons are in the game
  13. Captain Kirk (DayZ)

    1.5.6 Barbed wire kits - Graphical Bug

    Aye this is happening to me aswell