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Everything posted by EBRAddict

  1. EBRAddict

    bike racing bandits

    Script kiddies are dickless neckbearded cranks.
  2. I got a bandit skin after shooting a player who had just shot at my friend with an Enfield. He had about 5 zombies chasing him my friend told me he was coming my way and I killed him. It was my first and only PVP with that spawn.
  3. EBRAddict


    I got served up an old page by CloudFlare from July 26, it was right after the 1 million player mark. There were 189,000 users in the last 24 hours that day. That's a decrease of 55% in less than a month and a half. It's a combination of boredom, reaction to hackers, back-to-school, private hives and the attitude of the devs.
  4. I was running from the beach as a respawn and player landed a helicopter near me and spawned a crate full of stuff and told me to get some gear. He offered to fly me wherever I wanted to go and told him, "what's the point I'm already kitted out now." So he spawned a Hilux and took off in the helicopter. I couldn't get in the Hilux though so I ran off into the woods. A couple hours later I was Thunderdomed. Easy come, easy go. That's what this game has come down to.
  5. EBRAddict

    No more zombies killed... *ever*

    You think it would throw an error but in a lot of systems that doesn't happen. More than likely it's just a "register" holding a value that gets incremented every so often and not updated every time a zombie gets killed.
  6. Haven't played in some time. I was tired of being hacked. Good to know 0_o.
  7. EBRAddict

    Les Stroud hacking on DE 1540

    Griefing with flair I guess.
  8. EBRAddict

    US1887 = Hacker server !!

    You saw him spawn it? What was his player name? Four helicopters needs air traffic control, add this to the build list, Rocket!
  9. EBRAddict

    US1887 = Hacker server !!

    You do know that there are helicopters in the game, right?
  10. EBRAddict

    Vehicle respawn times, please lower them.

    Consider the ratio of guns to vehicles in DayZ. It is very unbalanced. In any nation how many bicycles are you going to find versus how many guns? The ratio itself perpetuates the PVP in the game. It isn't simulator it's a death match game running under the guise of an apocalypse simulator.
  11. EBRAddict


    Rule #1: don't get attached to your gear.
  12. EBRAddict


    I was interested in setting up a server at a co-lo site but after seeing the grief here I decided it wasn't worth the $75/mo when I couldn't even ensure my buddies could play on it. If I pay for a server I expect a slot on it for my friends and I, or kick obvious hackers without proof "beyond a reasonable doubt."
  13. EBRAddict

    Tent Gone

    It may have been bears. Did you know bears live in the north woods? FYI when taking your new bride camping in the north woods, do not let her stuff biscotti into the bottom of your rolled-up sleeping bag for safe transport. A black bear might mistake you for a giant Honey-Nut Cheerio, rip your tent to shreds and scare the everlasting **** out of you at 2 a.m. in the wilderness.
  14. EBRAddict

    What is this.. lag, hacker ? Video

    Looks like he spawned right there. Probably server hopping.
  15. EBRAddict

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    The apocalypse happened, and it's survivors are trading kit on the internet. :lol: I bet by the time this product releases there will be in-game currency, private banks, reserve notes, exchange houses, and futures trading. I intend to take a cut of all the action. Muahahahaa!
  16. EBRAddict


    Same exact message/thing happened to me around 10:30pm EST. Got the "Welcome to Thunderdome" and everyone was placed in an area with high walls all around it, you couldn't get out. All gear removed. Then everyone got an AS50 and 1911 and everyone got killed or DC. I had just spawned on the beach. On another server I was running on flat level ground and then got -2500 blood, all bones broken, dead. Could be a glitch could be the hackers. Then later I was driving a truck trying to pick up some guys being horded, then a hacker teleported me to the beach with him but my gun was in my backpack. He spawned a helicopter he got in and told me to get in so wtf I got in because I'll never see one again. He flew around a bit then crashed. It has been an odd dayz and I'm out for the rest of it.
  17. EBRAddict

    Hackers on GB #126

    I can't read that. What do you think it says?
  18. EBRAddict

    Hackers are ruining the game

    The game's security isn't helped when the game and Battleye don't encrypt transactions between the game and the client. This shit isn't new... It's been going on since Battlefield 1942 and Counterstrike almost 10 years ago. It's due to the retarded game developers relying too much on client side filtering. World of Tanks is a great model, they don't transmit info where the game physics don't warrant.
  19. All I do is loot the northern map edge now. I found a V3S full of top end guns and gear. Drove it about 1.5km away. It's been there for a few days but eventually someone else will find it. Looting tent cities and vehicles stored on the northern edge of the map is far more productive than fighting it out in Stary or NWAF. I don't even have to leave to find food. Run out of tents to loot? Change servers.
  20. EBRAddict

    Anyone else feel that .50 cals....

    This is supposed to be in a former East Bloc nation. Why are there Barrett 50s and M4 everywhere? Advanced NVG? You would be very lucky to find a junk Romanian AK47 pattern rifle or M59 SKS if not stolen and sold from the armory by the defecting soldiers, but far more likely to find a variety of 22 cal and 20 ga single shot break action rifles and shotguns made by machine shops of questionable craftsmanship. Plus military ammo calibers and magazines are highly restricted. Plus getting *any* kind of optic on the AK platform is a pain in the ass with that side mount. I spent $150 to get a reliable mount so I could clean my Bulgarian Arsenal AK74 semi clone once in a while without worrying about losing zero. It's a crazy apparatus with a cam wheel way more complicated than the simple M1913 mounting platform used on NATO guns. The AK dust cover mounts are not repeatable zero. The biggest missing attribute about the military rifles in-game is that none have a bayonet. A bayonet would be a great close quarter tool against an infected. The Lee Enfield infantry rifles came with a HUGE bayonet, turning the rifle into a pike. From my limited time in game, too many high powered modern military rifles that wouldn't be around. One AS50 per map? OK. But I found one tent north of NWAF which had 3 AS50 and 7 DMR.
  21. EBRAddict

    Ultimate tent loot.

    On one server this morning I followed a ghillie wookie up into the wilderness north of the NWAF. After what seemed like 20 minutes of running after him at a distance I lost him in some woods. I circle around so I don't run into him... but I found his base. It was a tent city full of everything in the game. It had medical stuff I'd never seen before and a bunch of guns I didn't know were in the game. I was really tempted to grab one of the 10 NVG and 3 AS50 they had but I didn't know if it was hacked or not. I don't know if these guys are just duping or hacking but I wasn't going to take the chance. I ran back into the woods and hung around to see if the wookie came back but the server disconnected and it dumped my client back into the server browser so I didn't get the instance #. I think I'm going to scout out the edge of the map more often.
  22. I've got a decent core i7 workstation and a Windows 2008 R2 server license, and today I found a local co-lo provider where I can get 5TB/mo transfer. He's on metro E so he has good up/down bandwidth and about a 12ms ping from my house B). He's willing to put my workstation in a cage with a bunch of others for half what I can get a dedicated 3GHz Xeon rental anywhere. My question is will this workstation be enough (3.4GHz quad core, 8GB, 750MB 7200RPM HDD) and how long will I wait to get an instance ID? I don't want to pay for 1, 2, 3 months of fees waiting for an instance ID because the co-lo site will start billing me as soon as I drop off my hardware.
  23. You need to let others go into Stary or NWAF and kill them when they come out, and take their loot. Much safer than going in and dealing with server hoppers.
  24. I had to log out when I passed out driving a vehicle (low blood). The game kicked me out of the vehicle and then I collapsed and couldn't get up until I d/c and r/c. I finally gave up and re-spawned and hiked the 13,000m back to my body and loot.